Disclaimer: I don't own Camp Rock.

Luke walked into the 'storage' cabin. He held a small bottle of water as well as a sandwich in his hand. "Oh little rocker, I come bearing gifts," he said as he swung the door open. He gasped when he saw the cage door. It was wide open. He ran over to it and placed a hand on the frame. The next thing he knew he was shoved from behind and he collapsed to his knees. He turned just in time to see Mitchie closing the door, sliding the lock into place, and then dash out the door. He slammed his fists against the door. It was then that he realized he had just committed a felony. He had kidnapped a person. He leaned against the wall and slammed his head against it. Tess's shift wouldn't be until dinner. He now got to see what she had been living… at least for a little while.

*Camp Rock*

Mitchie ran down to where Dana had told her. The plan had worked so far. Now she just had to get back to camp. Dana was standing where she said she was; right under the big oak tree that was surrounded by pines. Dana began to walk with Mitchie following behind her. When they got about halfway to the splitting points, Dana turned. "Look, Mitchie, I know that this hasn't been fair to you… but could you no tell anyone. I would be fine but Luke… his family can't handle it." Mitchie nodded. She knew what it was like to disappoint a loved one. She sighed. "I won't say anything. I'll tell them I was upset so I took a walk to clear my head and got myself lost." Dana smiled. "I appreciate that. Now get out of here when you still can." With that Mitchie took off at a jog into the woods. She was on her way home…"


Shane had begun to trek through the woods. He didn't know how long it had been. It was beginning to get late. That much he was certain of. He saw something move. Turning he saw it was only a deer. He continued his trek in hopes of finding Mitchie. He began to sing 'I gotta find you' to keep himself busy. He then saw her. Her hair in disarray, a piece of her dress torn from the skirt of it, looking like she hadn't had a decent sleep in days, but she was there. He screamed her name and took off at a full run to catch up to her. She heard him and smiled upon seeing him. "Shane!" She screamed. She managed to drag her weak body into a full out sprint. He opened his arms and she jumped into them. "I found you! I can't believe I found you," Shane said as he supported her weight. He put her down. He also took a good look at her. She truly did look awful. "Come on. Let's get you back to camp. We'll get you cleaned up and you must be starving. Then you can take a nice long rest on a full stomach," he said as he took her hand and began to lead her back to camp. They would be fine now. Plans could proceed normally. He was just happy that he had found her.

Author's Note:

I know the ending sucks. I'm just kind of sick of writing for this. It's not fun anymore. That is why the ending is so abrupt. Thank you for reading though.