Hey there everybody, this is my sequel to the previous story "Finding Daddy" and I've decided to name it "Sentimental things and all that kind of fluff". From the title, you can obviously tell it is more of a relationship thing between lovers, family members, friends and so on but less adventure or action. By the way, I' m trying a new setting on paragraphing after receiving reviews about the problem. Anyways, hope you like this new one and give me ideas on how to continue the story.

"Dad and Mom, you know what, Sabrina is dating someone!"

"Who?" The parents asked in unison.


If it hadn't been for her parents presence, Sabrina would have considered strangling Daphne to death or commit suicide herself. Did Daphne even think before she blurted out the truth when everyone who had a brain would know that her father would definitely make a big fuss out of this simple crap just because she was dating at her age or even worse, with an Everafter! As she anticipated, Henry Grimm rose from the sofa so suddenly that he knocked down a few books.

"PUCK!" he shouted.

However, Puck was nowhere to be seen and Sabrina did not even notice that. How dare he dump her alone to deal with her father when he would certainly blow off like a volcano at anytime.

"That's the reason why I've always been against you two girls dating with Everafters, they're such wuss when they sense trouble just like Puck now is!"

Henry spoke loud enough for the whole house to listen while emphasizing the last words. The mocking effect from her father's words worked just fine for someone as egoistical as Puck and not before long, the buzzing sound of those big wings of his flapping filled the room.


"Uh oh, this is going bad and WWIII is definitely going to start off this instant!" Sabrina thought, pulling Daphne aside.

It was not possible for it to stop as there's no way anyone could talk some sense into them. Sabrina turned to her mother seeking for help but Veronica did not even wince but just sat on the couch as if the only way the two could solve their disputes were to have a big fight. Without being provided any help, Sabrina decided that maybe watching a war would be a wiser choice than to be involved in one, so she pulled Daphne to the couch to sit and watch.

"My daughter is only 13 and does not need an additional person in her life... sorry, not a person but an EVERAFTER! " Henry Grimm shouted while turning over the kitchen, trying to find a rolling pin as his weapon.

"I'm not 13 but 15, father. And by the way if you wouldn't mind, I've gave up my first kiss to him when i was 13!" Sabrina yelled.

She hated constantly reminding her parents for the fact that they had disappeared from her life for a total of 2 years and she had definitely grown up way more mature for her age. However, she immediately regretted those words coming out from her mouth... she had not meant to say so, but it just slipped... she had not intently tried to put the blame of all this mess on her father but sometimes he was such a pain in the ass when being too protective. Seeming to realize what Sabrina had just said, both Puck and Henry dropped their weapons to turn and look at her.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been by Daphne's and your side for two years but I'm now trying to compensate it by protecting you from any possible danger. If you don't need it, just tell me bluntly and never try to humiliate me with those words ever again." Henry said quietly, and stomped his way upstairs and back to his room.

"Dad, I'm sorry but I didn't mean to imply anything..." Sabrina cried out, waiting for a reply but all she got was a door slamming shut as an answer.

Tears were building up and trying to push their way through Sabrina's eyes, but the girl fought back fiercely, not wishing to show a hint of weakness. She just couldn't figure out why things did not turn out normal and simple, why they must be complicated and why couldn't she be vulnerable for just once? Meanwhile, Puck was dumb-stricken. On one hand, he was happy that Sabrina stood up for him and chose him over her dad; on the other hand, he felt a sense of guilt growing in his chest for screwing up Sabrina and Henry's already crappy relationship. To show his support, Puck pulled out his arms to wrap around Sabrina but she just shook him off and ran back to her room. Puck tried to chase after her but was stopped.

"Puck, there's nothing you can do. Henry is stubborn and so is Sabrina. They are the only one who could solve the problem. Just try to be patient." Veronica said, patting Puck's shoulders to reassure him.

Puck hated to be patient, and especially, told to be patient. It was never in his vibe, not even a teensy bit, to be patient. But what could he do? All he could possibly do was to wait.

In the middle of the night when everyone was asleep, Sabrina put on her clothes, took a torch and slipped out of her bedroom which she still shared with her sister. Normally, she wouldn't bother to shut the door quietly with Daphne being able to sleep through WWIII. But this time was different, no one should find out she had left, this time it was a secret.

It is not as mysterious as it seems to be so don't have complicated thoughts LOL I'm sorry if the next update would be a week from now for I have to finish my summer vacation homework to truly focus on writing. Just don't forget to review!