Hey guys, sorry I didn't update this yesterday.. Anyways read and review please, thanks!

Disclaimer: I do not own TMI


Chapter 7-Just a Little Honesty

Andrew's PoV

About an hour later, Simon and Clary came back to the house and towards Natalie's room.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked with concern.

"Somewhere, don't worry about it," Simon said.

"Okay, let's get back to the sleepover," Clary declared.

I knew something was up, but I wasn't going to push it. Might as well just let them lie for now.

"Back to truth or dare?" Natalie asked. We all nodded.

"Clary, it's still your turn!" Adriana grinned.

"Okay fine, dare me."

"I dare you to kiss Andrew," Adriana smirked.

I was shocked and when I looked at Clary, her jaw dropped.

"Okay fine, I dare you to just kiss Andrew on the cheek."

"Hey! This isn't my dare Adriana," I narrowed my eyes.

"Sorry Andrew," she grinned.

"Adriana, you will pay," Clary threatened. Clary approached me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she back away.

"Woot, woot!" Simon, Ray, and Nathan cheered.

"Spare me and shut up guys," I warned.

"Okay, Andrew, truth or dare?" Clary asked.


"Have you ever liked Aline?" Clary asked. I was shocked when I heard that question.

"Yes I did," I replied.

"What? Then what happened between you guys?" Clary asked. I knew this topic would come up sooner or later. I exchanged glances with everyone but Clary.

"I think it's time you know Clary," Lilli admitted.


"Okay everyone get comfy," Ray said.

"This is going to be a long story, one that we heard a few times already," Nathan sighed.

"I know eh," Simon agreed.

"Me and Aline use to be close friends and I used to like her, and one day when Natalie was the new girl, Aline started to pick on her," I sighed.

Natalie placed a hand on my shoulder,"Aline, use to torture me, do bad stuff to me, she still does, but not as much, and I guess Andrew saw through her act," she smiled.

"I did, I never knew Aline was such a bitch, so I stopped hanging with her and her group. Before I use to hurt people too, but after Natalie, I saw it was way overboard, so I stopped and started to hang with Natalie and everyone else. And I'm glad I did," I smiled.

"But now, Aline totally hates our group because she use to like Andrew, and apparently we or Natalie stole him from her," Lilli and Adriana laughed.

"I am not an accessory, no one owns me," I stated.

"We've always wanted to call it a truce with Aline," Simon started.

"But she's so stubborn and wants revenge, so she chooses to start a war," Ray continued.

"And we all have to fight in it, and Clary, you're her next target, as long as she chooses to hurt you, then we're all in it together," Nathan answered,

"Oh wow, that is confusing, and thanks guys," Clary half smiled.

"We've lost some friends to Aline already," Natalie sighed.

"How long have you guys been at war?" Clary asked.

"Since ninth grade," I muttered.

"She sure has a lot of ammo," Clary mumbled.

We all laughed at the comment.

"Do you guys think, Jace, Izzy and Alec will come to their senses?" Clary asked.

"We don't know, maybe," Ray answered.

"We've all known each other for awhile, but Aline has known Jace, Izzy and Alec since they were little kids, Aline is their adopted cousin," Clary explained with a sigh.

"Really? Maybe that's why she takes such an interest in them," I wondered.

"Enough of this, let's go to sleep, its like 12:00 now. We got school in a few you know," Natalie winked.

"Yah, yah," we all mumbled and went to bed.

Clary's PoV

I was walking with everyone into the school. Yesterday had been something.. I never knew it was that confusing between them.

"Clary," someone called. I turned around and I saw Jace, Izzy and Alec. I told Andrew that I would catch up with them in a second. I approached Jace, knowing that I would have to talk to them sooner or later. Izzy and Alec left, meaning it was just me and Jace.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to ask you what-" he got cut off by a very annoying voice.

"Oh Jace," Aline called with a shrill voice, she approached us and pulled Jace away. Jace gave me the I'm sorry face, and I just shot him daggers.

I sighed. I walked towards drama class and took my seat beside Andrew and Ray. Jace and Aline were behind us.

"Where did you go?" Ray asked.

"I got called back by that kid," I said while pointing my finger to Jace.

"It's not nice to point," Jace grinned.

Me, Andrew and Ray turned around.

"Oh yeah? It's not nice to break a promise either," I spat. The three of us turned back around.

"How did you put up with him the other years?" Ray whispered.

"I have no idea... skills maybe?" I giggled.

"Hardly, I bet you punched him in the face," Andrew smirked.

"Come to think of it, I did before," I laughed.

"Why?" Andrew and Ray both asked.

"He took my cookie," I answered and we all burst out laughing.

"Eh he hem," we turned around because Jace cleared his throat.

"You missing a cookie Jace?" Andrew asked and we all turned around and continued to laugh.

Just a little, short, in between chapter.. little joke and truth. Review please! :D


-Leann :3