Sesshomaru drove home from work that day. He was a little anxious to get home; earlier, Kagome had said something about going to the store to pick up a 'new toy.' She had said it with that kinky smirk on her face and Sesshomaru had some high hopes for when he got back to their condo.

He pulled in the garage, turned off the SUV and hastily got out of the leather driver's seat. He glanced back at the briefcase he knew was in the back seat but decided to leave it; he was far too excited to care.

He opened the front door, the key clicking in the lock. It closed behind him and the youkai kicked off his shoes.

"Sessh-o, is that you?" Kagome's sing-song voice came from their bedroom.

"Yes," he answered simply. His usually bored tone cracked a little under the anticipation of what was waiting.

Kagome stepped out of the bedroom, still holding an unemptied bag from the store. She'd taken the time to change into a short transparent silk robe.

"I got your new toy," she said playfully stressing the word 'toy.' Out of the bag she pulled a box that advertised a palm sized bullet vibrator. Sesshomaru's eye brow arched with enthusiasm.

He stepped forward, kissing her neck. Kagome dropped the bag and it landed with a thump on the hardwood. Sesshomaru saw the items roll out the bag.

He dropped to his knees and Kagome's head rolled back with the expectation of his tongue between her legs. It didn't come. Her eyes snapped open when she heard a squeak. She glanced down at the floor where Sesshomaru was laying; he was chewing on a squeaking mesh ball she had bought. He gnawed on it with his canines, holding it with both hands.

"You, onna, know what this Sesshomaru likes," he said between the squeaks. "This new toy lives up to his expectations."

She rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Not really what I had in mind," she muttered. She glanced at the cat who had come out at the sound of people. "Sorry Buyo, I'll get you another tomorrow." The cat meowed pitifully at the loss of its toy but followed it's master back to the bedroom, leaving the inu-taikyoukai who was too enthralled to see them leave.