The hot desert sun followed Samantha Forster everywhere. Even at Sunset, it was still fiery. Only after the sun set, did it finally get cool. Sam wiped her hand across her forehead, hoping she wasn't sweating that much. But she knew she was. She was cleaning out the horses stalls, which was dreaded work. But she did it without complaints, especially since money was tight at River Bend Ranch.

"SAMMY!" She heard her name. Sam looked up to see Quinn Ely, Jake's older brother. She rolled her eyes at her hated nickname. Quinn looked almost exactly like Jake, except older. And his brown eyes didn't have that amazing sparkle at times, or the intense look of mustang eyes that Jake has, that fits way to well with his personality, and…Stop it, Sam thought. She couldn't think about him this way. Especially after what happened after the graduation party. She shook her head, trying to get the awful memory out of her head.

"Hey, Quinn," She said, giving him a slight smile. She wiped her face again. "What's up?"

Quinn grinned back and said, "Not much. I can't wait to get back to college. You know, my mom is really annoying these days." Then after pretending to think he added, "Actually she was always annoying, really."

Sam laughed. Maxine Ely, was actually a really nice person. Just had a little habit of talking fast, and all the time. Quinn, who was a junior in college, came home to visit a lot. Even though he always regretted it. Jake, who was a freshman in college, hardly ever came home. Just sometimes, if his mom had a new horse for him to train. Sam was a sophomore in high school.

"No! I meant what are you doing here? At River Bend?" She said, laughing a little.

"Oh," Quinn said, "Um actually… I was wondering if you wanted to go to Clara's with me tomorrow night. Like, um, on a, um…date. If that's okay with you, I mean. Which is what I'm asking? I mean um.." Quinn stammered.

Sam took a teeny tiny step back. A date, Sam thought, with Quinn. Quinn as in Jake's brother. Jake, as in the love of my life. She wanted to tell him no. That she was busy, or anything really.

But she didn't.

"Sure!" Sam said, regretting it as soon as it came out of her mouth. "What time tomorrow?"

"Really?"Quinn asked. "Okay, tomorrow at five?"

Sam nodded, her long curly hair, bouncing. She had to forget Jake, somehow. And this would help her.

"Oh, and Sam?" Quinn asked. Sam nodded her head, telling him to talk.

"There was also something else my mom wanted me to tell you. There's a party at my house tonight…. Because….Because…"

"Because, of what?" Sam asked impatiently, even though she was afraid she already knew the answer.

"Because Jake, um…. He's coming home. At least for about two weeks. He has a vacation from his college."

Jake, Sam thought, Oh God no. No, no, no, no. Not Jake. Not here.

"Jake…Jake is home." Sam said, saying it like a statement instead of a question. "When?"

Sam flushed red. Quinn looked at her questionably.

"Tonight. At maybe six. It's one now." He said, seeing me check my watch. "Sorry I didn't tell you before. But I have to get home to help with the chores."

Sam didn't even hear him. She felt her eyes become so fuzzy, she could hardly see.

"Are you okay, Sam? You're really pale. Sam?" She nodded, and could barely hear him walk away, shaking his head.

Sam ran toward Ace's stall. He looked at her like, hello, where is my apple?

"Sorry, boy." Sam barely whispered. He seemed to understand. He towered over the door, making sure nobody could come in or else he would probably bite them. Ace was normally very polite, except when something happened to his owner. She walked to the corner of his stall and sat leaning against the side of the wall. She pulled her knees to her chest, and leaned her head against the wall. She closed her eyes.

And the memories came flooding back.

Whether she wanted them to, or not.