Disclaimer: - I DO NOT OWN Pokemon or THE SONG LYRICS 'COMPLICATED', BY Carolyn Dawn Jhonson.

Authors notes and shout outs: - This was a challenge set by Misty Wildfire. Sorry its so late ^^; lol

This chapter is dedicated to Evil Zarrah, Happy Birthday Z ^_^

Wa! My first fic under the penname Angelstars…oh I admit A*MON is jealous ^^;

Why is it so complicated?

1.1 By Angelstars


I'm so scared that the way I feel,

Is written all over my face,

When you walk into the room, I wanna find a hiding place,

We used to laugh, we used to hug,

The way that old friends do,

But now a smile and a touch of your hand,

Just makes me come unglued,

It's such a contradiction; do I lie or tell the truth?

Is it fact or fiction the way I feel for you?

It's so complicated; I'm so frustrated,

I wanna hold you close; I wanna push you away,

I wanna make you go, I wanna make you stay,

Should I say it? Should I tell you how I feel?

Oh, I want you to know,

But then again I don't,

It's so complicated.

Just when I think I'm under control,

I think I finally got a grip,

Another friend tells me that,

My name is always on your lips,

They say I'm more than just a friend,

They say I must be blind,

Well I admit I've seen you watch me,

From the corner of your eye,

Oh, it's so confusing I wish you'd just confess,

But think of what I'd be losing,

If your answer wasn't yes?

I hate it 'cause I've waited so long for you,

Should I say it?

Should I tell you how I feel?

Oh, I want you to know,

But then again I don't,

It's so complicated. ~ Carolyn Dawn Jhonson


Ash –16 – Misty – 17 – Brock – 19


Chapter One: I miss the way we were, but I wish we had more.


The wind blew lightly around the teenage girl, who sat at an open window, staring up into the darkness of the night. Her long red hair danced along with the wind's soft rhythmic breeze. Her aqua coloured eyes shimmered with soft tears, as she remembered all the fun and joys of her early childhood. She longed to have those carefree times that once devoured her life, back once more. The thought of her long-term best friend brought a smile onto her pale face. She would always remember the good times she shared with him as well as the bad. As the wind blew around the room, whistling into her ears, she closed her eyes and let the memories flow freely from the deepest parts of her mind and soul.

She remembered the day clearly. It was supposed to be the best day of her life, but turned out to be the worst…

~FLASHBACK~ the night before:


Ash, Misty, Brock, and the Pokèmon were staying at the Pokèmon centre in Goldenrod for a few days before moving on, to the next town.

The day after they had arrived, Misty and Ash had been together alone the whole day. Brocks had other things to attend to, and left the two of them to fend for themselves. Not one of them fought that day, and Misty really enjoyed having Ash's company. They had decided to leave both Pikachu and Togepi at the day care centre and spend the day at the mall. Ash was the perfect gentleman, which surprised her, and even bought her lunch and dinner. Yes, she really did enjoy talking and spending time with Ash.

Especially alone.

You see… Misty has been in love with Mr Pokèmon Master wannabe/best friend from a very young age. Besides, spending the day with the one, you have true feelings for and making it through with out one single argument was an achievement for both of the young teens.

The evening went well too. Curfew was nearing and they both knew it was time to head back to the Pokèmon centre. Ash, absent minded, slipped his hand into hers and led her back to the centre. With no signs of regret, Misty took this as a good sign. She always dreamed he would treat her specially and take her out.

Once they reached the Pokèmon centre, Ash opened the door for her and let her go in first. She nodded her head and blushed, "Thank you"

"My pleasure" Ash smiled warmly and followed her into the centre.

Both young teens made it up to the rooms in which they were staying. Misty could feel the Butterfree's churn when she realised Ash was leading her right up to her room. 'Ash is definitely acting strange today, but I don't care. I like it. Oh, we're at my door already… OK, why is he staring? Say something now!'

"Thank you, Ash. I really enjoyed myself." Misty spoke in a soft voice, trying not to make eye contact, but failing miserably.

Ash continued to stare back into Misty's enchanting aqua-coloured eyes before replying with one of his famous lop-sided smiles. "I really enjoyed it too, Mist. I hope we can do it again some other time."

Misty was surprised, she had never seen this side of Ash before. Staring into each other's eyes, they didn't notice how close they were to each other.

Misty, who was the first to break the 'moment', found herself saying a simple goodnight and entering her room. 'I cannot believe you just done that! He…I…we…Errrrhrrr!' she screamed inside her head.

Ash stood there and watched the door close. 'OK, what just happened there? Did I do something wrong?' Sighing, he turned and made his way back to his room.

With one single thought in his mind. 'She doesn't feel the same'


Earlier the morning after the night before:

Misty was in her room at the centre, getting ready for breakfast. She was planning to have a talk' with Ash today. After yesterday, she had a lot more confidence to let Ash know of her feelings toward him.

"Today's the day, Togepi! I have decided to tell, Ash, everything!" Misty confidently told her baby egg-type Pokèmon.

Togepi looked up at its mother and trilled happily, not really understanding what she meant by 'everything'.

Misty finished getting dressed, scoped up Togepi, and made her way out of her room to the centres food hall.

She entered the food hall and spotted Brock at the far end of the room. She sighed when she noticed what he was doing. "Brock…" she hissed through clenched teeth. Brock's face was beet red, his lips puckered, and making kissing noises at the young looking Nurse Joy serving breakfast to the other trainers.

Misty loved Brock dearly as a friend/older brother, but he had this very embarrassing, teenage-uncontrollable problem, hormones. When ever he would see a 'beautiful girl' he would go gaga, and it drove Misty insane.

"Brock, stop it! You're embarrassing me!" she raised her voice, and grabbed his ear pulling him away from Nurse Joy's view. "BROCK!"

Brock snapped out of his 'fantasy' when he heard Misty's annoyed voice call him. "Misty, I didn't notice you walk in" he said weakly.

"You didn't notice, Brock, because you were to busy fantasising about Nurse Joy!"

"Nurse Joy…" Brock sighed suddenly, turning beet red once more.

Misty, who didn't have the patience at that moment, pounded him upside the head. "Brock! Will you listen to me…" she sighed and continued, as Brock nodded his head repeatedly. "Have you seen Ash today? I…um…want to talk to him about something…" she stammered a bit.

"Umm…Ash? Yeah, he said he would be up in a little while. Why?"

"Oh…no reason…" Misty chuckled nervously.


After Brock had stopped embarrassing her, Misty managed to convince him to look after Togepi, while she did some things. Agreeing, he took Togepi into his arms and walked back into the centre's main reception area.

She rolled her eyes when she heard a girl squeal with delight and Brock's voice bragging about the young Pokèmon in his arms.

Nervously, she made her way back up to their rooms. 'This is it, Misty, don't screw this up' she thought as she lifted her shaky hand to knock on Ash's door.


It's so complicated; I'm so frustrated,

I wanna hold you close; I wanna push you away,

I wanna make you go, I wanna make you stay,

Should I say it? Should I tell you how I feel?

Oh, I want you to know,

But then again I don't,

It's so complicated.



"Ash?" she called in a hushed voice. Receiving a slight grunt, she then realised he was probably only just waking up. Smiling she opened the door and entered the room. "Ash…wake up!"

Ash groaned again, "Misty…let me sleep some more…"


"Ash Ketchum! Get up now!"

If that didn't wake Ash, it sure did wake Pikachu, who was now very irate.


"Waaaaaa…Pikachuuu!" Ash cried as Pikachu gladly shocked him.

Misty giggled when Pikachu finally stopped and curled back into a ball on Ash's pillow and went back to sleep. Ash was half way out of bed and on the floor charred and smoking.

"Ash, come on. Get up, please."

Recovering from Pikachu's little wake up call, he glared at the snickering redhead in front of him. "Mist, that was not funny! Stop laughing!" he pouted.

"Oh, Ash, I'm sorry." Misty apologised, remembering not to start another argument.


For a few minutes an awkward silence filled the room.

'Just act normal, Ash. She made it clear last night, she's not interested.'

'You can do this…you can do this…stay calm…you can do this…'

"Misty, about last night /Ash, about last night."

Both blushing, they diverted their eyes to the ground. Nervously, Ash was the first to speak.

"Mist, I…umm…I…" was all he could manage to muster in the end.

Misty listened to Ash's stuttering and decided to interrupt, before she chickened out. "Ash, I have…umm…something to…umm…tell you…"

'This is it, she's gonna tell me. She's trying to tell me she's not interested. Quickly say something Ketchum' Ash panicked inwardly.

"Misty, you don't have to say anything. I…I understand completely."

Misty looked up in surprise. 'What?'

"Y-you do?" she gulped.

Ash nodded slowly and lifted his head.

"So/So" they said together.


Once again filled the room.

Misty stood in front of Ash awkwardly.

'it's to quiet…'

'it's way to quiet…'


Laughing slightly, they both stood in front of each other, staring into each others eyes.

Ash was getting lost in the oceans of the deepest seas. While Misty was reaching nearer to his face.

She tiptoed, leaned into him, and touched his lips with hers. The kiss was a simple peak, but felt so good.

Ash stood with his eyes wide, when he felt her brush past his lips. 'She just kissed me…Misty just kissed me…'

As soon as Misty noticed the look on his face, she knew, it was a mistake. 'Oh my god…he…oh no…what have I done?'

Ash still had not responded and stood there frozen to the spot.

"Ash…I'm so sorry…I didn't mean…umm…sorry…it was just a thank you…it didn't mean anything…K?" she stuttered, trying to make up an excuse he would fall for.

Ash broke out of his thoughts, when he heard her say 'it didn't mean anything, K?'

Chuckling, he spoke up. "Oh…yeah, thanks for last night. That's Okay."

'It was a thank you kiss, Ketchum. Nothing more. She doesn't feel the same.'

'That was close…I nearly blew it. Well, at least you know now. He doesn't feel the same.'


I'm so scared that the way I feel,

Is written all over my face,

When you walk into the room, I wanna find a hiding place,

We used to laugh, we used to hug,

The way that old friends do,

But now a smile and a touch of your hand,

Just makes me come unglued,

It's such a contradiction; do I lie or tell the truth?

Is it fact or fiction the way I feel for you?




She closed her eyes to try to block out the vision, but she could only see his face. Shutting off all memories of her secret love that will never know the truth, she sobbed into her hands.


Just when I think I'm under control,

I think I finally got a grip,

Another friend tells me that,

My name is always on your lips,

They say I'm more than just a friend,

They say I must be blind,

Well I admit I've seen you watch me,

From the corner of your eye,

Oh, it's so confusing I wish you'd just confess,

But think of what I'd be losing,

If your answer wasn't yes?


Ash sighed again for the hundredth time that morning. Brock was staring at the younger teen in the chair across from him in utter confusion.

"Okay, did something happen the other day, when I left you and Misty alone?" Brock asked, emphasising the last word.

Ash looked up at Brock and smiled. "Everything went perfect, Brock. Believe it or not, we didn't argue at all."

"Yeah right…" Brock snorted back. Mumbling under his breath as he lifted up the 'Pokèmon Breeders Weekly' magazine and started to read it.

Ash lowered his head and continued on with his thoughts.

After another 15 minutes of silence and still no sign of Misty, Brock drew even more concerned. "Okay, Ash, spill it. What has happened? And I want the whole story."

Ash looked up and nodded, "Yesterday, after you left, I took her out. I mean, I paid for our meals and took her shopping and everything. I walked her back to the Pokèmon centre, then to her room…and…then…um…she thanked me…then I…kind of…well, tried to k-kiss her, but she…make a long story short, she left in a hurry. I never got to kiss her and then this morning, she kissed me and told me it meant nothing, it was just a thank you."

"So, what has this got to do with your moping?" Brock asked, knowing all to well the answer to that.

Ash was taken aback, he wasn't expecting that question. "Well, I…it's because…you see…it's like this, I like her more than just friends." He managed to eventually stutter the answer.

Brock's smile on his face grew larger. "Well now, this piece of news is surprising. Hey Pikachu, did ya hear?" he asked the yellow rodent sarcastically.

Ash narrowed his eyes and glared at them.

"Sorry, Ash…it's just that's not BIG news to us. You and Misty are way to obvious."

"Wait a minute, Misty and I are way to obvious?"

"Well, yeah, Ash. I mean, you don't honestly believe that Misty would kiss you as a way of thanking you, do you?"

"Huh, well…no…I mean…umm…" Ash answered, feeling even more puzzled than before.

"Come on, Misty has never done this before. Think about this Ash. Misty does not just thank you with a kiss!"

"But, Brock, she said it meant nothing. And what about the other night?" Ash fought back.

"Ash, haven't you noticed the way she looks at you, how upset she gets when you're hurt, how she always sticks by you and saves your behind when you're in trouble? Need I go on?"

Ash thought for a moment. 'I do notice her staring at me from the corner of my eye sometimes and she always turns away and blushes when I look back. Why is this so complicated? '

"What if you're wrong, Brock? What if she really doesn't have feelings for me? Think what I would be losing if I tell her mine? Ash sighed softly. "No, I'm not going to risk my friendship I have with her. She's way to important to me. Look, forget I ever mentioned this."

Brock and Pikachu simply nodded and sighed. Ash lowered his head and continued to moan and slouch in his seat, patiently waiting for Misty to immerge from her room.


Meanwhile an open window swung back and fore in an empty room, where once a redheaded beauty had shed tears and reminisce on memories past of a time when her life was good, and had meaning.


To Be Continued?


Yes question mark, cause I have no idea if this will be any good. ^^

If you like then give me a clue (review) and I will consider finishing this some time before the next Millennium ^^

Angelstars (aka) A*MON

Many thanks and shout outs go to:

Zarrah - B-day girl on Monday ^_~

Misty Blue - cause she is very MEAN ^^ chuckle

Classic Cowboy - Who continues on at me for being a slacker

Fusionblaster - cause he's as bad as CC ^^

Neongene - again no comment on these three guys - all of them are just pains in the rear

Lastly Fi, cause this was her challenge and all credit goes to her ^^