So yeah, this series was started as a 121 prompt drabble challenge on Quizilla, but I wound up getting quite attached to it so I decided to bring it over to fanfiction. The drabbles will be reader self inserts (i.e [Name]/you X Squalo) and size will vary from very short to that of one-shots. Genre will also vary from drabble to drabble and there will be no coherent timeline with regards to when each individual drabble is set. E.g one might by TYB, the next TYL and the next somewhere in the middle before skipping back to TYB. Get it? Good ^^

Anyway hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR nor any of the characters. Nor am I getting any money for any of these drabbles. This is a works of shits and giggles only.

Crossing Paths

Wrinkling your nose, you gazed around the city that was to be your new home. To be honest, you weren't quite sure what to make of it. Oh sure, the place was certainly pretty enough, but rumour has it, it was crawling with Mafia.


Or then again, that might just have been your old colleagues trying to scare you.

...Yeah, that sounded more likely.

Letting out a soft snort of amusement you gently shook your head, dispelling your misgivings. How stupid to let your friends teasing get to you.

Grinning to yourself, you briskly strode in the direction of the police station, your head held high. This was your chance at a fresh start. And you were going to make the most of it, rumours be damned.

As you moved through the crowds, lost in your musings, you failed to pay attention to what was going on around you. It was only as your shoulder clipped someone in passing, that you realised your error.

"Voi!" snarled the man, swinging round to glare at you, his long, silver locks whipping about his lean frame. "Watch where you're going!"

Shooting an irritated glance over your shoulder, your resisted the urge to flip the rude bastard off. As you were in uniform, you figured it might be kinda unprofessional.

Eyeing your outfit with distaste, said bastard, shoved his hands into the pockets of his long, leather duster and turned away with a condescending sneer, muttering;

"Fucking cops."

... you were guessing shooting him would also be frowned upon.


Shaking your head in disgust, you continued on your way, your good mood slightly soured.

Squaliformes: Just to explain the title of this series - squaliformes are a specific group of sharks (characterised by 5-7 gills, for more info see Wikipedia). No this is not the same type as his box weapon (which as far as I can see is a great white) but considering the name, I couldn't resist using it for this drabble series ^^

You know, ironically, these drabbles started out as a Xanxus series, but for some reason when ever I tried to write him, Squalo would come barging in screaming 'VOOOIIII!' until Xanxus threw a glass at his head and stalked off in a huff. Stupid shark... So needless to say, now said shark has his own drabble series (until I can stockpile enough booze to bribe Xanxus back anyway...)

Squalo: Vooooooiiii! I'm much better than my shitty boss any day!

Friglit: T.T Just keep telling yourself that...

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