Bonus Track. I thought you guys would like this. I made it just for my loyal reviewers so you better like it. After this, I'm getting started on my new story but I also start school next Wednesday so my life is about to get really hectic.

Lots of love!

Disclaimer: I does not own COTT!

It had been a long day. After their training session, Archie and Atlanta had decided to head over to the skate park.

"C'mon Baby, lets ride." Atlanta stared at him.

"I'm not your baby." Archie blushed.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you." He smirked. "I was talking to that piece of eye-candy over there." Atlanta looked over at the tall brunette and wasn't sure she should be disappointed or relieved.

"Oh." When she turned back to Archie, she was faced with a dozen flowers.

"Daisies?" She grabbed them from Archie's arms and smiled.

"Thanks." They both blushed; until someone started making elephant noises.

"You'd better deal with that." Odie snickered. Both skaters rolled their eyes.

"Oh please, there's no way Archie is my Frog Prince." He tried to hide his face falling.

"Really?" He decided it was time. "'Cause you'll always be my girl." Atlanta had never been so happy to hear those words.


"Yeah." They started to lean in.

"Great." Odie muttered, still in the vicinity of the smooching. "Take it back to the igloo; I do not need to see that." Atlanta smirked. She was suddenly feeling very playful. She turned to Archie.

"You ever notice how Odie's head looks a little like a pumpkin?"

"Yeah..." He caught her drift right away. "You think if we carved his face in, we could turn him into a jack o' lantern?" Odie caught it too.

"Alright, alright I'm gone. No need to get violent." He was off before Atlanta could even flinch. Once Odie was gone, Atlanta turned back to Archie.

"So now what?"

"Kite flying?" Atlanta raised her eyebrow.

"Kite flying? You're not going to go all cheesy romantic on me again are you?"

"Cheesy romantic?" He pretended to be hurt. "I thought you found it sweet."

"I did." She smirked. "And it is sweet." Archie's face began to light up. "But it's also very cheesy."

"Hey." Atlanta rolled her eyes.

"Let's just go." She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the beach where there was sure to be someone selling kites. But when Archie got to the stand...

"You don't have any money?" She asked incredulously.

"The kite flying as a bit last minute." He confessed.

"Geez, do I have to be your nanny as well as your girlfriend?" Archie's mouth fell open but no sound came out.

"You're my girlfriend?" Atlanta finished renting the kite and then threw the pencil she had used at Archie's head.

"Yes, doofus."

"One question though."


"When did that happen?"

"Ugh." She smirked as she kissed his cheek.

"It's a good question, Rooster."

"What's with the nicknames?"

"I like coming up with nicknames for you."

"Don't make me take you to the pet store." She threatened.

Archie shuddered. "The salamander?"

"The salamander." She nodded.

"Alright, fine." He surrendered as they walked down the beach. "No more nicknames."

"Thank you." She grabbed the kite and began running with it. Archie chased after her, catching her after a few minutes of giggles.

"You have got to be the most infuriating girl in the Tri-State area." He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind causing Atlanta to giggle even more.

That's when it started raining. The couple rain for the caves where the rocks overhead acted as a sort of umbrella. They huddled there in each other's arms, trying to stay warm. Although Atlanta wanted to go out and hang out in the rain, she was sort of relishing her little victory of cuddling with her boy. Archie meanwhile was just staring out at the rain.

"Still fearing the water?" She smiled

"Not this kind of water." He assured. "I'm just enjoying the sights." He smiled down at her. She returned the smile and looked out over the drenched sand.

"Oh, xylophone." She cursed. Archie just stared at her.


"We left the kite out there." She waved at the destroyed kite soaking on the beach. Archie sighed.

"There goes the five bucks we spent."

"I spent." She corrected. "But don't worry, we can probably just make one and fly it tomorrow."

"Do you really think you can handle all that yarn?" Atlanta involuntarily shuttered but smiled.

"I'm pretty sure we can handle it." She snuggled a little closer as the couple watched the rain fall. The rain was starting fall down harder and faster.

"Wow. Watch that rain zoom." Atlanta looked up at Archie.

"Zoom?" He just shrugged.

"It was the last word and I couldn't really think of another way to put it into the conversation."

"Fair enough." That's when the rain stopped. Slowly, they made their way out of the caves and headed in the direction of civilization. They were just getting in the car when Atlanta began sneezing.

"Oh got the sniffles?"

"Knowing me, I'm going to get sick. Lucky duck never gets suck." She grumbled. Archie kissed her hair before starting the car.

"Don't worry, when we get home, I'll make you a nice bowl of soup."

"What kind of soup?"

"Alphabet Soup."

"Naturally." She playfully elbowed him as the couple drove off into the sunset.