"A picture is worth a thousand words"
Title: Choices
Summary: In a world where everything must be chosen, Nessie Cullen finds herself fighting destiny and family when she chooses the one thing she isn't allowed to have.
Author(s): DaisyBell2 (previously DaniCullen426)
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, Breaking Dawn, Alec, Nessie, or any of the characters that come from the awesome mind of stephenie meyer
Bad News: This is the last chapter! :O I know!
Thanks to Rachel-wa for catching a mistake in my last chapter!
Thank you all for reading! I'm extremely grateful (especially for the wonderful reviews!)
To my dear family,
I'm very sorry for what I am about to say, but I've made my choice. I choose love. Alec and I have disappeared, we haven't set on a destination yet, so I cannot tell you where we will end up. This is for your safety as well as our own. In the weeks to come, Volturi guards will be sent to find us. There is not a doubt in our minds that they will question you, so it is better that you do not know anything. I know my decision is disappointing, but know that I am happy. Please do not blam Alec, this is my decision, it is my choice to live a life full of love. I will hope that as my family, you will be content with my decision, knowing it will lead to my eternal happiness. I love all of you and hopefully we will be able to visit soon.
Until that day, all my everlasting love,
I remember the note feeling like a million pounds in my hand as I placed it on my kitchen table. Alec and I had snuck into my room, collecting several items, clothes, a teddy bear, some books, and a family photo album that I kept under my bed, the pictures containing memories of each member of my family from before my birth to the present.
Alec ran us to Vancouver, where we took a ferry to Alaska. From there, we took a flight to somewhere is Asia. We traveled nonstop for weeks, never staying in one place for more then a day.
Once Alec was sure our trail was untraceable, we settled in the small town of Pine Grove, Maine, a small seaside town on the border of Canada. We found an abandoned house along the beach, the side paneling hanging on one nail, the shutters completely missing, the windows broken, the wrap around porch a dangerous trap of waterlogged planks. It took a few weeks, but soon, the house was better then new.
I had painted the house a soft blue, the shutters and doors white. Alec had nailed a swinging chair to the front porch, looking out over the ocean.
The house, thankfully, was on the outlines of the city, winding through forest roads and gravel lanes. The house was complete secluded and the beach was all our to enjoy.
It was late as I wandered the beach, an early nineteenth century, lace umbrella that I picked up at a nearby antique shop, in hand, shielding me from the harsh July sun. My feet dug into the cool sand, as a relieving ocean breeze ruffling my skirt and the long sea grass that bordered the shore.
"Oh Princess." I rolled my eyes at Alec's insistent use of that nickname. Alec knows I disliked his pet name, which is the exact reason he uses it.
I turned on my heel, facing the porch. "What?" I snapped, though Alec knew I wasn't actually mad at him.
His complacent, breathtaking grin broke across his face. In a flash, he vanished from the porch and his cold, strong arm locked around my waist. He pulled me into an elicit kiss, pulling away so that I could breath. I looked up into his golden eyes, his pale skin sparkling in the hot sun, as I ran a hand through his disheveled hair.
"Hi." He breathed. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. He had a knack for making the simplest things a complex rendition.
"Hi." I chuckled back. He pulled me down onto the sand, bringing me onto his lap, nuzzling his lips in my collarbone.
The blue sky was set ablaze by the dying sun, lilacs, roses, and golds swirling in the evening sky, creating a wondrous masterpiece. I hummed in content.
Every now and then I think back to that fateful day four years ago, the day Alec entered my life. I remember the sneers, the sarcastic remarks, the glowering of eyes, the start of an unfathomable affair.
I never wondered if I made the wrong choice. I was never more sure of anything in my life.
I missed my family terribly. I missed Grandpa's wisdom and Grandma's sweet treats. I missed Uncle Jasper's reassurance and banter and Aunt Alice's playful, nonstop attitude. I missed Uncle Emmett's pranks and schemes and Aunt Rose's chiding and advice. I missed Jake, his friendship, his warmth. It was something that, even if I still lived at home, I would never get back. Most of all I missed my parents; I missed my mother's laughter, the way she could go from stern mother to childish teen. I missed her hugs and kisses, the stories we would read together. I missed my father. I missed our connection, the ability for us to communicate without anyone hearing a single word. I missed his understanding and piano music. I missed their love.
But with one love lost was another gained, one stronger and more passionate.
Alec promised that it wouldn't be too much longer before Aro gave up his frantic search for his guard and I would be reunited with them once more.
So here I sat, on the coast of Maine, wrapped in my love's arms, not regretting a single choice.
The End.
Final Word Count: 11,171
least amount of words I've ever used for a full story an boy was it a challenge!
Thanks so much for reading! :D Hope you enjoyed it!