Prisoner 826

:admitted to William Striker's Penitentiary and Correction Facility for Mutants August 16, 2005.

Power: Absorption

Level: Unknown

Name: Unknown

Origin of Birth: Unknown

"It was lucky that we got to her first. We need to add her DNA to the pool."

"Yes Sir." The doctor nodded her high heels' noise fading into the distance.

"It's strange. How can one mutant be able to absorb the rest? What if she can permanently absorb and use the rest of our powers Striker?"

"Don't worry she'll be dead long before then Zero. Did we get the boy?"

"No sir. A Professor by the name of Charles Xavier got to him before we could do anything."

"Xavier you say."

"Yes sir."

"I've … heard of him."

"I'll have the doctors get started right away. You know that Magneto wants her as well as the mutants named Sinister and Apocalypse as well as team HYDRA, the MRD, not to mention our own government."

"What they don't know won't hurt them." Striker said looking through the bars of the prison cell at its occupant. Then the sounds of snarls and a man cursing in French came down the hall.

"Oh not him again. Please let me shoot him Striker."

"Not yet old friend."

They both watched as Sabertooth drug the freshly scarred Cajun down the hall.

"Trying to leave us again are you ?"

"Better anywhere than here wit ya!"

"Is that so Mr. Lebeau? Well how about we give you a new best friend hmm?" Striker asked him. Between Zero smiling and Sabertooth snarling Gambit had a feeling that whatever he had planned he was not going to like.

"Prisoner 777 meet Prisoner 826."

"Wait put me down … oww… stop that!" Gambit hissed at the men unable to get free due to the power limiter on his neck that Sabertooth was oh so kind to reinstill uon him.

"Oh and a word to the wise; Don't touch her, it's dangerous hahahaha."

"I'll get outta here."

"Oh I don't think so. The next time you break free I'll send Zero after you and I won't tell him to miss on purpose this time."