Sadly this is the last chapter of my first ever fanfiction story I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enyjoyed writing it and I look forward to writing my sequel the summary of the new story will be at the end of this chapter. I would like to thank all of the people that reviewed and read this story, this story I think went well and the journey will continue and sorry you've had to put up with all my spelling mistakes and errors I will try and improve that for the following story.
Chapter 31 – A Year Gone
Over the next few weeks everything seemed to go normally Alex, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all studying hard for their up coming O., Mason would soon be restored back to his normal self everything was going well Alex had even made a full recovery. Alex sat at breakfast hanging over her bowl of now cold porridge, she was so exhausted, she had been studying and it had taken her all night fortunately the exam wasn't until the following morning so she still had time to get in some extra hours of studying and sleep.
"I told you, you should have started studying earlier in the year, like me" Hermione nagged, Alex knew this was true but at the time it didn't feel like a big deal, she wasn't even expecting to come back to Hogwarts for her sixth year but following from the owl she has received from her parents telling her that WizTech would not be re-opening any time soon she knew that her father would make her come here. Not that it was all bad, it had been much more exciting than any other school she'd been to but she did miss Harper. After all this thought Alex hadn't heard a single thing that Hermione had been saying to her, she was lost within her mind, distant.
"Are you even listening to me?" Came Hermione's annoyed voice, Alex inclined her head facing Hermione.
"Um-oh yeah." Alex shrugged turning back to her cold porridge and turning her nose up at it in disgust pushing it away. Max and Luna came to the Gryffindor table hand in hand. Alex stared at them Max had a girlfriend? Max of all people although she didn't know Luna very well she knew she was a bit on the weird side of things too, so maybe they were meant to be. Alex stared down at the floor noticing Luna wasn't wearing any shoes at all.
"Why aren't you wearing any shoes, you could hurt your feet." Alex gestured towards the floor at Luna's feet, Luna smiled glancing down at her feet and then back at Alex dreamily.
"All of my shoes have mysteriously disappeared, I suspected nargles are behind it." Luna responded dreamily as if in a daze.
"Would you like a Quibbler?" Luna asked setting down a magazine in front of Alex, Alex stared down at it for a moment glancing at her brother.
"You should read it Alex, it tells you all about Wrackspurts and Nargles and how to protect yourself from them." Max explained excitedly, Alex raised her eyebrow glancing at Hermione to help for an answer.
"Don't read it Alex The Quibbler's rubbish, everyone knows that." Hermione responded on behalf of Alex. Luna did not seem perturbed by Hermione's rudeness on the contrary, she simply watched her for a while.
"What's a Blibbering Humdinger?" Alex asked confused as she read the front page of the Quibbler.
"They're quite rare." Luna said in her dreamy state
"But people used to believe there were no such things" She continued, taking hold of Max's hand and skipping off out of the hall without another word. Alex and Hermione sat stunned. Alex soon after got up leaving her three friends while she went to go get some fresh air, she stepped out into the court yard breathing in the cool spring air of march. Being so far north and so secluded the air was much fresher than in New York, it was very refreshing Alex thought. She strolled slowly towards the dark forest watching as the leaves of the trees danced in the light breeze. As she approached the hut it seemed desolate, no sign of Mason of the half-giant Hagrid anywhere. Alex let out a sigh of frustration tonight was supposed to be the Blue Moon, the night of Mason's transformation he would back to his old self. She stood at the foot of the dark forest staring into the trees that seemed to have no end. She stepped further into the trees the sun light becoming weaker at every step she took further into the wild forest until it was dark, the trees so thick that the light didn't show through at all. She stared up into the high trees the leaves acting as an obtuse ceiling, there was always a quick glimpse of sun light as the leaves blew in the wind. Alex shivered realising that it was much cooler in the shaded area. A hand caught her arm lightly catching Alex off guard she almost jumped out of her skin soon staring into the face of her beloved Mason his warm eyes enticing her.
"You scared me," Alex breathed aghast, Mason continued smiling pulling her gently further into the forbidden forest.
"Where are you taking me?" Alex asked reluctantly allowing Mason to guide Alex through the muddy trail of fallen leaves and twigs. Mason didn't give her an answer compelling Alex to follow him closely. They seemed to have been walking for ages Alex started to fall behind finally sitting down on a fallen tree. Mason wheeled around walking back to Alex and kneeling beside her looking up into her brown orbs.
"It's not much further my love." He whispered putting on his charming British accent that Alex loved, making it hard for her to resist his words and accent bewitched her.
"What isn't far?" Alex asked primarily staring into Mason's beautiful alluring eyes and melting, she didn't think she'd be able to walk anymore not from being tired from walking so far but because her knees felt weak every time with Mason was like the first time.
"It's a surprise." Mason beamed tenderly. Alex frowned she hated surprises.
"You know I hate surprises." She scolded, she soon apologised discerning the hurt that had flashed in Masons eyes at her cold words.
"It's ok my love." He spoke softly taking hold of her hand and kissing it gently, getting to his feet. Alex gazed up into his eyes once more melting at the sight of them they mesmerised her. She stood up her legs once more turning to jelly but Mason was there to support her that was all she needed. He did this to her and she hated him for that but yet without him she would fall.
"Are we there yet?" Alex asked snaking her arms around as he lifted her onto his back.
"Not much further." Mason breathed excitedly, Alex looked around trying to see any sign of where he was taking her and what they were about to see but nothing stood out to her, the forest was still dark the tree's much thicker than before the circumference and radius of their trunks immense. Mason stopped allowing Alex to slip from his back down to the uneven muddy ground.
"Where are we?" Alex asked abruptly, Mason turned slowly pressing his finger to his lips indicating to Alex to be quiet, he beckoned her towards him, she lightly stepped forward trying as hard as possible to be silent as Mason had asked or at least suggested. Mason stepped forward pulling aside the branches obscuring their view, the view of the most beautiful sight Alex had ever seen. There laying along side one of the large tree trunks was a snow white unicorn with a silvery mane and tail cascaded along the dirty mudded ground. Alex gasped at the sight of a gleaming white foal, Alex watched in awe at the sight of the baby unicorn as it struggled to take it's first steps it stumbled clumsily tripping over its gaunt lanky legs.
"The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. He is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison." Mason whispered softly his words were beautiful but they were nothing to describe the foal and its predecessor.
"I've never seen anything so beautiful." Alex breathed unable to take her eyes away from pulchritudinous sight.
"I have." Mason beamed, Alex inclined her head abruptly towards him staring at him.
"What's that?" She asked curiously, Mason let out a small laugh still gazing at her.
"I'm looking at it." He smiled broadly Alex bit her lip turning behind her just to be sure that it was her.
"Oh you mean me." Alex laughed apprehensively, her knee's now really did buckle beneath her, Mason caught her smiling heroically at her.
"Maybe we should sit." Mason suggested audaciously Alex nodded her head in agreement her tongue tied she didn't know what to say she knew she wouldn't be able to say anything without stumbling over her words. Alex and Mason sat and watched the Unicorns for most of the day Alex eventually falling to sleep peacefully in Mason's strong arms her sanctuary.
She finally awoke the surroundings pitch black she was moving, being carried, Mason was bearing her like a princess and he was her prince charming she smiled up into his dark shadowed disfigured face soon it would be back to normal and he would be better. Mason hadn't noticed that Alex had woken up continuing to walk through the pitch black in silence his eyes focused straight before him treading tenderly through the winding trees being careful not to trip on any protruding roots that had been unearthed.
"Mason," Alex spoke softly resting her head onto his warm chiseled chest. Mason glanced down at his princess giving her a small smile through the dark.
"Yes?" He asked once more gazing into the dark.
"Do you miss being human?" Alex asked curiously, they had never discussed or touched on this topic, Mason let out a small cough clearing his throat.
"It's not much different." Mason replied
"But it does have it's advantages and disadvantages." Mason continued glancing down at Alex but not meeting her eyes.
"Like what?" Alex asked entwining her arms around his neck and gazing into his face, his eyes still not meeting hers.
"Well, I can be immortal…if I wasn't I would never have met you that's an advantage." Mason explained at this Alex frowned.
"You don't have to be immortal?" Alex questioned.
"No, I can choose to grow old if I want to." Mason laughed.
"As soon as I've found the one I choose to spend the rest of my life with." Mason continued now gazing into Alex's eyes, Alex thought she could see tears glistening in his eyes from the moon light shining through the gaps in the trees. Mason cleared his throat and Alex could feel a lump forming in her throat.
"I can hear high pitched noises, sometimes they drive me crazy." Mason explained Alex nodded.
"But I still feel quite human, my heart still beats." Mason beamed at this Alex rested her head once more listening to Mason's heart as it pulsed it was racing.
"Does it always beat that fast?" Alex giggled.
"Only when I'm around you." Mason answered smoothly Alex smiled at his words.
"Your does too." Mason teased smirking at Alex, Alex gasped.
"How do you know that?" She asked aghast at how he could possibly know.
"I can hear it." Mason smiled.
"Not only can I hear high pitch noises I can hear your heart beating." Mason explained continuing to smile.
"Well that's not fair." Alex retorted then giving Mason a wide grin. She leaned up towards him giving him a few small pecks on the lips.
"Your heart is hammering now, are you sure it's not going to burst from your chest?" Mason laughed then kissing Alex on the forehead. It was true Alex's heart was racing it always did when she was around him, she could feel her cheeks and ears beginning to burn from the embarrassment, fortunately because of the dark Mason couldn't see. Finally they appeared at the edge of the forest both gazing up at the lights gleaming down from the castle and the stars twinkling in the clear night sky. Mason set Alex down to her feet taking her head in his hands pressing his lips to hers, her hand snaking once more around his neck pushing her fingers through his soft thick hair, his hand linked around her waist pulling them closer. Reluctantly she pulled away for air gazing into his eyes.
"I have to go." She breathed taking in air rapidly, Mason nodded allowing Alex to leave she would be coming back later that night anyway so he would be almost human again.
"Where have you been?" Hermione exploded as Alex stepped through the portrait hole being caught be surprise.
"You've had me worried sick!" Hermione continued nagging on at Alex.
"You sound like my mom." Alex laughed but Hermione didn't stop being the mothering figure act placing her hands on her hips, Alex let out a laugh.
"I was with Mason." Alex answered shrugging.
"Oh," Hermione said excitedly sitting down beside her as if she wanted her hear the juicy details she had gone from mother figure to girl friend.
"What happened?" She asked staring at Alex excitedly, Harry and Ron rolled their eyes, and Harry especially did not want to hear the details. Alex explained about the Unicorns and the baby and what Mason had said and what he had done. Alex let out a sigh, a happy sigh she couldn't remember ever being happier with anyone in her whole life, Mason was her world, her everything.
"That's so sweet." Hermione breathed she couldn't help but feel a little bit jealous of Alex, she was so lucky to have someone like Mason in her life even with his condition.
"I think I'm going to throw up." Ron joked pretending to make a gagging motion covering his mouth with his hands, Harry laughed the boys both earned themselves glares from the two girls.
"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon." (I love that line in the movie so I had to put it in) Hermione scowled, Ron, Alex and Harry stared at her for a moment soon all bursting into fits of laughter.
The four made their way down to Hagrid's hut where Mason was waiting eagerly outside. Alex hugged him tightly as he warmed her from the cold night air in his embrace. Harry felt jealously boil in his blood but he knew that Mason was probably better for her, Harry had already got her into enough trouble as it was with Voldemort and her being possessed maybe Harry just wasn't destined for love at all.
"Ready?" Hermione asked excitedly, Mason braced himself taking and deep breath looking into Alex's eyes.
"Yes." He said finally stepping away from Alex and standing in front of Hermione.
"So what do I have to do?" He asked staring at Hermione as she opened a thick bound book wrapped in red leather. Hermione read the book aloud asking Mason to turn around and face the bright moon and removing the amulet from her coat pocket.
"It says you must rotate the amulet clockwise 20 times and then the same anti-clockwise." Hermione explained beginning to swing the amulet above her head, soon it had begun to glow red emitting a green vapour as she began to spin it making a high pitch whistling sound at every rotation. As soon as Hermione had finished the rotations she handed the amulet to Alex, Alex stared at her confused. Hermione continued reading explaining to Alex why she needed the amulet.
"The amulet must be placed around the neck of the lycan by the lycan's true love." Hermione read aloud, Alex took the amulet the green vapour trailing behind her placing it around Mason's neck she let the glowing pendant fall watching as it rested, glowing on his chiselled chest. Stepping away as she watched the green vapour surround him engulfing him.
"What's happening?" Alex asked her voice filled with concern, she could no longer see Mason through the green smoke.
"It's making the transformation." Hermione explained taking hold of Alex's arm and handing her the potion.
"As soon as the vapour clears he must drink the potion." Hermione continued. When the green deceased Mason stood his handsome self, Alex handed him blue potion, Mason took it plugging his nose and downing the potion in one large gulp. To Ron, Harry and Hermione he looked the same from the back while from the front where Alex stood she was confronted by her handsome prince.
"Did it work, do I look handsome?" Mason asked excitedly, raising his hands to his face and smoothing the smooth baby soft skin.
"Yes, but you always look handsome." Alex giggled wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her lips against his once more kissing passionately.
"Ugh get a room!" Ron groaned covering his eyes, Harry too was unable to look but only from envy of Mason not from disgust. Alex and Mason turned to laugh at Ron's words once more joining the group.
"Congratulations," Harry said stiffly his words seemed forced as he held out his hand to shake Masons.
"I can only thank you all," Mason beamed taking hold of Harry's hand shaking it, he then took hold of Ron's hand smiling at him.
"And you Hermione, where would we all be without you?" Mason laughed pulling her into a hug.
"You're welcome," Hermione replied blushing and returning a grateful smile.
Alex sat in the Great Hall staring at the back of Harry's head who was two seats in front of her, bent over writing answers on the parchment. Alex gulped looking down at her only half filled in parchment she felt as if she didn't know any magic at all, all she could do was sit and look around at the other students who's heads were bent over their work scratching answers onto the parchment. It was their final O.W.L test Charms, Alex shifted in her seat uncomfortably writing any random answer that seemed to be logical.
"That exam seemed really easy," Hermione announced brightly joining Ron, Harry and Alex heading outside to the grounds in the boiling sun, it was summer and the grounds were filled with students laying out by the lake.
"Speak for yourself," Ron mumbled, Hermione frowned.
"I'm going to fail," Ron moaned his face falling. Harry half laughed looking out over the lake.
"Promise you guys will write?" Hermione smiled wrapping her arms around Ron and Harry who both turned smiling at one another.
"Yeah every week," Harry replied sarcastically turning expectantly at Alex who was staring out across the lake.
"You'll write to won't you Alex?" Harry asked staring intently at Alex, Ron and Hermione nodded agreeing with Harry.
"Um sure," Alex replied giving them a small smile.
"You're not sure?" Harry question slightly hurt by the kind of rejection.
"Well, I'm not sure I'll be coming back to Hogwarts next year," Alex sighed turning to look up at the castle, it would be strange going home it was so different at Hogwarts, in a good way.
"You mean you might not be coming back next year?" Hermione repeated disappointment could be heard in her voice.
"Doesn't mean we can't write to one another," Harry added, he would be looking forward to receiving messages from Alex, Ron and Hermione it would be something to look forward better than been stuck at the Dursley's with not a scrap on news. Alex thought for a moment letters would take too long to arrive while emails were instant.
"I could email you." Alex replied Hermione and Harry exchanged glances while Ron looked confused.
"What's email?" He asked, Alex let out a laugh she had forgotten that he wouldn't have known about this sort of thing he didn't even know what a computer was.
"You can email me." Hermione responded handing Alex a piece of parchment with her email address on it, Hermione was the only one who owned a computer, the Dursley's would never allow Harry to have his own computer or to use Dudley's.
Alex accompanied Hermione, Ron and Harry as they went to board the Hogwarts Express back to London. Alex hugged each of her friends she would truly miss them over the summer and if she did come back to Hogwarts she would look forward to seeing them again. Alex watched as Max and Luna embraced in a hug Luna pulling away and kissing him gently on the cheek.
"I'm never going to wash this cheek again." Max breathed raising his hand to where Luna's lips had been not 2 seconds ago. Alex's face contorted in disgust.
"Max you don't wash anyway." Alex laughed. Justin also said his good-bye's to Hermione promising that he would write to her even though they might not see each other very often especially as he wouldn't be returning to Hogwarts the following year. After pulling her into a hug, and not a very affectionate one Alex thought Justin allowed Hermione to step onto the Hogwarts Express. The Russo's and Mason stood back watching and waving as it began to depart Alex continued to wave as the train rounded the corner out of sight. Taking hold of Mason's hand and smiling at Justin and Max disappearing from the Hogsmead platform.
To be continued...
Summary of the upcoming sequel please tell me what you think:
What makes someone good go so bad? Alex Russo learns the hardest battle she can face is within one's self, Will she make the right choices, join Alex and the trio on their quest to follow the right path.
The title I was thinking of calling it was 'Torn'
Please send a review letting me know what you would like to see in this sequel also send me a review telling me what your favourite part or chapter in this story was and why?
Thank you everyone for reading it really means a lot to me