Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia, or anything mentioned in this story except the states. And the plot. I don't think this has been done before…

Chapter One

Two people sat together at a table in a deserted café, with untouched coffees sitting in front of them. They looked like twins, with their dark brown hair and cloudy gray eyes. The girl had her hair long, held in a loose braid, and kept flicking her fringed bangs out of her eyes, while her brother kept his short and out of his face. Both were dressed nicely in jeans, coats and boots, their gloves and scarves sitting next to them on the table to protect them from the frigid rain outside.

Reaching forward, the girl brought her coffee to her lips, took a sip and set it back down. And did it again. And again. And agai-

"Hannah, stop fidgeting. It's annoying. Tell me what you wanted to talk about." He leveled his sister with a no-nonsense look and moved her cup away from her before permitting her to continue.

"Wait a second, is this-? You did, you got hot chocolate." Smelling it again, he gave her a disgusted look. "That is blasphemous, going to Starbucks and getting hot chocolate. Who does that?"

She gave him an indignant look. "Well, I just didn't feel like coffee for one thing, and just because Starbucks began in Seattle, doesn't mean you just get to make all the Starbucks etiquette. And besides, everybody gets hot chocolate, why would they have non-coffee drinks if you weren't meant to drink them?"

"To keep sissies, like you, from complaining about having nothing to choose from. But whatever, no more stalling, tell me what you wanted to talk about."

"But- you're the one-" She took a deep breath and refrained from beating her brother with a stick. "Okay. Michael, I think we should meet him."

He looked confused at the seemingly random statement. "What? Meet who?" Hannah stared blankly at him, and he blinked with realization before sighing and looking out the window at the cars passing by. "Oh, him."

"Yes, him, haven't you thought about it at all?"

Both sat in silence with Hannah staring expectantly and Michael avoiding her gaze. Finally turning back to her, he asked, "Why?"

She shifted in her seat, "Well, I mean, he's our country. And Cali said he was actually pretty nice and cool when she met him. And don't you feel like you should? Like there's something pulling you to? Don't you want to?"

He groaned as his head rolled backwards, "Ugh, 'Cali said this', 'Cali said that', what does she know? Everyone she likes is loud and obnoxious. And no. No I don't want to meet him."

"Really? Not at all?" She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. "Come on, I know you. Yes, you do. At least a little bit."

"How do you even know he'll know who we are?"

"Seriously? Did you just ask me that? It's not like he doesn't know that people like us exist, he's met California. Plus the Original 13, and who knows who else, so he probably realizes that there are at least 50 of us. Pretty sure nobody else has gone up to him and said 'Hey, We're Oregon and Washington.'"

He continued to sit in stubborn silence for another few minutes until he heard her quiet voice, "Please, I don't want to go alone."

He almost caved at how small his older sister sounded, before scoffing and saying, "Why not take Cali then? She should be able to help you, seeing as she's already met him and all."

Now it was her turn to scoff. "Please, she'll just over power the entire conversation and he probably won't even realize I'm there. Which is why I want you to go with me."

"Why so you can overpower me and take over the conversation?"

"No, that isn't why. I want you to go because you haven't met him either; it'll be like killing two birds with one stone!" She knew he was beginning to lose his resolve so she upped her game a little.

He just stared at her earnest expression a few moments longer, mulling the idea over in his head. On the one hand, he did want to meet the man who was his country, but he wasn't sure if right now was the best time to do so. On the other hand, it had been a hundred and twenty-one years since he had basically come into existence, so when would the right time be, exactly?

Making his decision, he responded, "Alright."

His sister laughed and clapped her hands together. "Yay! I'm glad you said yes, because I have our flight booked to fly to New York on Monday."

Having began to sip his drink, Michael spat it out and stared wide-eyed at his sister with a disbelieving expression, "What? But that's two days from now! Does he even know we're coming? How are we even going to know who or where he is?"

"So? I know you've packed for longer trips in shorter amounts of time." She responded with an irritated tone as she wiped her face of the caffeinated beverage with a napkin. "And no he doesn't, and easy. We're going while they have the U.N. meeting, therefore he will be at the U.N. meeting building, and we'll just figure it out for there. Besides, we know his name and Cali kinda described him to me. We can ask around, shouldn't be too hard, right?"

"That…is the stupidest plan I've ever heard." He took a deep breath. "But, what else are we going to do? Alright, what's his name again?"

She grinned at her brother, knowing she was getting her way, again. "Alfred F. Jones."

AN: Just to clarify, Hannah is Oregon, Michael is Washington, and Cali is California. Yeah. I basically just looked up popular baby names around the time when the state first formed, and those were the ones I liked. Except Cali, she doesn't have a name yet, because all of her popular names just didn't seem to fit her.

I just wanted to let everyone know that this will probably focus a little less on the east coast. No that doesn't mean I'm going to ignore them entirely, but I hate the stories where all they write about is the angsting of the Original 13. Or New York and Massachusetts bickering and Vermont/Delaware/Maine/Connecticut being ignored.

ALSO: feel free to give me tips on what you think I should work/improve on, or any details about states that you want to share. Trust me, I could use all the help I can get. No information is useless information. (Okay, that statement wasn't true at all, pretty sure nobody's going to find use for the fact that Liechtenstein's biggest export is dental products).

But seriously, anything will help. Mostly I need lots and lots of stereotypes. And I will be including a lot of countries as well! (duh, I mean, how can I not?)