Angelchan2012: Hello my wonderful readers! I'm pretty sure you're all wondering 'Why has Angelchan started another story while working on Help Me!?' Well the answer to that my friends, is that I have been so flipping busy with writer's block and I finally had an idea for a new story (also my computer was down, meaning withdrawal symptoms were sure to follow)! Unfortunately said idea was not compatible for Help Me! So I decided I could use it for another one of my favorite couples…right boys? *devilish smirk*

Grimmjow: um…sure?

Ichigo: what exactly is this idea, Angelchan?

Angelchan2012: You'll see…now say the phrase so we can get this party started!

GrimmIchi: Please read and review! And Angelchan doesn't own Bleach or its characters!

He ran, ran as fast as his legs would carry him with a sprained ankle. He just escaped from that sadistic bastard and his crazy experiments. He ran, his newly developed tail and ears swaying in the rushing wind. God, please let me live through this, the man thought, hope surging through his body when he realized he was approaching another person, so he did the only thing he could think of: change his form.

Quickly, he changed from that of a six foot four, burly man to a small, teal colored cat. Once in his desired form, he raced up to an alley by the approaching form and wailed in pain.

When the man walked up to the alley, he heard the sound of an injured animal and cautiously walked towards the sound. Once the man walked under the street light by the entrance to the alley, Grimmjow got a good look of the figure he deemed as his savior; it was that of an 18 year old man, his orangehair the most noticeable of him, not that Grimm was one to talk, his hair being freaking teal! Not only was the carrot top very handsome in facial features, but thanks to his tight fitting clothing, one could definitely see muscles under that lithe frame and knew better than to mess with him. Grimmjow quickly wailed in pain to bring the human closer to him.

Once the red head was in the alley, he searched for the source of the sound. Stumbling upon the box that Grimmjow had jumped into, he realized the creature making the noises. "Oh, hey there little guy." The read head smiled, lifting the cat slowly from the box to hold it, quickly readjusting his hold so as not to hurt the cat's injured leg. "You don't have a home, huh?" the boy questioned, looking sad at the cat, "Hmm…I guess you can stay with me then, it'll be nice to have company."

The boy carefully carried the cat, making sure not to hurt the injured cat any further, and walked home quickly, due to the rain that now began to pour covering the read head and his new companion.

When the two arrived at the carrot top's apartment, said carrot top carefully placed the blunette on the sofa and said, "Stay here, I don't want you hurting yourself more, I'm gonna get some things to help your leg okay?" With that said, the red head left and quickly reappeared with bandages and set to making a makeshift cast (A/N sorry if this is wrong, I don't know much about things like this!). After he finished he said, "Okay, now that that's done, I'm gonna take a shower…oh ya, you're probably gonna need one too…crap!" he then removed the makeshift cast and lifted the cat, bringing it to the bathroom and proceeded to run a bath.

"Okay, it's ready, now you gotta get in." the red head smiled. Strangely enough the blunette did as was told, completely trusting the younger male. Why am I acting this way? I shouldn't be trusting him yet…he feels…deferent, somehow…his scent is also very…alluring…Grimmjow thought.As the boy began washing the cat, he heard said animal begin to purr. "Hehehe, so you like when I scratch behind your ear?" the boy giggled, washing the cat off, "Oh ya, my name's Ichigo, by the way, Ichigo Kurosaki." Hehe…Strawberry, huh? Fits him perfectly. Once the boy was done rinsing and drying the cat, he drained the tub and quickly set up the shower. He barely took off his shirt before he remembered to open the bathroom door and let the cat out (A/N no pun intended ^^). After ridding himself of his clothing Ichi stepped in and proceeded with his bathing, completely unaware of his cat peeping into the restroom.

Man, he's hot…wait…his scent…Grimmjow thought, sniffing the air, one word coming to mind, Mate. Ichigo was Grimmjow's mate and he was unclaimed! I could take him now…I should, but then he would freak…better take things slow, the blunette thought, only to become aware of his growing erection. Damn! I thought cats-or any animal for that matter- couldn't get a hard on! The cat hissed in dismay, leaving the bathroom before his master would catch him peeping.

Once he finished his shower Ichigo left, towel around his midriff (A/N is that how you spell it?) and walked into his room, only to be greeted with his cat lying asleep on his bed. Ichi only smirked, shaking his head thinking, stupid cat. He quickly dawned his underwear and pajamas, not bothering to wear a shirt, and laid on his bed, moving carefully so as not to disturb the cat. Just as he was about to sleep Ichigo heard a soft "Meow" and looked next to him to find his cat staring at him. "Hehe, good night, kitty." The teen sighed before drifting off to sleep. Goodnight…my mate, Grimmjow thought before finally getting a peaceful night's sleep.

Angelchan2012: So, what do ya boys think so far?

Grimm: all I know is that I better get laid in this story.

Ichi: *grumbles* you get laid in EVERY story that's about us

Grimm: ya know ya love it, Berry *smirks*

Ichi: *blushes* n-no I don't!

Angelchan and Grimm: Yes you do.

Ichi: really? You too, Angelchan? You're gonna side with him on this?

Angelchan2012: Yup, sorry Ichi, but it's true. In every story I've read you're enjoying it, let's face it, you're like…the perfect uke!

Ichi: O.O …. *faints due to shock*

Grimm: I think ya broke him, Angelchan.

Angelchan2012: You're gonna have to help wake him up Grimm…*smiles*

Grimm: HELL YA!

Angelchan2012: But say the phrase first, then you can take him and go.

Grimm: yes ma'am! Please review, and ya it's another multichap story, so deal with it! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a certain Berry to wake…*smiles evilly* *carries Berry away bridal style*

Angelchan2012: *giggles* hope you guys continue to read and enjoy this one!