Since I'm new I will accept no flames

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO OR DARKSIDERS –grumbles about lawyers and stupid copyrights-

Fox of War: Prologue

"When the seventh seal is broken four horse men shall ride out to punish the wicked be they lords of heaven, sons of man, or the dregs of hell."

These words echoed through the mind of War, once the strongest of the Four Horsemen now sentenced to exile. Atop his steed Ruin he rode across the charred and broken remains of the Earth.

Meanwhile in Konoha….

A small boy, around five years old, was running for his life from a mob thinking, 'why do they hate me'. As a random villager would shout "Die demon." "You'll pay for attacking our village." The boy known as Naruto Uzumaki turned down an alley to avoid the mob but he realized all too late it was a dead end. But for some reason the mob kept running past the alley and out of sight of the boy. Naruto hesitantly walked to the mouth of the alley, but at the moment he exited the alley a kunai hit him in arm, followed by a shuriken to chest.

"I will finish what the Yondaime started," said a sadistically grinning chunin as he reached into a pouch on his right leg. Naruto sat there shaking,dying from blood loss and desperate;y trying to get the shuriken and kunai out of chest and arm as the chunin grabbed a kunai and charged forward.

With War...

War's head snapped up as he grimaced in disgust. Forcing Ruin to a charge he went to Vulgrim, the merchant demon, and used a Serpent hole.

With Naruto….

Naruto sat there his eyes closed as the chunin charged waiting for the kunai to pierce his skin and kill him, but the feeling of metal piercing flesh didn't come instead it was replaced with the sound of metal on metal. Naruto slowly opened his eyes and saw a giant in black clothes with a giant sword that looked like it had faces screaming in pain.

"Do you know who your protecting your protecting a demon," shouted the chunin at the giant.

"I have fought many demons this boy is no demon," the giant said with a voice that spoke of countless battles fought, but also had a calm air about it. A loud thunderous crack was heard and the chunin fell over with blood coming from a wound in his stomach. It was then the mob returned but a loud voice was heard.

"Enough," shouted Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage, followed by a squad of ANBU, "ANBU arrest these villagers and send them to Ibiki."

The villager's cries of pain could be heard into the coming dawn. Meanwhile, Sarutobi looked at this strange man, he wore and armor that seemed to suck the light into a black abyss, he had no eyes but this didn't bother the stranger, his hair was a whitish-purple, he had bronzed skin, and a strange mark that looked like a upside U with three lines going through it with the longest going down the middle of the U shaped scar.

"Am I to assume u control this village," asked the strange man in a calm voice that dripped with knowledge.

"Yes, now please sir if you would come with me," said Sarutobi before turning to the ANBU, "Take Naruto to the hospital."

"Hai Hokage-sama," answered the ANBU as one grabbed Naruto and disappeared in a swirl of leaves. The Hokage, followed by the stranger. The Hokage then closed the door and locked it then used a sound-suppression jutsu on the room.

"Why did you protect Naruto," asked the Sandaime Hokage in a somewhat curious tone.

"A mob of full grown adults armed with weapons against a small defenseless boy is not honorable," the giant stated simply.

"You have my thanks stranger not many would have stood against that mob for Naruto," said the Sandaime Hokage.

"When use the name Naruto does you speak of the boy," asked the stranger in a tone that held a hint of curiosity. "Yes that boy has seen more hardship than anyone person should be entitled to," stated the Hokage in a somewhat disgusted tone.

"Why," asked the stranger. "I'm not at liberty to discuss that," the Hokage stated simply.

"Usually it's considered polite to tell someone your name," said the Hokage. The figured merely scoffed and answered, "All those who wage war know my name."

The old man merely nodded at this in understanding "Alright War may I ask one favor?" (A/N: funny never thought the third would ask a favor)

"That would depend on the favor," War stated simply as he waited to hear what the Third's favor was.

"Please train Naruto and bring him back for his Genin Exam," asked Sarutobi.

"You would ask someone who you do not know to train that boy," War asked with a tone that hinted at surprise. Sarutobi simply nodded.

"From what little I saw you protected young Naruto inspite of not knowing him."

At the hospital with Naruto…

Naruto's Mindscape

Naruto was in a strange place it looked like a sewer dark, disgusting, and wet.

"Come, Come," a strange voice whispered to Naruto and doing what any curious five year old would do he went to investigate. When he finally found where the voice was coming from he was in front of a large cage with a piece of paper that said 'SEAL' on it.

"So this is my jailer," growled the mysterious voice on the other side of the cage before a set of claws slammed into the bars, "PATHETIC!"

Naruto looked in fear as two blood red eyes looked at him through the bars with the only other feature to see was a row of teeth set into a malicious smile. "Who…who are you," asked the young boy in complete fear.

"I am the Kyubi no Kitsune strongest of all the Biju," the Kyubi said with the pride in his voice not even being hidden before he glared at Naruto.

In the real world…

The Sandaime Hokage and War had arrived at Naruto's hospital room when War sensed something wrong but not letting anything show until he got in the room. Finally looking at Naruto and letting a slight glare cross his features, before putting his hand on Naruto's head and entering his mind.

Back in his mindscape…

Right as Kyubi was about to make another lunge at Naruto with his claws the stranger from before appeared.

"Hello Kyubi," the stranger stated simply as he stared unflinchingly at the Kyubi, which then tried to retreat to the back of his cage in fear.

"War w-w-what are doing in my vessels mind," the Kyubi asked fearing for its life. Naruto then looked back and forth between the two wondering what was going on before the stranger the Kyubi called War turned and looked at Naruto.

"Fear not young one you are safe I have come to train you," War stated simply before they left Naruto's mindscape.

First chap down and out remember people give me good reviews if you want to see more. (hears a roar outside) 'cuse me for a moment. (walks outside and sounds of battle are heard)