Disclaimer: I do not own Halo or BSG.

Trials of Reclamation

Chapter 19: Light

September 18th 2711
Origin System
Battlestar Galactica

The last of the original Battlestars, the Galactica flashed into existence above the planet where their ancestors had long since abandoned. A second later its neck splintered and cracked as its flight pods clung tightly to the ship's main hull. Its armour was almost completely gone and its hull fractured from the extensive stress it had been put through.

"XO," Adama winced as he climbed back to his feet. "Sitrep...get me a damage report."

"Yes sir," Tigh grunted as stood up from the floor. "We're mostly here...engines...life support...but there are red lights through the structural supports for the flight pods...she's broke her back; she'll never jump again," he said after checking the readings.

"...Then wherever we are...it's where we're going to stay," Adama nodded in understanding. "Where have you taken us Starbuck?" he asked as he turned to the viper pilot.

"...Home," Kara replied.

"I'm matching up stellar coordinates now sir...we're in orbit of Kobol," Gaeta reported as Cortana and John entered the CIC.

"Admiral, Colonel," Cortana nodded.

"You've got frakking load of guts for a toaster girly," Tigh said. "That the craziest stunt I've ever seen, blowing up that ship with those things after you. That was worthy of Starbuck...absolutely crazy."

"Thank you sir," Cortana knowing that was the best she was going to get from the XO. "But there's no helping that...we're all mad here."

"Tell Chief Tyrol to prep a flight of raptors for launch," Adama ordered. "I want to send the fleet a message apprising them of our location."

"Yes sir," Gaeta said with a nod.

January 6th 2712
Xi System-Tyron Nebula
In orbit above New Caprica
Battlestar Galactica

Three months passed since the Battle of the Sword and the destruction of the Cylon homeworld. Following the battle the raptor teams that were sent out reported back with the Uneven Redemption which then carrier them back to New Caprica where she had lain in orbit ever since. She was too badly damaged to affect any kind of worthwhile repairs and she was already scheduled for decommissioning like she should have been before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies nearly three years ago.

"I'm gonna miss the old girl," Tigh admitted as he looked around the deserted room.

"She's an icon Saul," Adama commented. "This ship and its crew protected what was left of our civilization when everyone else had given up hope. She deserves a proper send off and that's what she's going to get."

"They're turning her into a memorial," Tigh nodded.

"Saul? Are you in here?" Ellen asked as she peeked her head through the hatch behind them.

"Yeah I'm here Ellen," Tigh said as he turned towards her.

"I'll leave you two alone...see you on the surface Saul, Ellen," Adama nodded to them both before exiting through the hatch. He eventually found himself on the port flight deck staring at his old mark-II viper that he piloted back during the First Cylon War forty years ago.

"I thought I'd find you here," Roslin said as she approached him.

"Madam President," Adama greeted. "You're looking better...how was the treatment?"

"It went well...the cancer was eliminated and they say I should be ready to work within the week. Thanks for asking," Roslin said with a smile. "You know I always wanted to build a cabin but I never got around to it."

"...I'll help you built it," Adama told her before turning his gaze back to the viper. "Right after I see the old girl one last time before she's decommissioned," he said as he turned and headed towards the locker room where they kept the flight suits.

Adama flew his viper out of launch tube and turned. This was the last time he saw the Galactica in space as the next morning at the end of its decommissioning, it was lowered by a pair of refit ships and set down just outside New Caprica City on the surface of the planet. There it would reside for centuries to come as a symbol that life here began out there...

January 7th 2712
Xi System-Tyron Nebula
New Caprica
New Caprica City
Cylon War Memorial Site

The memorial site was atop one of the hills overlooking New Caprica City with the Battlestar Galactica resting just beyond it. Atop the hill was a memorial plack imbedded on a stone column emblazoned with the Colonial and UNSC flags.

"For us, the storm has passed...the war is over," Admiral Cutter spoke to the crowd that had gathered. "But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure; sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight...our fight, was elsewhere. As we start to rebuild, this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten."

He stepped aside and Admiral Adama stepped up.

"Three years ago years I promised you I would lead you all to a new home," Adama said solemnly. "It's been a difficult journey; we've all lost, we've all suffered and the truth is I questioned if this day would ever come. But on this day our journey is at an end...the war is over...we've won...we've survived," he finished with a salute.

"Present arms!" Fischer shouted and seven marines to the side of the crowd stood as one. They turned and aimed their rifles up to the horizon. They fired as one, a three-volley salute to the fallen, each shot echoing throughout the area.

As the crowd dispersed Roslin stepped up to the plack and traced her hand over the names littering it. Each and every one of them was someone who had given their lives in order to defend their way of life from the Cylon menace. They were all heroes and anyone who said otherwise was a fool...she just prayed that history remembered this day as the day humanity, both Colonial and UNSC defeated an empire bent on genocide.

"What are you going to do now?" Roslin asked as the two admirals approached.

"Most of the fleet is heading back to the outer colonies for redeployment on the border of Jiralhanae space. As for the Spirit of Fire...she was originally designed as a colony ship. We're taking her back to Earth and then bringing her back here to settle down. Most of the crew is tired of conflict including the Spartans...if you'll let us we'd like to settle down on New Caprica," Cutter explained.

"Is there even enough room?" Roslin asked.

"Once we start terraforming, the ice on the northern continent should melt enough to settle on," Cutter told her.

"It's no problem," Roslin agreed.

"Thank you Madam President," Cutter nodded before he left, heading back towards his ship.

"...What?" Roslin asked when she saw Adama looking at her.

"You said you wanted to build a cabin," Adama suggested as he held out a hand.

"...Why? Are you retiring again?" Roslin asked amused before taking his hand.

As they left the afternoon sun shone on the memorial plack...

Second Cylon War

February 13th 2709 - January 7th 2712

In defence of the human race we fought for the freedom and salvation of all mankind.

Out there, we've walked quite friendly up to Death. Sat down and eaten with him, cool and bland, pardoned his spilling mess-tins in our hand. We've sniffed the green thick odour of his breath, our eyes wept, but our courage didn't writhe. He's spat at us with bullets and he's coughed shrapnel. We chorused when he sang aloft, we whistled while he shaved us with his scythe. Oh, Death was never enemy of ours! We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum. No soldier's paid to kick against his powers. We laughed, knowing that better men would come, and greater wars: when each proud fighter brags he wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags.

July 21st 2715
Xi System-Tyron Nebula
New Caprica
Forge City
Spartan-V Training Camp

Over three years later the planet New Caprica had been mostly terraformed to support larger populations of human life and had finished construction on most of Forge City. Named after the famous marine who gave his life to destroy the first Flood-infested Forerunner Shield World discovered by humanity.

The new Spartan-V program had started up on the planet after HighCom decided to change the location of the Spartan program from Reach to New Caprica, hidden away inside a nebula. The Spirit of Fire still remained in orbit to act as a defence and supply ship between the colony and UNSC space. Construction was almost finished on a space elevator near the heart of the city and food sources were growing rapidly the closer summer came.

Sharon and Helo raised Hera at the outskirts of Forge City and routinely took her inside the city so the Colonials didn't bother them. The Spartan-IIs and IIIs had become 'instructors' in the Spartan-V Program and the leader of the Spartans, John-117 was placed in charge of it. Having been promoted to Force Master Chief Petty Officer (FORCM) and being the first Spartan to marry left him with a surprising lot of paperwork to do.

Sometimes he even missed fighting wars...

"John you need to stop working and just relax once in awhile. You're gonna bury yourself in work like this," Cortana told him as she sat down across from him. The three month pregnant Cylon was starting to show and had been spending most of her time with her mother lately.

"Admiral Chekov wants a team of S-Vs ready for deployment tomorrow morning so I'm sending Dagger Team," John said as he looked over the papers.

"There's always the threat of an attack by say, a giant space dragon. The kind that eats the sun once every thirty days. It's a nuisance, but what can you expect from reptiles? Did I mention that my nose is on fire? And that I have thirteen wild badgers living in my coat?" Cortana asked him.

"Yes, yes, yes," John ignored her as he kept looking over the report.

"You're ignoring me," she said with what could amount to a pout. When he didn't respond she got nervous, "is something the matter John?"

"The report just came in an hour ago," John told her as he handed the paper to her. "A fleet of forty-seven Brute ships have attacked Arcadia...that's what Admiral Chekov wanted with the team. I've got another eighteen forms here for the rest of the Spartans...all of them."

"...Just another day huh?" Cortana smiled.

"So it would seem," John nodded and stood.

"You're going out too?" she asked.

"Yes I am," John confirmed. "I'll be back as soon as I deal with this."

"Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it."

Author's Notes:

I got Cortana's annoying rant from Babylon 5 when Marcus speaks to Ivonava when she ignores him (which I don't own). I just wanted to lighten the mood now that the war is over; also I'm not actually sure what they write on War Memorial placks but I hope this is satisfactory. I figured they should jump to Kobol because its where the story really began instead of Earth which is only seen in passing in this fic.

Officially New Caprica is an independent colony however unofficially it is a part of the UNSC which is why Roslin didn't mind them settling down on the northern continent. That last part about the Brutes was just to end it on a note that even though the war is over, the world still goes round which matches Wilfred Owen's poem when it says 'We laughed, knowing that better men would come and greater wars.'

There is a reason it is titled 'The Next War.'

After all, all of this has happened before and will again...

So say we all...

Please Read and Review.

See Ya Later…