I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia. Please Review and Thank You. Implied Sweden/Switzerland.

Warning Next Chapter will have Sweden x Switzerland.

Switzerland was feeling highly pissed off and annoyed at the tourists thinking that his Nation is 'Sweden'. He wanted to shoot them and yell out 'This Is Switzerland!', but resisted the temptation and his fingers were twitching. Switzerland glared at them and decided to head inside his home before he killed someone. He knew the reason why, but there was no way to go back in time and stop himself from drinking all that alcohol.

"I'm such an idiot." Switzerland muttered to himself and then sighed heavily. He was half tempted to just end it all and yet did not for that would solve nothing along with not wanting to make his sister cry. Why did he go along with Sweden? Oh yeah that's right he and Sweden were completely drunk because of drinking massive amount of Alcohol.

"Are you Sweden?" America asked innocently and Switzerland turned around. He glared angrily at America and wanted to kill him, but decided against it.

"I'm Switzerland! Why the hell do you keep confusing me for some other Nation, America! Remember when you thought I was Germany! You are completely geographically challenged!" Switzerland yelled angrily and his face was turning red from sheer anger. He grabbed America and then tossed him out of his Nation. Switzerland was shaking with rage and his breathing was uneven. He gripped his gun tightly and remembered himself that his sister needs him alive.

"If I had topped then maybe Sweden would have been mistaken for me." Switzerland muttered to himself bitterly and then headed to his bedroom to relax. He was on the edge and his nerves were shoot to hell from being mistaken several times. It was annoying and Switzerland needed to break from it otherwise he would just lose it.

Please Review and Thank You.