The Trade: 1521

"But mommy I don't want to dress like a boy!" Four year old Rin yelled stomping her foot. Putting a hand to her forehead the mother stared at the child in pain.

"Rin we have been over this numerous times you are to amuse the young Young Lord as a boy until your brother is well enough to." Rin stomped around shaLord her short black curls around

"I don't want to Souto never gets better" Rin yelled pulling at her shirt. She met her mother's eyes. Black stared into black.

"You will do as you're told do you understand. No one not even the Lord knows that you are a girl and that is how it is to left UNDERSTAND!" Her mother yelled stomping out the room.

"I won't like it" The daughter yelled back. Rin walked to a nearby mirror and stared into it. A short Six year old servant girl came up behind her and brushed back the tangled black curls tying it back in a short braid before placing a cap over it.

"Come now miss Rin it's not so bad" She placed her head on the girls shoulders staring into the mirror with her "If thinks work out and you and the young Young Lord become friends then your father the Lord of Young Lordton will be blessed in many a ways."

"Yeah but everyone says the Young Lord doesn't like nobody" Rin said pouting "What if he's mean and stupid" tapping the young girl on the head The servant stared sternly into Rin's eyes

"You mustn't ever speak that way of his young Lord."

"But Kagome" Rin moaned turning around, Kagome stared into the girls black eyes with her Brown ones.

"The Lord of the Western land Approaches" Was yelled from outside. Rolling her eyes Rin turned towards the window.

"I want my dress. My room my everything, man not my brothers." Whispered Rin angrily as she followed the servant down the long halls and stairs and out of the mansion she stood next to her father and watched as horses and carriages came. Rin stared at the ground as the rocks jumped up and down before a halt came.

"The Lord of the Western Lands and Family" Rin watched as all her servants and family bowed there head she quickly did the same as heavy footsteps stopped in front of her.

"Mark my old friend how are you" a voice said booming. Heads rose as the saw the Lord of Western lands Inutasha smiling at Rins father, they hugged briefly. "And this must be your lovely wife Anne" He held out his hand as Anne kissed his ring softly

"You are most welcome" She said smiling Her He stepped back slightly standing in front of Rin

"And this must be Rin How please I am to meet you" Bowing her head slightly she mumbled

"Your Grace" Backing up the Lord pointed to his family

"My wife The Queen Izayoi" A young women with Long black hair that brushed the floor as she walked smiled tilting her head slightly to the side her dark velvet eyes danced devilishly."My youngest son The Young Lord Inuyasha" The attention was brought to a six year old boy who grinned his gold eyes staring boldly at Kagome He had long Silver hair he bowed deeply

"My ladies" He said smiling laughing broadly the Lord continued

"My beautiful daughter The Young Lady Sango" A young girl with long dark hair and bright brown eyes raised her chin proudly her long dark hair bouncing. "And my Eldest son The Young Lord Sesshomaru" A nine year old boy stood angrily his silver hair in long locks far down his back glared angrily his golden eyes piercing everything in sight.

"Excuse me Lord I would introduce you to my eldest boy but alas he's taken ill" Mark said apologetically. Shaking it off the Lord smiled

"Come my old friend we have much to discuss" Wrapping his arm around Mark's shoulders the two strolled in. The group followed along. The Queen turned and whispered to the Mistress of the household-Rin's mother-And smiled as she turned towards Rin and Sesshomaru

"Rin why don't you take Sesshomaru outside and play" Anne said smiling her eyes on the other hand demanded it

"Yes mother" Rin said sighing she grabbed Sesshomaru's wrist and pulled him along until they were outside "What do you want to do" Ignoring her completely Sesshomaru walked over to a pile of mud and chucked it at Rin's head. smirking he walked away towards the river that flowed through Rin's territory. Sizzling with anger Rin grabbed a lump of mud and hurled it at the back of Sesshomaru's head, he tumbled forward. Jumping up he turned pointing an accusing finger at her.

"You can't do that to me I'm the Young Lord" He yelled at her

"SO" She yelled back pointing an equally accusing finger "That doesn't mean you can just be mean to me" lost for word they stared at each other.. Putting down their fingers they both silently marched to the river. Washing the mud of each other Sesshomaru splashed Rin, who splashed back angrily. They stared at each other angrily before Rin yelled pouncing on Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru punched her face and Rin punched his They rolled around in the water when A laugh was heard behind them and then another and another until a course of laughter split them up Sesshomaru and Rin sat at the base of the stream. Unknown to them every one had come outside due to the commotion, and stood staring at them with bemused smirks on their faces, The Lord turned towards Mark and smiled.

"We'll take him tomorrow."

"Of course I wouldn't have e it any other way."

"Stupid face" Rin murmured under her breath standing up

"Ugly boy" The Young Lord whispered as the crowd departed

"I bet you don't have any friends" Rin said turning to the Young Lord

"So what if I don't my father can just buy me some just like he is buying you" The Young Lord yelled

"So that doesn't mean I'll be your friend" Rin yelled back her little voice Cracked

"Why not" The Young Lord said slightly hurt. Taken back by the change in his voice Rin softened

"Because you're mean to me"

"Well I don't have any friends" Sesshomaru said confiding in the four year old. Sighing loudly Rin put both her hands on her hips and grinned

"Alright then I will be your first very true best and awesome friend" Sesshomaru looked at her smiling

"Promise" He said holding out a hand Rin took it.

"But there are conditions" Rin said holding his hand in place "No lying no secrets only truth and we tell each other anything and were always together agreed" Rin said repeating lines out of a story. Nodding his head happily he grinned

"Yes!" They broke apart grinning. Rin poked his head

"You're it" She said running away. Sesshomaru a moment to register what just happened he walked after Rin the jogged the broke out into a full sprint laughing. Never in his life had Sesshomaru known such kindness even from a child he was feared by most his age and never known someone to willingly without motivation become his friend.