Thanks to everyone who faved/reviewed. It means so much to me. Knowing that someone out there likes what I write is... it's amazing. Thank you so much.

ThIs chapter is a little...different. Because Yusuf doesn't exactly fit into the circle of hatred... so what does he have to say? Hmm...


They were one hell of a team, that's for sure.

Ariadne, with her open mind and endless enthusiasm. She never ceased to put a smile on Yusuf's face; her very presence brightened the entire warehouse. And the dream-worlds she created were, simply put, magnificent. Her visions were original and unique- she could put many well-known architects to shame.

Cobb, with his steady persistence and determination. He was the man who held the group together; the man they turned to in times of trouble or uncertainty. Yusuf was very grateful, knowing that he was working for one of the greatest extractors known to man. And the fact that Cobb had chosen him personally? Amazing beyond belief.

Eames, with his constant humor and easy-going attitude. Yusuf could always rely on him for a good laugh when the job started to become stressful. A quick conversation with the forger guaranteed jokes and merriment. Plus, Eames knew all the good pubs in town, often bringing him along for a quick drink after work.

And Arthur, with his amazing intellect and understanding. His thorough study of their victim and their case really helped tie the whole mission together. Arthur's complete dedication to his work was admirable. Yusuf knew that, if anything happened to go wrong, the point man would have a plan B, a plan C, a plan D. They all depended on him for safety.

They helped one another, through thick and thin, through good times and bad. They learned to love their differences, to accept them for who they were. They cared about each other.

They were a family.

And Yusuf loved being a part of it.

Yup. Yusuf loved the qualities about everyone that everyone else hated. Yeahhh... I made him weird like that. Haha...

I hoped you liked it! Review and tell me what was your favorite/least favorite part of the story, and tell me what I can improve on...

OOH! and don't forget to check out 'Intervention'! It's the result of the poll on my profile!

Thanks for reading,