The Start of something Wonderful

Chapter One : New Beginning's


She looked around the shop floor, exhausted by happy, at the finished product. Smiling she looked at her watch the smile immediately slipped from her flushed face. Crap I'm late, she thought, quickly grabbing her coat and bag from the side. She locked the door and ran to her car, speeding along the roads towards the small building across town that was the school. She parked at the front of the building and made her way inside, guilt dancing through her for forgetting the time.

"Mrs. Cullen" she called as she walked through the door her breathing slightly laboured.

"Ms. Brandon," Esme Cullen smiled kindly as she walked through the room to meet Alice.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cullen," she said. "I had completely lost track of time!" she looked around spotting the wonder that was hers, playing quietly with a little girl.

"It's not a problem Ms. Brandon, you're only ten minutes late. Besides I had to stay late myself, my son is also running late too, to pick up his daughter," said Mrs Cullen, smiling over at the small children.

Alice smiled, "Thank you again" she walked slowly over to Ollie, smiling as he caught sight of her with a big grin spreading across his face.

"Momma," he yelled, still grinning. Alice bent down to give him a hug. "Hey little man, sorry I wasn't here on time, I lost track of time at the new shop" she said.

"It's OK. I had Violet to keep me company," Ollie said, pointing at the black haired girl in front of him.

"It's nice to meet you Violet," said Alice, smiling at the girl, watching the big blue eyes taking everything in. "Thank you for keeping Ollie company".

Violet just blushed and nodded.

"Come on Ollie, how about we pick up some dinner on the way home," Alice inquired, standing up with Ollie following quickly behind.

"See you tomorrow Violet," Ollie said, waving at the girl, "and you as well, Mrs. Cullen".

Mrs. Cullen just smiled, "See you tomorrow Ollie and you too Ms. Brandon

Alice smiled, "Please call me Alice".

"I'm Esme; now off you go see you tomorrow bright and early".

Ollie grinned and started telling her all about his first day at school, how he made friends with a young boy called Jake. He was Violet's cousin and of course, Violet as well.

"Mrs. Cullen's really nice as well, mom" said Ollie as he sat at the table eating his fish fingers. "Her husband's a doctor, and he works at the hospital. She even said he might come talk to us and show us his stethos… steths…" he tried to say the big word "the thing he listens to peoples hearts with" he finished.

"His stethoscope" said Alice slowly pronouncing the long word.

Ollie nodded at her "Yeah that" he said smiling again "I hope he visits soon".

"Sounds like you had a great first day," she said, relieved that he liked the new school, she had hoped he would. Moving to a new place was difficult especially on young children, but he seemed to like it here.

"Well I spent my day moving boxes, around and painting the walls of the shop" she said, picking up their finished plates placing them in the sink to wash once Ollie was in bed.

They spent the rest of the evening watching TV and Ollie telling her about what his new friends did before she finally put him in bed, tucking him in with a kiss to the head once he brushed his teeth.

She slowly washed the dishes and placed them back in the cupboard, before picking out Ollie's outfit for the next day, it was always easier if she did it.

She brushed her own teeth, tidying the bathroom from the hurricane that was her son at bedtime, picking up his dirty clothes and placing them in the laundry basket and slowly slipping into her bed falling asleep fast.

The alarm woke her with a start, she pressed the off button before flopping back against her pillows, a sense of warm happiness filled her as she tried to remember the dream. Hopefully it's a sign of good things to come she thought as she quickly got out of bed and grabbed her robe heading down the hallway to help Ollie get ready for the day.

"Come on, sleepy head, it's time for breakfast then you need to get ready for school" she said unable to help the soft smile that graced her lips as she watched his little eyes open sleepily.

They quickly ate, placing the bowls in the sink for that evening, she left him to dress while she hopped in the shower, before dressing herself.

"Did you brush your teeth?" she asked

"Yes" huffed Ollie "Come on mom we'll be late" he said tugging at her hand.

She laughed she never thought she would see the day that Ollie would be excited about going to school.

"Come on then monster, wouldn't want to keep Violet waiting" she laughed again at his scowl.

She dropped him at the door, glad to see Violet and who she assumed was Jake there already.

"Morning Esme" she said giving Ollie one last hug "I'll try not to be late tonight promise" she said on her way out the door heading out for another day of hard work fixing up her shop. She hoped the opening date of next Sunday wasn't to ambitious.

She finally cleared the back room by midday, also putting up the new racks she had ordered, sorting out which clothes would go where, and then she placed the last piece of stock neatly on the shelf and saw she had plenty of time to pick up Ollie.

She had a harder time of parking today as she saw car after car all with parents coming to pick up their children.

"Hi Esme" she greeted as she walked into the classroom, which still had quite a few children and parents milling around.

"Alice nice to see you on time" smiled Esme, Alice laughed.

"Mom" shouted Ollie, running up to her, practically throwing himself at her legs. "Mom you have to come and meet Jakre," he said excitedly. Alice smiled at Esme giving a little what can you do shrug, to which Esme smiled back nodding her head eyes laughing.

She let herself be dragged over to where Violet and a pale boy with bronze messy hair sat patiently. "Mom, this is Jake Cullen, he's Violet's cousin," Ollie said smiling. Alice knelt down in front of the very serious looking boy. "Hi Jake, I'm Alice, Ollie's mom, it's nice to meet you" she said smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Brandon" said Jake

Alice laughed "Ms. Brandon makes me sound old, you can call me Alice" she said blinking as a small slightly crooked smile broke across his face oh yeah that one is going to break some hearts she thought

"Your parents haven't picked you up yet huh?" she asked and Violet shook her head.

"No, Edward is running late from the hospital and Violet is spending the night at his house," said Esme, coming over to them. "So it looks like they'll be coming back to grandma's for a little while, huh kids?" she said.

"YAY!" shouted Violet and Jake

Alice smiled "Well come on monster" she said getting up and picking up Ollie's coat and lunch box. "It's time to get you home and fed, see you tomorrow Esme" she said.

"Bye Jake, Bye Violet" called Ollie grabbing her hand.

"See you tomorrow Ollie" said Esme.

Alice smiled as she watched Ollie sleeping curled up in his bed, the washing up was done and all his clothes were picked up and placed in the laundry basket, she gently pulled his door closed with a yawn before slowly walking back to her room and getting into bed.

She found a rhythm quickly getting Ollie up, making breakfast and lunch before dropping him off at school with Esme then making her way to the store which was finally taking shape.

She didn't have the same dread as she stepped over the threshold, the warm lilac walls and deep mahogany furniture greeted her as she closed the door, slowly working through the mail that had been delivered that morning, hoping to find a reply to the ad she had placed in the local newspaper for the assistant manager position.