I know I'm not suppose to be writing anymore stories cause it's pretty damn stupid cause I NEVER finish one damn story but... this came up. This is actually an RP between me and my girlfriend. She told me to make it into a story so here it is.

I do not own -Man, cause if I did...oooohhhh the things I would write...

Warning: Smut. Yullen. Yaoi (boyxboy) cursing and... Kanda?

Kanda was stomping through the woods, angry and frustrated, but over all hungry. He had just finished a mission that had taken him a couple days to complete, and since he left the Order, he hasn't had time to feed. Luckily his last target had lead him into a small village. Kanda's hunger began to grow as he stepped inside the village. He could smell all the mortal's blood in the nearby houses.

"I hope I don't get drunk again..." Kanda let out a small growl to himself, mentally slapping himself for allowing a mortal, a human none-the-less, to get him drunk. Kanda looked up at the nearby rooftop and jumped up, landing neatly and gracefully on the rooftop of a house. He began to make his way across the village, seeking his pray.

Near by, a young white haired boy walked out of a closing bar. It was now almost three in the morning and the boy had made enough money in poker to last him for two months, not counting how much he eats and the fact that he still had to pay for his master's debt. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and pulled up his hoodie to cover his white hair. He shivered a bit as the cold night air welcomed him. Should have brought my gloves... the boy thought as he turned the corner and headed for his house.

Kanda stopped mid-step as he spotted what he thought was an old man. Fuck... I don't feel like hunting anymore... He thought as he quietly jumped down from the rooftop and followed the old man down the street. His eyes scanning the near by houses for any sign of life; no lights were on, and no movement were sensed from inside any house. Perfect...

Unaware of the vampyre behind him, the boy continued on his way home. As he stepped under a streetlight, the light began to flicker on and off, before it turned completely off. The boy looked up and sighed in frustration. "Great..." he mumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes to try to get them adjusted to the darkness.

Kanda's eyes widen for a moment, hearing the sound of the old man's voice... and it didn't quite sound... old. Kanda sniffed the air for a moment and realized that his pray at the moment, wasn't an old man at all, it was actually a young boy. Looks like this is just his unlucky day. Kanda thought as he stepped closer to the boy and covered his mouth with one powerful hand. In an instant he was dragging the boy into a near by alley. The boy began to struggle, to try and rip the mans hand away from his mouth, but soon realized that it was useless. His eyes widen with fear and his body began to shake as the horror of what was happening, and what was about to happen, struck him.

"Just relax." Kanda ordered, his voice smooth and strong as he hold the struggling boy. His powers came in handy when it came to victims like these. His voice could make anyone do anything he wanted, even if what he wanted, the person might never do in their rational mind. The boy soon started to relax at the sound of Kanda's voice. Within seconds, the child in Kanda's hands was limp with relaxation. Kanda couldn't help but smirk at this; it was just too easy sometimes, almost sort of boring even. He turned the boy around so he could study him more. He couldn't see much of the boys features to to the hoodie, but what he could see clearly was a reddish scar running down the right side of the boys face.

"Take off the hoodie." Kanda ordered, his eyes began to glow red with hunger. Still completely relaxed, the boy moved his hands up and knocked down his hoodie, reviling the snow white hair he was trying so desperately to hide. Kanda raised a brow at the sight. He knew his hair was white, but still, to see white hair on such a young boy was bizarre even for a vampyre as old as him. "Interesting..." Kanda couldn't help but say as he twisted some of the white hair gently around his long finger.

The boy looked up at Kanda with soft hazel eyes and closed his eyelids half way in content. "Who are you...? What are you doing...?" His voice was soft and gentle, almost angelic.

"My name is Kanda." Kanda whispered in the boys ear; He couldn't help feeling attracted to the sound of the boys voice, that alone was strange, but Kanda decided to ignore the feeling and move down to kiss the boys neck. "What's your name?" Kanda asked before he could stop himself. Kanda never, ever, asked a victim for their name.

"Mmm.." The boy turned his head a bit to give Kanda more access to his neck. "Allen..." The boy whispered back as a blush decorated his pale cheeks.

"Cute..." Kanda whispered out as he kissed Allen's neck a few more times before biting into the boys neck softly, letting the pheromones out into the air so Allen won't feel the pain of the bite, or the fact that his blood is being drained. The blood felt sweet on Kanda's tongue, which only came from mortals that are innocent and pure, but there was still a hint of bitterness in the blood, still, it was so little that Kanda hardly tasted it. Kanda normally liked this sort of sweetness, but has he began to drink, he felt like he couldn't get enough of it.

"A-Ahh..." Allen's eyes closed as he felt something sharp pierce his skin, but soon the pain was gone and his eyes opened and widen. He inhaled and the pheromones in the air started making their way into Allen. With a gasp, Allen arched his back and let out a soft moan as he felt an unusual pleasurable touch cress his body. It was like a ghostly hand was touching him, creasing him, wanting to make him feel good before something bad happened.

Kanda drank slowly, allowing more pheromones to attack the boy so he felt as much pleasure as Kanda could give. Something about the boy called to him, making him want more than just his life.

Allen's arms came up to grip Kanda's sleeve as his moans of pleasure rang throughout the alley. Kanda steps closer to Allen, feeling the visible erection underneath Allen's pants. Kanda began to drink faster, wanting more of Allen, but as Kanda kept drinking, Allen's moans and whimpers became weaker and his grip on the Asian's jacket sleeve loosened and his arms fell back to his side. "K-Kanda..." Allen moaned out Kanda's name in a soft, weak whisper.

Kanda suddenly realized that the grip on his jacket was no longer there, and that the boys moans were nothing more than weak whispers. A panic began to rise in him and he quickly pulled away form Allen's neck. Before he even knew what he was doing he'd bitten his arm and held the bleeding wound to Allen's mouth. "Drink damn it." Kanda ordered before he could stop himself or even think why he was ordering the boy to drink.

Weakly, Allen opens his mouth and cups it over Kanda's bleeding wound and lets the blood run down his throat. He drinks a bit and his eyes widen painfully and he throws his head back and pushes Kanda away. He holds his chest as he falls to his knees and starts screaming in pain. He felt like he was on fire, like every organ, cell, and bone in his body were melting right off, but he couldn't die. It was like he was falling into a pit of lava, but he wouldn't die so he had to keep suffering.

Kanda's wound quickly healed itself as Allen fell. "Fuck." Kanda growled out as he looked at the screaming boy. The sounds of people waking up to Allen's screams made him rush and scoop up Allen into his arms bridle style. He ran as fast as his powers could take him without hurting the boy more than he already had, to what he now knew was Allen's home. Once inside he laid the boy down and eased the pain of the transformation slightly. What the hell have i gotten myself into? he thought miserably.

Allen's back arched in pain as silent tears start rolling down his cheeks. His mouth gasped in a wide O and his screams were silenced by Kanda's power. He wanted to thrash around and grab something, anything, to make the pain go away. He curled up and tried to stop his violent shaking, but all his attempts to stop were left in vain.

Kanda sighed and sat next to Allen's shaking body and stroked Allen's hair softly. The last thing he ever wanted to have was a fledgeling on his hands, plus it wouldn't be long until he had nothing mission to do. This is just fucking great. He thought as he looked at Allen. The boys body stopped shaking after a while and he went limp. Allen's tear stained cheeks were now paler than before, lifeless even. The only sound in the house house was Allen's panting, trying to regain his breath.

What happened to me...? Allen thought bitterly as he laid there on the familiar bed, feeling weak... and a bit strange. Allen felt someone next to him and, not able to move his body, he moved his eyes to look at the man sitting next to him.

"You're a vampyre now." Kanda answered Allen's question that he had heard with their now new physic link. He quickly got up and closed all the shades in the house to make sure there would be no light coming into the room when day break came. Fledgelings are some damn troublesome.

Allen's eyes followed Kanda's every move, examining him, studying him. Kanda walked back to him and growled. Allen's hazel eyes had turned into a deep crimson; the damn kid was hungry. "...Who are you...?" Allen asked again, even though something in his mind was tugging him, whispering that the man in front of him was his master.

By now Kanda was getting annoyed. He growled softy before answering, "I already told you Moyashi." Kanda's glare turned to the smaller boy. "I'm Kanda, and I'm sure you know by now that I'm your creator, thus I'm your master." Kanda started at Allen with piercing black orbs as he started walking towards the bed again, closer to the much younger boy.

Allen flinched every time Kanda stepped closer to the bed. The glare was scaring him so he tried to back away from the taller man. He glanced down and said, "Master... My throat burns..." Allen looked back up to meet Kanda's cold gaze. "Why does my throat burn, master?" Allen sat up, holding his neck were the wounds of Kanda's fangs were slowly healing.

Kanda sighed. He already hated the sound of being called 'Master'. "You're hungry, you need to feed." Kanda stated as he removed his jacket and shirt. "There are to many people out because of your screaming. You can't hunt so you'll have to feed off me tonight." Kanda said as he sat next to Allen and pull the boy close and into his lap. "Don't get use to it Moyashi."

As if using natural instinct Allen wrapped his arms around Kanda's shoulders and leaned down so his mouth was by Kanda's neck. He licks the spot right on top of Kanda's vain and bites down on his masters neck softly, releasing huge amounts of pheromones, more than what was really necessary. Allen didn't know how to control the release yet.

Kanda let out a soft moan as the pheromones the Moyashi let out attacked his body. Kanda was shocked by how much of a natural Allen was at this. All the other fledglings he'd seen feed had viciously attacking the first person they could for their first meal. Only Kanda himself had ever done it so nicely. Closing his eyes, Allen begins to feed. Kanda's blood wasn't sweet, but it wasn't bitter either. It was a strange mix of both that didn't seem to fit the Asian's personality at all. Because he had let out too much pheromones into the air, not all of them had gone into Kanda, the rest that were left behind started attacking Allen as well. Not used to this new weird sensation Allen moaned a bit and pulls himself closer to Kanda as he drinks.

Kanda unconsciously held Allen tighter making there bodies move as close as possible. He moan softly as his fledgling drank from him, becoming more aroused. It wasn't long until he was hard and wanting his new fledgling in a way he was sure the boy wasn't ready for, but one thing Kanda had that most others didn't was self-control.

It wasn't long until Allen pulled away and licked the bite to make it stop bleeding. He began to pant softly as the pheromones began to fade, but it was too late. He looked down at their waist and noticed a lump in Kanda's pants, and a smiler one in his as well.

Kanda noticed that Allen had also been affected by the pheromones in the air; he nearly jumped at the chance to ravish the boy but stopped himself. "Go take care of your problem, Moyashi." Kanda said looking away, trying to relax himself. He could only hope Allen didn't notice the hunger his dark eyes held.

"What about you, Master?" Allen's innocent hazel eyes returned and looked back at Kanda's face. Even though he had not seen the hunger in Kanda's eyes, he could every well feel it through their physic link, and it was overwhelming him.

"I'll be fine." Kanda stated trying to control himself and his feeling and failing miserably.

Closing his eyes slightly and panting as he kept feeling Kanda's hunger for his body, Allen grips Kanda's shoulders a bit to try to keep himself sitting up. Somehow the power of this situation was to much for him and he couldn't seem to work up the strenght to stand off Kanda, let alone open his mouth to say a few words.

Kanda hissed and let out a small growl. "I swear, Moyashi, if you don't get away from me now you won't be able to walk for days." A deep lust waved into his voice as he spoke. It has been centuries since he had last had sex with anyone, and this temptation was far harder to ignore than any other he had come across with.

Allen shuddered a bit and opened his eyes to look at Kanda. Lust filled his hazel orbs as he tried to pull away from Kanda, though his attempts were weak and pathetic. Kanda closed his eyes in an attempt to ignore the delicious body that practically called for him. He got his overwhelming lust under a bit of control, at least just enough for Allen to get away. Allen managed to push himself back a bit so he falls off Kanda and onto the bed again. He lays there and pants softly as he tries, but with no avail.

Kanda, having his hearing ten times the norm of a regular vampyre and human, heard as Allen fell on the bed, his lust immediately raising again. He let out a dark growl before standing up. Allen let out a soft moan as he felt Kanda's lust rise again. Kanda looked down at the child laying on the bed, the moan quickly reaching his ears and going straight for his throbbing erection. Allen laid there, meeting Kanda's hungry gaze and panting softly. The Asian only moved forward, the hunger in his eyes more evident than ever. Allen sat up slightly, his eyes reflecting that of Kanda's hunger.

Kanda couldn't hold back anymore, the damn moyashi was asking for it. He pushed Allen bac down on the bed and kissed him roughly. I warned you. He growled in his mind.

"Mmmm!" Allen closed his eyes tight, but kissed back, enjoying the roughness of Kanda's soft lips on his. Kanda didn't wait long, he began to kiss Allen roughly over and over, forcing his tongue into the boys mouth. The Asian quickly stripped them both of the annoying clothes that was in his way, but pulled away and looked down at the child under him; something had caught his eye. An arm that was red like raw skin and blood. For a second he feared he was the cause of this, only to remember he hadn't touched the child hard enough to cause the damage. … I'll just have to ask later. He thought making a mental note to ask the boy, before going back to ravaging the younger body beneath him.

Every time Kanda's tongue would invade his mouth, he'd let out a strained moan from the harsh kiss. Allen didn't mind the rough twist the kiss had taken, he was forced to do far worse before.

Kanda's hands traveled all over Allen's smaller body, rubbing the nipples and stroking Allen's erection. Within seconds Kanda had gone from stroking Allen's member to grinding their lengths together to get friction as a finger rubbed Allen's virgin entrance.

"A-Ahhh! Oh..! Ah! M-Master!" Allen's head turned to the side so his bangs covered his eyes as he began to drool a bit in pleasure. His hips buck and push down on the finger, wanting to feel it.

"Don't call me master, Moyashi." Kanda growled in pleasure as he began to grind their lengths harder together and pushed the finger in. "Call me Yuu." He said stating his first and normally forbidden name.

Allen let out a gasp of pained pleasure as he bucks his hips more, craving Kanda's touch, but at the same time tensing up from the intrusion of Kanda's finger. "Y-Yuu!" Kanda growled in pleasure and annoyance, soon realizing his mistake in telling the moyashi his first name as he added another finger to stretch the boy out. Allen moaned in pain as he gripped the sheets tightly, but it wasn't long until the pain subsided a little and a tingle of pleasure began to creep into Allen. Kanda soon added another finger and forced Allen's legs open to get more access to the boys lower body. He knew he couldn't last much longer, he needed to be inside the child that laid out on the bed for him.

Allen spread his legs more so Kanda had even more room. "Y-Yuu..! I-I'm g-gonna..." Allen's words were cut short as he arches his back and moans loud as he cums.

Kanda couldn't help but smirk at the fledgeling, he pulled his fingers out and sat down on the bed, pulling Allen along with him and forcing the kid's face in his crotch. "Suck, Moyashi." Kanda grolwed, his cock visaibly twitching and already starting to precum.

"My name's not moyshi..." Without hesitation though, Allen licked the head of Kanda's cock and trails down to the base, then licked back up and flicked his tongue so he licks up all the precum, then he takes Kanda's length in his mouth and twirls his tongue around the head, sucking and nibbling at the sensitive skin every now and then,bobbing his head slowly. It was obvious to anyone that Allen was very experienced with his mouth.

Kanda moaned loudly, he has been given blow jobs before but this, by far, has to be the best he'd ever had. It annoyed him to think that another man had cumed in the mouth of his fledgling before though. He'd never allow another to touch his fledgling ever again, he vowed it to himself. It wasn't long until he came in Allen's mouth. The boy gagged a bit, still not used to swallowing, but he managed. Allen pulled away and let the cock fall out off his mouth with a pop sound, He licks his lips to teats Kanda again and looks up at Kanda to see how he did.

Kanda pulled Allen up by his hair and kissed the bruised lips again before pinning him down to the bed and forcing Allen's legs open again. "Amazing." Kanda growled out, answering Allen's unasked question.

Allen licked his lips a bit in satisfaction and bends his legs back a bit. "I'm glad Yuu liked it..."

Kanda smirked. "Now lets see how you like me." Kanda said in a deep, lustful and seductive voice before thrusting hard into Allen's entrance. Allen arched his back and screamed in pain as he's penetrated for the first time, but behind the painful scream was the pleasure he was soon to feel. Kanda growled in pleasure as he felt the warmth of his new fledgeling. He loved that scream, it was almost like a drug to him, and he wanted to hear more. He immediately began thrusting in and out as hard and fast as he could without giving Allen time to get use to the penetration.

Allen's back arches more and his legs bend back further so his legs touched his chest slightly. Allen's scrams grew louder as Kanda began to move faster inside. His insides began to tighten around Kanda's cock and grow hotter from the intense pleasure. Allen's head was spinning, his eyes were hazed and he just wanted more of Kanda.

Kanda moaned loudly as Allen tightened around his erection. He began thrusting in deeper and harder, continuously pounding into Allen's prostate. He knew he couldn't last long but neither could Allen.

"Ahh! Yuu!: Allen's back arched again and he threw his head back as he feels his orgasm building. His eyes widen and he blacks out for a moment as he cums hard on Kanda's chest and his waist.

"Ahhh! Allen!" Kanda growled as he slammed in one last time deep inside Allen and spilled his hot seed inside Allen. The boy was shaking from both their orgasms, and drooling a bit from the side of his mouth. Kanda held himself over Allen as he panted softly, enjoying the high he hadn't felt in years. He'd clamied Allen as his own and no one could say other wise. The Asian couldn't help but smirk at what he did.

Allen was laying under him, flushed, panting, covered in cum. It was a sight Kanda was never going to forget. Allen's white hair was stuck to his forehead and every inch of his body was covered in soft sweat. Kanda looked over his masterpiece, memorizing every inch of Allen's slim body; every curve, every muscle, every inch of skin, hair, and freckle, on the boys body. Kanda's lips soon met Allen's again and he pulled out of Allen's new and abused entrance.

Allen moaned into the kiss a bit; semen mixed with blood dripped out of his abused and red hole, running down his thigh and legs and dripping onto the bed, staining the sheets. Kanda pulled away from the kiss to look down at Allen. The temptation to fuck the boy into the bed came washed over Kanda, but he manged to ignore it for the most part. "Go to sleep, Moyashi." Kanda orderd.

"Name's not moyashi... BaKanda..." Allen closed his eyes and soon his breathing became soft; he was fast asleep.

Kanda quickly cleaned the boy and tucked him in without waking him up. He walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower before walking out to the kitchen area and pulling out his phone. He dialed the number he had memorized over the centuries and waited for the person he knew was sound asleep next to the phone to pick up. He'll have to tell Komui about the new arrival.

After five rings Kanda was about to hang up when he heard that all too familiar sleepy voice of Komui Lee. "Hello...?"

"It's me." Kanda answered leaning back on the wall, stuffing his hands into his pocket.

"Ah! Kanda! So good to hear from you again!" Komui's voice rose in volume and pitch, telling Kanda that he was wide awake.

Kanda's eyebrow twitched a bit in annoyance."The mission is done. All my targets were killed."

"Perfect. I trust no one saw you."


"Great. When will you be travailing home then?"

"In a few days... I won't be travailing alone though." Kanda started plainly.

"What do you..." Komui's voice trailed off. "...YOU HAVE A FLEDGELING!" Komui screamed it out loud so probably everyone in the Order heard the news.

Kanda simply held the phone away from his ear. "Yes."

"Here I thought you would never get a fledgeling! Is he cute? What's-" Kanda hug up before the questions continued. Great... now the whole Order knows... He thought as he looked at Allen's sleeping face.

Welp, there you have it. Do you think it's worth continuing? Yes? No? Maybe? I'm eating shit writing this? o.e!

Remember all to thank TaikoProtectorNinja for RPing this with meh :P She's Kanda XD;;

I promise to have Heart Unwind's next chapter up soon! o.e... maybe... I WILL DX!
