Hey, The Jonny T Factor here with my new Fan Fic. I Fucking love Deadpool, he is my favorite Marvel character of all times. So I thought it would be funny to have him partner with Snake. Hope you enjoy.

"Snake." said Col. Roy Campbell. Snake and him were in a sub preparing to begin Snake's new mission.

"Yes, Colonel." Snake replies.

"We need to go over some last minute details on your mission." Campbell informs him, "We are sure that the new model of Metal Gear is being held in the lower south wing of the base."

"So, Ocelot's built a new Metal Gear." Snake replies.

"No, it's a new group that calls themselves 'New Age'. Campbell replies, "They are skilled soldiers trained by the government for search and destroy missions. They soon betrayed the government and became mercenaries, soldiers without a country."

Snake eyes Campbell, "Doesn't sound that hard." Snake replies.

"It shouldn't be, since you have a partner that's already in the the base." Campbell says.

"What?" Snake responds, jumping to his feet, "I never agreed to a partner."

Campbell sighs, "We thought that we should bring in a mercenary of our own." he replies, "They say he's the best there is."

"I don't work well with partners." Snake informs him.

"Well you'll have to try." Campbell responds, "He's already been payed."

Snake pull out a cigarette and lights it, "What's this guy's name?" he asks.

Campbell picks up a file and hands it to Snake, Snake opens the file as Campbell replies, "He goes by the name Deadpool."

Snake reads the file, "There's not alot of information here, only that he was a part of some project called 'Weapen X'." he states.

"It was the only file we could get our hands on." responds Campbell.

"Huh, hard to work with someone who gives little information about himself." Snake replies as he finishes his cigarette. "Are you sure we can trust him?"

Campbell nods, "I'm sure." he anwsers, "Now, remember your mission."

"Got it." Snake replies as he puts his scubba mask on and dives into the water. He swam until he reached the sandy beach. He was on a small island 300 miles off the North Pacific coast. He removes the mask, then hears his codec beep. "This is Snake."

"Snake, it Otacon." the voice says.

"Huh, good to see that your working on this mission too." Snake replies.

"Yeah, it's good to work on another mission." Otacon says, "But back to important subjects, you need to stay out of sight, there are gaurds stationed all over the base. Stay low, remember you don't have many suplies, so you need to arm yourself with whatever you can find."

"Understood." Snake replies ending the transmission. He stands to his feet and arms himself with his knife and socom, then ventures into the jungle. When he is 500 feet deep in the jungle, he spies a gaurd post. But there was no gaurd. He sneaks over to the post, he finds the gaurd with a bullet through his head. "What the hell?" he questions. A drop of blood lands on Snake's hand, he looks up to see a dead soldier hanging on a tree by three ninja stars. Snake contacts Campbell on his codec, "Colonel, I found 2 soldiers dead, one by gun shot, other by ninja stars." he informs him.

"It must have been Deadpool." Campbell response, "He's classfied as a ninja warrior."

"Another ninja, huh." Snake says, "Starting to seem like Shadow Moses."

"Snake, try to locate Deadpool." Campbell says ending the transmission.

Snake moves on through the jungle, he then reaches the base. Snake pulls out his scope and studies the base, he sees the base is surrounded by many armed soldiers. He see a truck full of more soldiers drive into the base. He then puts his scope away as he arms himself with his knife and socom, then moves into the base trying to keep out of sight. Snake hides behind a parked trunk, thinking of a way to get into the building.

"THERE HE IS!" a gaurd yells.

Snake fears that he has been spotted, but they were talking about a red and black figure standing in the middle of the base.

"Drop your weapens!" a soldier orders.

"Nah." the figure replies

"What?" the soldier questions, "That's an order!"

"Don't really feel like it." the figure answers.

The soldiers start to surround him, "Have it your way." the soldier replies.

The figure pulls out 2 katanas, and spins around slicing the soldiers' guns. He then starts to stab and slice the soldiers. Then pulls out 2 guns oozies and fires at the soldiers. Snake notices a soldier sneaking up behind the figure, he shoots the soldier. The figure turns around and sees the dead soldier. "Huh, don't remember killing him, oh well." the figure says.

Snake joins the figure in killing the soldier. Soon all the soldiers are dead.

The figure spots Snake and points his guns at him. "Hey you!" the figure shouts at Snake. Snake turns his head towards him. "I only have one question for you, where'd you get that sweet ass suit?" the figure questions.

Please Review. Thanks.