Desdemona, or Des, was certainly not your typical young witch. Instead of wearing pink frilly clothes, she always chose to wear black fitted clothing. Instead of talking with friends about drama, boys, and the latest chick flick, she read muggle and wizard literature, played Quidditch with the boys her parents approved of, and often studied the various ways of killing people in many muggle horror films. She often studied Potions and the Dark Arts, she was very intrigued by those two subjects. Not only was she intrigued by these subjects, she was exceptionally talented at both. Instead of going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Desdemona was home schooled. Not because she was anti-social, she was indeed very social, but because her parents didn't want her to be in the same school that Mud Bloods, Blood Traitors, and Half Bloods attended.

Desdemona's parents never let Des associate with anyone who wasn't a Pure Blood. They often spoiled Desdemona and her little sister, Agatha. Their reasons of spoiling were because they believed every Pure Blood deserved a luxurious childhood. Desdemona's parents were also Death Eaters. They always supported Voldemort, but only recently had they decided to bear the dark mark upon their left forearm. Mr. and Mrs. Bismont were also friends with many of the death eaters. Their new, and most beloved friends, were the Malfoy's. Although young Agatha Bismont was not aware of her parents servitude to the Dark Lord, Desdemona was. Des has known since they vowed their loyalty to Lord Voldemort, which occured a year ago.

This evening was rather important to Mr. and Mrs. Bismont, for the Malfoys were having a party. This party was merely celebrating the full year of servitude contributed by the Bismonts. The party wasn't only held to thank and congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Bismont of their loyalty, however. Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Bismont, wanted their children to meet with other true Pure Blood children. They also, wanted to match-make. They mentally knew they weren't going to force their children into dating each other. But just watching them interact and having fantasies about them getting married and having Pure Blood children would make both happy. So, every death eater and their family were invited to this party. Mrs. Bismont was not too fond of Narcissa's son, Draco, but if her daughter were to fall in love with Draco, Mrs. Bismont wouldn't mind at all. Draco came from a very good family that the Bismonts approved of. Mrs. Cassandra Bismont did not, however, approve of Crabbe and Goyle. It's not that Cassandra didn't like their family's, she just didn't want her daughter to like them too much. This party was formal, so the Bismonts started getting ready two hours before.

Desdemona stepped out of the shower and checked the time. She noted she had about an hour and thirty minutes left to get dressed. Desdemona was very excited about this party. She had wanted to be a death eater for quite some time now, but she wasn't sure how to tell her parents. Even though her parents were death eaters for a year now, they weren't sure if they wanted their children in the risky and dangerous group. She was also excited to meet the Malfoys, especially Draco. She never met any of the death eaters or their families, but she heard a lot about the Malfoys from her parents, and Desdemona liked what she had heard about Draco. Her mother let Des pick out her own dress, and Des took advantage of the situation as usual. Her dress was short, but not too short in case she needed to bend over, it was the right amount to show off her slender, athletic legs. The black dress was also low cut, but not too low cut so that she couldn't wear a push-up bra underneath. The dress had spaghetti straps and was tightly fitted at the top, but more loose bellow Desdemona's waist so she could walk around easily. It fit very well, and complimented her figure very nicely. Along with the beautiful and somewhat sexy dress, Desdemona wore red pumps at her feet. Her jewelry consisted of a white gold necklace with a Ruby heart charm centered in the middle along with matching Ruby heart earrings. Her make-up was nothing special, just mascara to make her extraordinary naturally long eyelashes even longer and darker. Eyeliner was applied, but not too much, and red lip stick was evenly spread across her plump lips. Her hair was just combed and dried. Nothing special, just the usual straight and layered thick, brown hair she always had.

Desdemona happened to be ready thirty minutes before the party started, so she decided to help her little sister with her hair, make-up, and dress. Agatha was only ten years old, six years younger than Desdemona. Des felt bad for Agatha not knowing her parents were death eaters and that they were going to a death eater party. Des wasn't sure when her parents planned on telling young Agatha, but she knew Agatha would want to hear from her big sister first.

"Thanks for helping me out, Dessy." Agatha said graciously with a toothy grin plastered on her young face. Desdemona smiled pleasantly while zipping up Agatha's white Sunday school dress. Agatha attended Muggle church, her parents hated it, but it made Agatha very happy. Agatha sang in the choir their and had a wonderful voice. Her parents often referred to the church as Agatha's choir practice. They were somewhat ashamed of Agatha's liking to church. But muggles weren't as bad as Half Bloods, Blood Traitors, and Mud Bloods.

"No problem my Athena, I'm your big sister, this is what I'm here for." Desdemona said, using Agatha's nickname Des gave to her. Des nicknamed her Athena, after the Greek goddess of wisdom. Agatha was very smart. Agatha wasn't just smart in a particular subject, she was smart in all subjects. Agatha also made very smart decisions. Agatha was pure and good, she didn't really like Voldemort, which was why Desdemona was a little worried about telling her Athena about the party.

"Agatha, you wont like this one bit. I'm sure you were curious about the party we are attending in about twenty minutes." Desdemona said as she finished strapping up Agatha's white Mary Jane's. "I know you're optimistic and open minded so hopefully you wont mind too much. Mom and Dad are Death Eaters. They've been Death Eaters for a year now, which is why this party is being thrown. All the people attending the party with us are Death Eaters also, and The Dark Lord may be there. You should know how to act when you are there, Death Eaters aren't filthy killing machines. They are more like Pure Blood royalty. So we are to act like Pure Blood royalty also, It will make mother and father proud" Desdemona hugged her sister at the end of the confession. Agatha looked very understanding and calm.

"I've known they were Death Eaters for about six months now." Agatha admitted with a smile. Desdemona smiled back, her sister could be very stealthy at times. The two sisters came down the stairs and found their parents waiting in the living room. Their mother wore an elegant, long, dark emerald dress with surprisingly no jewelry. Her hair was up in a French Twist and her make-up consisted of only a light comb of mascara. Their father wore plain black dress robes with his messy black hair surprisingly combed and gelled in place. Mrs. Bismont looked down at Agatha and opened her mouth to explain but Desdemona interrupted,

"I already told her, Mum. She took it very well actually." Mrs. Bismont smiled and hugged her youngest daughter, muttering about how smart she was. The Bismont family joined hands and touched the family portkey with their feet. One uncomfortable second later, they found themselves in front of the Malfoy Manor's front door.