Roses are Red

Violets are Blue a Harry Potter poetry collection

Disclaimer: You know the drill. Not mine, just borrowed to play.

Goblet of Fire

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Like it or not,

There's homework to do!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

It's for Trelawney,

So none of it's true.

Roses are red,

And so is the moon.

Harry and Ron will

Be out of ideas soon!

Roses are red,

Carnations are nice.

Hermione says,

Ron's dying twice!

Roses are red

Their stems are green,

But Trelawney was impressed,

With what they had forseen.


Roses are red,

All flowers are nice

But criminal aren't.

"Run!" is my advice.

Roses are red

So's Lupin's face,

When they discovered he knew

The man in disgrace.

Roses are pink,

In addition to red,

Who ever thought

Peter wasn't dead?

Roses are red

Violets are blue,

Sirius is gone,

What's Fudge to do?

The Chamber of Secrets

Roses are Red

Basilisks are Green

By this guy's eyes,

You shouldn't be seen.

Roses are Red

Quidditch is fun,

Wood likes to talk,

So Harry's not done.

Roses aren't green,

Neither's Nick's cake

After the party,

They all heard a snake.

Roses are red

Dudley is fat,

Nobody's sad

They got Filch's cat.

Philosopher's Stone

Roses are red

They make great gifts.

When Harry gets his letter,

His whole life shifts.

Roses are red

Vernon is bold.

But not when a giant,

Comes in from the cold.

Roses are red,

So's the Hogwarts Express

After meeting Hermione

They like her less.

Roses are red.

Mountain Trolls stink.

Their bogeys are green.

Not Lockhart-robe pink.

Roses are red,

And blue is the flame

Upon Snape's robes

At Harry's first game.

Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

I'd really like it,

If you wrote a review!