Testing the limits

Guys i am sooooo frigging sorry it's taken me so long to update

you have every right to yell

school has had me by the butt checks and it was not pretty

i am back thoughi will have another chapter up son and i mean like wenseday soon people never again will i abandon my people

and faithfull followers

ugh i sicken my self

anyways enjoy

there is some lemon


but lemon all the same


Rin almost turned back and ran when Sesshomaru meet her black orbs, Gulping loudly she put one foot in front of the other walking down the ceremony room a cold silence broke out as Rin stepped in front of the royal family and bowed before silently trotting her way behind Sesshomaru and stood quietly behind him. Kagome started talking first with a nervous cough before the crowd started up again. Sighing relieved Rin relaxed rolling her shoulders. Sesshomaru glanced at her every few seconds it wasn't the fact she was a girl no he could care less. It was the fact she was so damn beautiful.

"May I have this dance Lady Rin?" An over happy demon wolf asked his long brown hair high in a pony tail. Kouga.

"Of course you silly wolf" Rin said laughing as she walked past Sesshomaru taking Kouga's hand, Inuyasha and Inutasha smirked as the heard the low possessive growl raise up in Sesshomaru's throat. The crowd cleared into a happily clapping circle around Kouga and Rin as the two dipped low. Rin was always and elegant dancer and now the way she danced freely in her white kimono. Kouga bent down after the song and placed a soft delicate kiss on Rin's cheek deadly close to her mouth causing Rin to blush furiously as she stumbled slightly back to her place next to Sesshomaru whose knuckles where a bright pure white from gripping the arm chair to tightly. "Are you alright Sesshomaru" Rin asked, Sesshomaru turned calmly and stared at her for what seemed like an eternity before nodding his head. Rin cocked her head silently as she stared at the back of his head, she watched in amusement as Inuyasha stormed up to Kagome who was currently being asked to dance and demanded she dance with him, she of course willingly did with a few remarks of her own as they dance closely around the dance room, Rin eyes traveled to Miroku who was quiet knowingly to both Sango and the people around them amazement publically and loudly stating to Sango's fiancé that he would never allow Sango to marry such a (Insert very cruel and negative words here) which in term earned him a surprising kiss from Sango who cast a bold look at her father.

"Would you like to dance lady Rin?" a cold mocking voice asked form infront of them Rin sighed as she gazed into her long time friends eyes Jakotsu and nodded, Jakotsu took Rin's hand angrily as he danced at her

"Jakotsu please hear me out" Rin said looking into her friends eyes "I never ever wanted to hurt you and it kills me that I did but if I had told you the truth you would have hated me instantly because of my gender but we were the best of friends when you thought I was a boy, right" sighing Jakotsu had stopped dancing and just stared deep into Rin's black eyes sighing Jakotsu looked around the room

"I'm not mad at you and I still love you it's just… you made me… befriend a girl" Jakotsu said dully

"Sorry" Rin said not really meaning it, She grinned ear to ear as she stared at Jakotsu

"I guess this mean we'll be sending you women's clothes from now on" Bankotsu said coming up and wrapping an arm around Jakotsu Rin could only nod her head happily. She looked between the two with a cheesy grin. After talking for a while Rin decided she had been away from Sesshomaru to long and walked back to him but instead of walking behind him she held out her hand to him.

"Come dance with me Sesshomaru" She said casting him a gentle smile, without a word Sesshomaru took her hand and lead her to the dance floor where he all two willingly placed a hand on the low side of her back and his other in her hand "So what's on your mind" Rin asked as Sesshomaru spun her.

"Nothing of consequence" He murmured placing both hands on her waist and picking her up in a light spin.

"Have I done something wrong or said something wrong" Rin asked troubled by the fact she confessed to him, Sesshomaru stared at her with a slight smirk crossing his face,

"No" He said kindly before twirling her. "So you talked to Jakotsu" Rin nodded

"Yeah everything seems to be alright with us" She mumbled

"Well that's nice" Sesshomaru murmured

"Are you mad at me for not telling" Rin finally asked, her black eyes swirled with mixed emotion, Sesshomaru was quiet for a while as they danced again to a more upbeat song

"Relieved" Sesshomaru finally said causing Rin to stumble, she recovered quickly enough

"What" she asked slightly shocked

"I'm relieved" He said again walking her away from the dance floor, the stood quietly on the side lines as couples danced happily.

"I don't follow" Rin said quietly cupping her hands behind her

"I don't like men or find them in anyway desirable" Sesshomaru said looking at Rin

"What's that got to do with anything" Rin asked. Sesshomaru sighed before standing in front of Rin he rested his forearms above her head as he leaned down towards her.

"I desired you" Sesshomaru said his hot breath tickling her nose, Rin simply mouth "O" before blushing madly

"Sesshomaru I…" Rin trailed off staring faintly at the blurry crowd of people around her she focused dully on Sesshomaru's lips after a while and barely comprehended what sounds came out of them, she noticed however the fact they had stopped moving and smirked causing Rin to focus on his golden eyes.

"Rin I…" A voice behind Sesshomaru began before coughing hopping to divert Sesshomaru away from Rin. , seeing it wasn't going to work the young suitor came around leaning on the wall beside Rin trying to ignore the death glare he was giving he looked at Rin "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later on tonight" A dark aura grew large around Sesshomaru, before Rin could answer Sesshomaru cut her off,

"Rin is going to be very busy tonight" Sesshomaru said coldly

"Well she-" The suitor began before Sesshomaru continued

"After all she is my personal servant" Flabbergasted the bot stared between Rin and Sesshomaru before haughtily stomping off.

"You shouldn't have said that" Rin mumbled staring sternly at Sesshomaru,

"And why not" Sesshomaru asked narrowing his eyes "Did you want to dance with him" He asked growling, Rin smirked staring at him playfully

"No but now he is going to thing something dirty" Sesshomaru smiled faintly

"Good" He said with a cold voice Rin stared at his lips with a sudden urge to taste them, for some reason the feel of them cascading around hers brought a certain tingle-ling sensation her lower regions; averting her eyes to less tempting things she barely noticed the young Kanna approach.

"Terrible thing to happen isn't it" She asked casually playing with her white hair, "Poor Kagura" Sesshomaru took a gentle step back from Rin,

"Yes" He said coldly "Come Rin I am tired" Rin nodded

"Where so you reside now" Kanna asked

"In the same place I have stayed almost my entire life" Rin said coolly

"O but wouldn't you think that most inappropriate" Kanna said with a slight glare, Sesshomaru considered then option of coming to Rin's defense however before he could finish Rin came back at Kanna with lighting speed

"Define inappropriate" Rin asked she lowered her eyes into deadly slits looking down at Kanna as though she were a lioness and she was a feeble rabbit,

"Well" Kanna said clearing her throat "Sleeping in the same room unsupervised by anyone other than two male guards so I suppose inappropriate would be a young women alone with three men" Kanna said feeling satisfied

"So what would you call what you do" Rin asked with a cold smile "I mean I am sure there are a select handful of men and I'm sure women you have yet to lay under or above." Kanna gave Rin a nasty look before smiling

"Unlike you sweetie I so not sleep around" Rin yawned

"Lies do not become you dear Kanna" Rin said fixing her eyes on Kanna "However if it makes you feel better to pretend you don't then by all means enjoy. But if you just kept your legs closed we wouldn't have to endure your foul odor and you wouldn't be known as the castle tramp after Kikyo of course" Rin made a show of looking around "Where is the tramp anyway- Ah there it is" Rin said looking at a drunk Kikyo who was all but stripping for a half demon she was entertaining. Beat red Kanna stomped off casting a hateful glare at her, Rin gave a sweet smile as she turned back to Sesshomaru; he eyed her curiously before smirking.

"Come I'm tired." Rin nodded as she followed him through the crowd she past a winking Kagome who silently cheered her on and sighed. Poor Rin's in for one long painful night Kagome cast a glance at Inuyasha who was staring her down possessively she cast a glance at Miroku and Inutasha who all had a possessive look on the face's We all are Kagome thought happily.

"Here let me get that" Rin said as she helped Sesshomaru out of his shirt. The two guards were currently down stairs, um, cough, entertaining, cough, girls, COUGH.

"I got it" Sesshomaru muttered still letting her undress him, Rin smiled

"You haven't undressed yourself in your life" Rin said laughing, Sesshomaru smiled

"The luxury of having someone undress you a shame you haven't had such pleasure" He said teasingly waiting for Rin to take the bait

"O but I have" Rin said setting his shirt aside with a coy smile "I agree it is lovely" She noticed the low growl in his chest rise to his teeth bared in what looked like a devilish grin

"Really by whom" He said through clenched teeth

"No it's a by whom all" She said cheerfully "There were two" She held up two fingers happily, Sesshomaru's eyes went a blood red as he clenched his fist, Smiling Rin set a hand on his chest "Izayoi and Sango had to undress me during my um, examination" Instantly calming down Sesshomaru glared at her

"That wasn't funny" he said covering her hand with his as he lowered it

"Could it be you were jealous?" Rin asked, Sesshomaru pulled her hand, which pulled her into him heat rushed to her face as she felt he chest beat, raising up her face she stared into golden orbs her eyes widened as she felt a soft pressure against her lips gasping slightly surprised as she felt his tongue rome lazily around her mouth Rin tenderly kissed back testing the feel of her tongue playing with his shivering she wound her arms through his hair latching on to him, he wound his arms around her lower back pulling her up slightly where her feet where slightly dangling on her tiptoes, pulling away slightly Rin sighed content as she felt hands play with the tie to her dress coolness washed over her as her kimono fell to the floor leaving her in nude she gasped surprise and embarrassed as she tried to cover her breast Sesshomaru however was having none of that, he quickly pulled her hands behind his neck he leaned down kissing her again allowing her breast to bounce contently on his chest a gurgled 'mm' was heard as she opened her mouth she grazed her tongue over her fangs she leaned into him feeling a painful urge between her legs she need more she grinded her hips slightly against his semi hard erection, a low growl was heard again as he wound his arms down her back and but around her thighs, Rin gasped as he raised her up she wrapped her legs around him instinctively she felt a hand around her back and another on her thigh, looking down she realized breathing was hard, his eyes his body his lips she wanted it all leaning down she kissed him, he tilted her head back as he started licking her nipples causing a shiver to run down her back he grazed his teeth around her nipple earning himself a delighted yelp Sesshomaru walked silently to the bed and lowered her down examining every aspect of her as he silently removed his pants, The way her breast bounced with every breath she took her flat stomach soft legs hazy black eyes parted lips and awaiting arms. Sesshomaru positioned himself happily between her legs Rin felt the hot throbbing membrane rub testing against Rin's womanly hood, She gasped as he swiftly entered her, Sesshomaru waited for Rin to wince or cry however as he pierced her barrier she simply looked at him with lust filled eyes, Sesshomaru went slow entering her slowly and easily letting Rin get used to the fill promising himself when she was used to it he was going to go A LOT rougher.

Rin loved the feel of him in her but she wanted more

"Faster" Rin gasped out ignoring her Sesshomaru went at a slow pace causing Rin to flip the script.

She twirled them over where she was straddling him, she rose swiftly before pounding herself into him, they moaned in ecstasy as she continued riding him mercilessly

"Ses..sho…ma…ru!" Rin yelled out as she came, She rode out her climax feeling his seed spill into her. Rolling over she collapsed on the bed. "I…Think…I'm…in…Love" Rin huffed out, Sesshomaru pulled her into him with a smirk

"I thought you already loved me" He mumbled into the crook of her neck

"Of course" Rin said smiling "I'm taking about with me" Sesshomaru chuckled as he roled on top of her,

"I'm about to make you fall in love all over again"

i know sucky way to end but i have a purpose people trust me i wouldn't let you down



Rin and Sesshomaru have been engaged for 6 months and things look great but whats all this about Rin having to go to a lady in waiting school and who does this new fellow think he is tempting poor Rin. OO Sesshomaru it was a misunderstanding...