Kellybird: Thanks, I'm glad you think so. Yes, he did. Thanks. Hope this is soon enough.

Brankell: Thanks. Here you go.

May1331: Thanks. Yes, he is. Yeah, it was good. Here's more. Good, that's what it was supposed to be. Thank you.

Jeremy Shane: Thanks, here's more.


Power Rangers belong to Haim Saban and Nickelodeon. I only own the plot. For this, I'm making believe that Jason, Zack, and Trini weren't just teleported away after the Power Transfer.


Jason finished putting his clothes into a suitcase. He blew out a breath and then ran his fingers through his hair. There was a knock on his door.

"Come in," he called. The door opened to reveal Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Trini, Zack, Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.

"Hey, guys," Jason greeted.

"Looks like you're just about finished packing," Zack commented.

"Yeah, I am," Jason nodded.

"I wish you guys didn't have to go. I'm going to miss you," Kimberly frowned.

"We'll miss you too, Sis," Jason responded. "But truthfully, the Peace Conference couldn't have come at a better time. I mean, this way, I can just…get away from it all, give myself a chance to think," he continued. And boy, do I have a lot to think about, he thought to himself.

"What about your therapy sessions?" Billy asked.

"I'm going to see if I can find someone in Switzerland," Jason answered.

"And we'll hold him to that," Trini assured.

"Yeah, we'll drag him kicking and screaming if we have to," Zack added.

"Wouldn't be the first time," Kimberly joked, and they all laughed.

"You know, I just can't believe that Zedd's now making plans to leave the Alliance," Tommy commented.

"Oh, I know. That's going to be so weird," Kimberly stated. They had been fighting him so long, she couldn't imagine battling anybody else, though she supposed it could happen. After all, she had never thought that there would be anybody worse than Rita.

"Well, first, he has to wait for someone else to try to attack Earth," Billy reminded them.

"Hopefully, that won't take too long," Jason mused. Then, "So, I saw the news. You three did really well."

"Thanks," the new Rangers chorused.

"I just can't believe you're that freak's son," Rocky said, and then groaned as Aisha elbowed him in the side. "Sorry," he apologized.

"That's okay. I didn't react too well when I first found out either," Jason chuckled. Helen came into the doorway.

"Hey, Jason. You all packed?" she queried.

"Almost," he answered.

"I do have to say it's gonna be weird not seeing you on the news, honey," she told him. After coming clean about his father's abuse, Jason had also told the others that his mother had figured out that he was the Red Ranger, which led to the decision that the others would reveal their identities to the woman as well.

"Hey, at least you won't have to worry about me getting killed," Jason reminded.

"No, I just have to worry about my baby being on the other side of the world," Helen responded.

"Oh, boy," Jason sighed, and his friends laughed.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Helen asked.

"Hang out at the park, play some b-ball. Nothin' major," Jason answered.

"Yeah, we wanted to spend one last day together before they had to leave," Kimberly added.

"Okay, well, you can finish packing later. Go spend time with your friends, Sweetie," Helen told him.

"You sure?" Jason asked.

"Go!" Helen insisted. With that, the teens all left the house, got into their cars, and headed for the park.

"You three wait right here," Kimberly told them once they arrived at their destination. She and Tommy stood in front of them as the others headed out past them.

"What?" Zack and Trini asked.

"Just do it," Tommy insisted.

"Kimberly Ann Hart and Thomas Joseph Oliver, just what did you plan?" Jason demanded.

"Just you wait, Jason Lee Scott," Kimberly retorted. Jason gave her a mock-glare.

"Okay, we're ready!" Aisha called. Only then were Jason, Zack, and Trini allowed to leave the car.

"Surprise!" the other Rangers yelled, revealing a picnic basket.

"You guys! What-" Jason's question died off as the basket was opened to reveal Jason, Zack, and Trini's favorite foods.

"I don't believe this," Trini commented.

"Man this is morphinominal," Zack told them.

"Come on, let's play some b-ball first," Jason suggested. With that, they all spread out into teams and started playing. Soon, the park was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter.