Homework, chapter 3
Vampire Knight © Matsuri Hino
Their hair was ruffled, thanks to high use of hands to run along the bodies of each other. Their clothes were crinkled; courtesy to the same reason, and both pair of lips were red and swollen from the heated kisses the pair shared. But the uneven breathing that fanned over the Elders face made it almost impossible for him to concentrate on the consequences of his actions, of the possibility of losing his job if he continued on with what he was doing.
When the younger boy raised his face from the teachers neck that he was previously kissing, Rido felt the two parts (the sensible half and the impulsive half) of himself start a tug of war on his brain that left the usually confident male feel lost in his own thoughts as he considered the two possibilities that faced him; continue his actions that had long plagued his mind and face the chance that he may have to wave goodbye to his career if this ever came to anyone else's attention, or ignore his slow built adoration of the boy hovering over him and play it safe- dull.
"Kaname... I..."
He stopped at the husky voice of his teacher whispering his name as he reached up to kiss him again; recognizing the hesitance in it as his face reached towards the lips he previously owned. The Kuran boy was very intelligent for his age, so he wasn't oblivious to the risks he was running by putting himself forward in such a bold way and he felt the dark stains of embarrassment coat the flesh of his cheeks slightly as he did nothing but stare at his Sensei; understanding the stabbing calculations that floated through the eyes of the older man- noticeably weighing the pros and cons of continuing on with what would have been assumed from their position.
Both was aware of the straining part of their anatomy that lay between their hard thighs; having both felt it as they rubbed against each other in their heated session of passionate kissing; the organs still standing as erect and proud as possible in the lacking space provided for it. Neither them even tried to disguise the desire they felt for each other at that time, but the cold possibility of rejection was a harsh emotion that coursed poisonously in the flowing thoughts of the teenager which acted as a gateway for deep-setting misery and depression Kaname was sure would be an outcome of this. He was a rational thinker at all times, but rising blood and pricking tears accompanied the sinking feelings that led to the young male eventually pulling himself away from the sight of the other's quivering bottom lip; already setting a plan in his mind to quickly change schools and leave the memory of this afternoon behind along with his haste to escape- taking only the image of the older man breathless and unfocussed from the impact of his kiss with him.
The awkward silence continued as the youngest one silently chuckled at how much this scene seemed to compare to one from a badly made movie; of an overused teenage plot where the school's most popular student was knocked back by the only one he would consider a partner and an unrealistic follow on to his life, spiralling depression and continuous string of heartbreaks until they just happen to bump into their high school crush at some drunken party and happen to reconcile his love for that person before managing to win their heart and live happily ever after.
But this wasn't some cheap movie set that Kuran Kaname was taking part of; this was real life and he would never get another shot at this. So he just turned around and walked away.
"Kaname, wait!"
Frozen, he couldn't find it in him to turn around and look his superior in the eyes as his voice got closer- he found himself unable to do much more then tighten his hand on the door handle he previously reached for and notice the sudden change in his breathing.
He wasn't sure exactly how long it took for the teacher to reach him, but Kaname concluded that he must have just completely blanked out until he felt the welcomed impact of the warm breath against his cheek along with the feeling of a hand circling around his wrist shocking him back into awareness just in time for him to be turned around and dragged back to the desk with just a whisper.
"Be mine, Kaname,"
He needs for him to feel it; to have an inclination into the escalating emotions that had risen up him over the years of being his student. Each hour sat in his class trying to pay attention to anything other then how perfect his lips were when he spoke to the class- how they would have felt against his own. So with each kiss they shared now in this heated moment, he made sure to release a little bit of that pent up stress and desperation into it; stating without words what the elder man did to him without even knowing it.
Unknown to the younger, Rido was thinking along the same path, but using his own devices to get his point across; his hands running down from their position on the desk to run up the lean body of his student- feeling the defined abs that was revealed after his wandering digits had worked at the intrusion that was Kaname's coat and shirt; the annoying layers being pushed aside enough for Rido to be satisfied with what his fingers found under them.
The feeling of his hands against his partially exposed skin raised goosebumps, made him blush and made him groan -ever so slightly- at the very back of his throat. It seemed that the very essence of this man was enough to leave him breathless, though he reasoned that the intense kissing helped with that factor, but he still fount himself inwardly panicking at what effect this would have on their life; if this was going to turn into something worth the risk they were taking, or if he would just turn out to be another notch on the handsome man's bed post so to speak.
Kaname knew this was a role-reversal from earlier; it was now him panicking, but a twitching sensation in his pants alerted him to think about what he was doing; to ask how this was going to end up before he lost all common sense and just allowed himself to be possessed by this man. Only when he felt the lips that he craved so leave his own and wander down to kiss the hollow base of his throat did he react act, moaning out the word 'stop' in a weak way that left him feeling slightly pathetic over the way he allowed himself to get so deeply infatuated with this teacher.
But once the lips parted ways with his skin, he instantly missed the contact and if it weren't for the fact that he knew this was the best, he doubted he could have found the strength to turn his head to avoid their lips meeting again when the elder bowed his head down for another kiss, making the red pieces of flesh collide with the skin of Kaname's cheek- rather than the intended destination of his lips.
"Kaname.. what's wrong?" Rido breathed huskily against his skin, leaning up slightly to try and make contact with his student. He didn't want to stop, he finally had the teenager where he had ached for him to be for months; below him, only partially dressed with heavy breathing, sweat building up over his forehead and producing some of the sexiest sounds the man had ever heard in all his life. He couldn't stop. He needed this like he needed water, no air was the better term, you could have substitutes for water, but everyone needed air. It wasn't optional, he had no choice. He needed it, and by God, he was going to have it.
"I can't... I can't do this, Sensei. Not if this is just going to be a one-time thing,"
"What do you mean, Ka-na-me?"
"I-I love you...I think that I'm in love with you, Sensei,"
The brunette didn't get a response to his confession in words, but he got it in a way that it meant much more instead; in the form of a sweet kiss that left them back into the position of wanting to turn that kiss into something a little less innocent and a little more heated.
They had both come to the conclusion that clothes were unnecessary things; why wear them when it resulted in being so far away from your loved one even if you're next to each other? Their clothes were already being stripped off in quick precision, the fabric littering the floor immediately next to them, acting as a concealer to the paperwork and pieces of stationary that had been pushed onto the ground in desperation. Kaname may have flinched from the cold wood that hit the skin of his back-side as Rido tauntingly and teasingly pulled down the cloth that covered the boys lower body -and the sides of him that were both embarrassed and glad that he found it more comfortable to go commando yelled at each other through his half focused brain- but any discomfort instantly evaporated when Rido had crawled back up after pulling them over his ankles and letting them, too, drop gracefully to the ground with the rest of their garments and allowed his hands to squeeze into the space between the desk and the butt cheeks of Kaname, kneading the warm flesh between his fingers and palms.
A hearty groan, full of arousal and need, came from this, half lidded eyes smouldering from the intense feelings and Rido grinned at the way Kaname's head moved forward, lips pursed in an adorable manner, and pressed against his own almost clumsily.
Rido couldn't stop himself from looking down though, even with the distraction of the kiss he got a good eyeful of what Kaname had to offer and though it didn't really make that much difference to his feelings regardless, he was impressed by the package that was his.
It was already hard, but Rido couldn't resist just running his finger down the length lightly, feeling the force of Kaname's lips increasing on his own and enjoying the quiet whimper that vibrated through the kiss because of it.
He wanted to play; hell he was desperate to know how his youngster reacted to being touched in certain ways, to find out what made him cry and whither in pleasure, but as he was alerted to his own arousal, selfish needs took over and he found himself reaching down to loosen the buttons and zipper of his own pants, shifting his hips around slightly to pull them down to rest under his ass.
To anyone wondering past in the hallway -if they bothered to look through the glass pane of the door- they would have been given a miraculous sight to gawk at; a firm ass and bare, muscular back displayed by Rido, leaning possessively over a entirely nude Kaname who seemed to shudder slightly at the sound of the other male undressing himself. He knew there was no going back; knew it, but didn't -couldn't- complain. This is what he had wanted, dreamed about and desired since Rido was employed at the school. The first day he walked into the classroom, Kaname knew he would fall in love with him; something about his mismatched eyes that just taunted him even when he was at home. A full two years had passed since that day; Rido may not have noticed it, but it was two years to this very date that he had first taught Kaname, but even still his eyes had the same power of him.
That power seemed to have been intensified with the lust, the blue/red eyes both seemingly a shade darker as they gazed adoringly down at the Kuran heir. Such tempting colours left him helpless; gagging for more signs of affection from his -what he now assumed to be- lover.
A/N; I know. I deserve to rot in a hole for taking so long with this. It honestly wasn't my intention. All I can do is apologise, until I get more time to write some hardcore, serious fanfics (Christmas break in 3 weeks, yayyy)
There will be one more, final and short instalment for this, and then the story is complete! Hopefully it won't take as long as last time to get done. I don't know what it is about my work lately, I just have not been impressed with it at all.
If you have any praise, criticism or advice, please do review and let me know what you think. Confidence boosts are urgently needed.
Love you all, and see you soon~