My father and I had a similar fight like this is a restaurant the other day, so I thought it would make a funny one shot.

Roach grimaced and leaned back in his uncomfortable metal chair. He and Royce had been waiting in the briefing room for over an hour now for the others to arrive, and his back was starting to feel it.

" Dude, sit still." Royce snapped as Roach continued to shift in his seat. " You're like a five year old."

The younger sergeant rolled his eyes and scoffed. He leaned to the left and straitened his back, sending out a symphony of cracks. Royce raised an eyebrow.

" Dudeā€¦. Did you just fart?"

Roach's eyes widened.

" No! I was stretching my back I swear!"

Royce shook his head.

" You totally just farted. You couldn't take it outside?"

" I didn't fart! Will you cut it out!"

Royce threw up his hands in submission.

" Hey, im not the one who farted."

Roach's response was interrupted by Ghost as he entered the room and took a seat across from Royce, unmasked. He ran his fingers through his thick blonde hair and yawned.

" You guys know they changed the meeting from six to seven, right?"

Before Roach could comment on the fact he didn't know Royce cut in.

" We have a bigger problem."

Ghost raised an eyebrow.

" And what might that be mate?"

" Roach just farted."

Roach's face turned red.


" Didn't what?" MacTavish asked as he walked into the room and took a seat next to Ghost. Ghost smirked.

" Apparently, Roach farted."

Roach's face turned a deeper red.


MacTavish grinned. He knew his younger friend didn't really fart, but this was to funny.

" Then why are you tuning red?"

Roach stuttered as he scrambled to find an excuse. His captain sighed and laughed.

" Its okay Roach, I know you didn't, don't have a stroke."

The sergeants face turned back to its normal color as the group silenced. Then Meat walked into the room.

" What's going on guys?"

" ROACH FARTED!" All three men announced all at once.