Dear Readers,

It has been some time since I posted in here and for that I must apologise to you, I deeply regret leaving you like this. Much has changed since I first thought and begun to write this story. I think I have a better understanding of the language, of course it doesn't mean I won't make mistakes, or mess things up. As I have told you before I have no beta. Help is always welcomed.

The reason I am doing this is I think the story deserves re-writing. So I will work on that from now on. There was a time I thought I had lost every ounce of time I had put into this as my computer crashed. So I was delayed.

Please, bear with me, I have no intention of leaving this. I'm not going to lie, It will take time and I will take time to make it better. Reviews help me going because they give me more reasons to finishing it. More than just simply pride or a feeling of fulfillment. It gives me the honor of making someone out there merely interested in my work.

I apologise again, have patience with me I am not a native and I work every day to improve my language skill as well as my writing one.

Faithfully yours, always,
