So, this is going to be the big finale. I worked hard to make it fit everyone's expectations without being predictable so... hope everyone likes it.

Few quick things I have to say: I finished just so we could have this cuteness on Valentines day. ( :

I also want to give a quick thanks for the reviews from all my avid readers. I love hearing from you guys, and you can bet I'll want more comments! Keep Reviewing!

Last real thing for me is I'm sorry I'm so lazy! This has been half done for like... a month. I'm glad I finally sat down to write the end. For anyone that still loves my writing despite my laziness, I am hoping to do a valentines day set for the month of February so if you're interested definitely keep reading (I like having followers!)

Love loves and hope everyone enjoys.

Ta Ta for now.


Slowly, the blonde lifted his head from his sister's sleeve and looked up to the Austrian. Roderich stared back. Vash dried the tears from his cheeks for a short moment before he turned back to the Austrian. The silence held a moment longer, then tension growing. Hesitantly, Lilli looked between her brother and friend, unsure what she should expect from either side. Vash's face was steadily changing from heartbroken to enraged, and Roderich's kind smile was beginning to falter. Their expressions continued to change until they both held the same angered expressions on their faces.

As Vash stood, Lilli paused, sitting uneasily on the couch while the boys moved closer together, hands clenched at their sides. Between them, Vash looked the angriest, his face turning a light shade of red as he stared down the dark haired man before him. Lilli could tell he was actually trying to be as angry as he was, he probably just wanted to go back to crying, but Roderich probably didn't see it the way she did. In fact, the look on his face looked almost like he was about to…

Hurriedly, Lilli jumped up from her seat and ran to her brother, grabbing his right hand in hers just as he lifted it. She pulled his arm back to his side, causing his glare to fall on her. "Vash, don't. Please." She asked softly, her soft eyes meeting his gaze for a moment before he looked away and pulled his arm free rather roughly.

"This has nothing to do with you Lilli." Vash remarked bitterly, only Roderich seemed to disagree with him.

"She's only trying to stop you from doing something stupid Vash."

"I didn't ask you!"

"I don't need permission to speak in my own house."

"You do when this is my problem! I can shoo my sister out if I want!"

"Just leave her alone. I'm the one you're mad at; don't take it out on her."

"Do you want me to hit you?"

"Were you going to hit me before? I'd certainly prefer that you hit me instead of her if that's what you're thinking."

"You're such an aristocrat. I'll hit you if I want to hit you!"

"Do you want to?"

"Of course, you cheating ass!"

Roderich sighed softly at that and held his arms out wide in surrender. He was allowing Vash to hit him. At that, all the blonde could do was stare, his want to hit the man before him faded and he only stared at the Austrian like he was a complete loony.

"I thought you wanted to hit me?" Roderich asked softly.

"I did, but not if you won't fight back." Vash remarked, his tone still harsh as he turned his gaze away from the Austrian and down to the floor.

"You won't take a free shot? Isn't that just like you? Instead of taking what's sitting right in front of you, you go searching out some idiotic, illegitimate way to hurt me." Roderich hissed, his anger growing. "Just like how you go searching out some stupid reason to be upset with me when you know damn well I'd never cheat. Instead of being angry about the other things you know are right in front of you, you have to be angry about your assumptions!"

Vash didn't look up at him; he didn't know what to say to that. It wasn't like he'd intentionally gone looking for a reason to fight with Roderich; he'd just blown things out of proportion. But, wasn't Roderich doing the same? He was getting angry about a mistake, a bad assumption, so much so that he barely even looked at Vash. The love wasn't there, a thought that made Vash stare as if completely lost, wishing he knew what to say. Lilli stood back in silence. She was afraid to leave, afraid her brother would do something he didn't mean to do. She looked to him worriedly, watching his eyes to see that uncertainty, the sadness; he couldn't hurt Roderich, he wouldn't. She trusted him, believed in him, they needed that time to themselves to figure this out; Lilli didn't want to get in the way.

Slowly, the small girl crept out of the room, closing the bedroom door behind her. The room echoed with silence for a long moment after her disappearance. Roderich turned to follow her out, short on anything else to say to Vash, but that firm hand grasped his wrists, holding him from moving another inch. The aristocrat sighed, looking down to the blonde before him with a shake of his head.

"That's enough Vash. You've already proved you want nothing to do with me." Roderich muttered, trying to pull his wrist free, but those fingers grappled and held strong, refusing to release him if the world depended on it. "Enough. I'm not kicking you out, you're permitted to stay until the repairs are done, but I'm done playing your little games. I won't be a host to the unappreciative. Now let go, I have other things to-"

Vash glared at him for a long moment as the Austrian spoke, but it all seemed to go right over his head. Suddenly, before Roderich could even finish, Vash smashed his lips to the dark haired boys and held him there for a moment. Roderich scrambled, pushing against the blonde's chest, begging for freedom, but Vash was stronger, more capable of holding him than Roderich was capable of pushing him away. After a few minutes fighting, he gave in, sinking into his Switzerland's arms, into that sweet kiss. But just as it felt good, just as Roderich felt his anger subsiding, Vash pulled away and met his gaze. Those strong green eyes, locked on the Austrian's pleading purple orbs.

"I fucked up, okay? That doesn't mean I ever stopped wanting you." Vash whispered softly, releasing his grasp on Austria's wrist and moving his hand up to cup that pale cheek against the palm of his hand. There was a moment of registered shock and uncertainty in the Aristocrat's eyes before he nodded silently and stepped back, out of the blonde's grasp, free from the heart break, the confusion, (the unfortunate excessive dose of lust.) Vash followed him with his eyes as Roderich moved over to sit on the piano bench in the middle of the room. The Austrian appeared so lost, as if he both wanted to kiss the man before him and to smack him. Neither one would be a particular surprise.

Vash bit his lip and moved over slowly, watching Roderich's expression every step he took to make sure he didn't cross any invisible boundaries. He was supposed to be the neutral country, Vash Never started Wars, was never even a part of them, he could not handle the idea of starting anymore arguments with Austria. The closer he came, the more nervous he was, but his little Austrian gave no indication for him to stop, that he'd stepped just a little too far.

"Look I… I jumped to conclusions and I know that it was wrong. I probably should have asked before I assumed you were…" the blonde paused at the thought, cringing slightly before he moved on, "And I'm sorry for that but… I don't like even having a reason to think that of you."

"Vash." Roderich muttered. He wanted to say something more, wanted to tell Vash it was entirely his fault things had come to that, that his excuses were a load of crap, or that Roderich wasn't really trying to hide anything from him, but he shook his head. There was no reason to do that, no reason to fight about something trivial, blame wasn't worth the trouble, so he just nodded and motioned to the seat beside him so the little blonde Swiss man could sit. "Thank you."

"For what?" Vash asked gently, taking the open seat and slipping his hand into Roderich's.

The Austrian smiled, shaking his head as if ashamed in a playful manner before pulling Vash's hand over onto his knee. "You're such an idiot sometimes." Roderich remarked, laughing softly to himself for a moment, his glasses sliding down his nose while he tried to hide his laughter behind his free hand.

"Well you're a pansy, but I'm not laughing at you." Switzerland muttered defensively. He didn't expect Roderich would insult, he didn't think there was any need, but for some reason his Austrian had jumped at the chance to comment on his momentary lack of intelligence. The aristocrat pulled on an even greater smile and shook his head once more. He could see in those green eyes that hurt, he certainly hadn't meant it that way.

"No Vash, your innocence is the cutest part of you."

"But I'm not—"

"Just shut up and kiss me." Vash nodded slightly and reached forward, pressing his lips to the Austrian's. He slipped his left hand around to the brunette's side, his right hand on his lover's other side, slowly edging forward the longer they kissed. Within moments, Roderich slowly found himself leaning back, his lips pressed tight against Vash's in a warm, forgiving kiss. Vash slowly edged his left leg in between the Austrian's leg, kneeling on the bench, straddling Roderich's right leg. The blonde leaned forward a little more, pushing his brunette back another inch.

Bang. Ting. Click.

Roderich groaned, rubbing the back of his head as he pulled his lips free of Vash. Everything had seemed so perfect, but they'd forgotten one little thing about being on the piano bench: the piano was behind them. Concerned for only a moment, Vash slipped a hand behind his back and helped the Austrian back to a sitting position, biting his lips to keep in his fit of laughter. There was a long moment of silence while Roderich sat rubbing at the lump forming on the back of his head and Vash tried so hard not to laugh before he broke, gasping out long, over bearing fits of laughter simultaneously. Within minutes he was rolling on the floor like a dying bug, feet in the air with his knees bent and hands over his stomach. His appearance itself seemed so humorous, even Roderich seemed unable to keep from joining him.

Sometimes, it felt good to just laugh. The laughed like that for a good while, considering the humor of their situation, the stupidity of their actions, and only rolling around with another round of it the more they tried to think. In the end, the only thing that seemed to shut them up was when Roderich rolled right on top of Vash and landed his lips against the blonde's neck. He solicited a gasp of excitement before the Swiss man pushed him away and coughed into his hand, trying to hide the bright red tint on his cheeks. There was no hiding it, but Roderich made no sign that he'd even noticed.

The two clambered to their feet and sat on the piano bench once more, side by side, hand in hand. They settled back into silence, but it was calm, peaceful. It was simply long.

Avoiding the Austrian's gaze for a moment, the small Swiss man turned on the piano bench without a word. The silence had to end eventually.

He slipped his hand free of Roderich's grasp and ran it lightly over the keys, trying to understand the instrument, to feel the things Roderich must have felt every time he sat down to play. His hands hovered; he was confused, nervous, concerned that he would make some stupid mistake. The only reassurance he had was the gentle touch of a hand against his shoulder. Slowly, Roderich stood and moved behind him, his arms over Vash's as he aligned his fingers just over the Swiss man's.

"The world's a piano, Vash. Play it as you play with the hearts of our countries." He whispered in the blonde's ear, blowing those corn-colored hairs away from his pale skin. Vash nodded the tinniest of nods before he moved his hand down to the keys and started to play, Roderich guiding, hovering over his fingers to make sure he did it right. At first, it was slow, shaken, honestly played like a small child might play, but there was a calm guidance behind him so it would turn out fine. Even as Roderich removed his arms from around the small country and sat down again, Vash was certain that he could continue. Even when Roderich started to play, playing something so perfect and beautiful next to Vash's pathetic scales, but it didn't matter.

As the music dimmed and slowed, Vash pulled his hands away, letting Roderich take the final note for himself. The Austrian looked to him and smiled. "You'll learn again someday. Beautiful music is at your finger tips."

"And a beautiful person is on my lips." Vash whispered softly, leaning over against Roderich and locking his lips to the Austrian's.

The World's a Piano. I'll play it that way from now on.