Author: Lauren.

Rating: Rated T.

Character/Pairing: Serena Van der Woodsen, Chuck Bass, Chuck/Serena

Summary: Chuck/Serena. 'Of all the hotels and all the bars, you had to walk into this one.'

Disclaimer: Serena and Chuck belong to Cecily. And Josh. Kind of.

Author's Note: I wrote this a while ago, when I was going through a CS phase and I thought I'd post it just to show you guys, I guess. Hope you enjoy.

Draining the last dregs from her martini glass, Serena Van Der Woodsen ran a hand through the crown of her already mussed silvery blonde hair and her rosebud lips pulled together to murmur "Another."

On a breeze of New York winter air and a whiff of sweet smelling cologne, Chuck Bass wafted into the Palace bar, spotting her within seconds. Slumped slightly over the bar, her legs curled around the stool, her expensive looking jacket sprawled across the seat to her left, Serena sat alone. Even in her dishevelled state, she was breathtaking.

"I'm going to have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is serving minors," he sat down, resting his elbow leisurely on the bar.

"And if you get a drink, they're also serving pigs," the words and come backs slipped out of their mouths without even having to think about it, this was their routine. "What are you doing here?"

"Bart owns this hotel," he replied simply, sipping his Scotch, the ice inside tinkling musically against the glass.

"I know that," she muttered "Of all the hotels and all the bars, you had to walk into this one."

He turned to watch her for a second, the way her mascara was smudged around the perimeter of her eyes, the scrunched up tissue on the bar that held traces of lipstick on the edges. "What are you doing here?" he repeated her earlier question.

She raised her glass and smiled curtly "Drinking?"

"I see that," he tilted his head to one side inquisitively "Alone?"

"I prefer to drink alone," she responded darkly, letting the alcohol slide down her throat and chasing it with the olive that had been marinating in her drink.

"Does Lily know you're here?"

She narrowed her eyes "Does Blair know you tried to fuck Jenny last week?"

His expression remained ambivalent "Blair and I have nothing to do with each other anymore."

She nodded, rolling her huge navy blue eyes "Use and discard, right?"

"Blair's a big girl, she knew what she was getting into," he surveyed her "And since when did I ever 'try' to fuck someone and not succeed?"

"You haven't fucked me."


Her head rotated one hundred and eighty degrees to look at him "If you did sleep with Jenny then you're even more of a pervert than I thought you were."

"And if I didn't then my credibility as a womaniser will plummet," he sighed resignedly, but she could tell it was put on "Don't you just hate lose lose situations."

She shook her head disbelievingly "You're disgusting."

"And you're delicious," he shot back "Shall we continue our discussion in my suite?"

Flicking her elbow length hair over her shoulder and clouding Chuck in the smell of her fruity shampoo, Serena leant in close to his face "Go fuck yourself," and within seconds she had doused Chuck's crotch with the remains of her drink. He smiled, picked up a napkin and began to dab at his trousers as she swept out of the bar.