Chapter 11

Two years later…..

Rachel Berry's career was still going strong and although Finn chose to teach in Lima, he used the summer months to hang out with Rachel in Hollywood. And on her hiatus from filming Rachel would stay in their home in Lima. This also not including weekends and holidays that they rotated back and forth between them.

The time away from each other made their relationship even stronger. They also made more of an effort to maintain contact with their Glee friends. The Glee Club had decided after getting married together that each year they would fly to a new destination to celebrate each other's wedding anniversaries. Last year trip's had been especially special, when Will and Emma had broke the news that they were pregnant. I think Will had given up on ever being a father after the whole Terri debacle. Of course, Kurt had to ask Emma who would have the dirty diaper duties. I'm sure they will have to iron that one out!

It had been three weeks since Finn last saw Rachel and he was waiting patiently to see what outfit Rachel would have on when she walked out of the bathroom. Finn and Rachel chose to have a "creative" love life. Finn had made sure that Rachel continually filled all the crazy fantasies that he had so labored on her in high school. There was that time that she came out in her slutty teacher ensemble with her hair pulled back and dark intellectual glasses and he even "borrowed" a McKinley High Cheerleading outfit for another performance. She chose simple "activities" like Finn being her Maytag Man coming to fix her let's just say something other than her washer. Although the activities were in fun, the reality was that Rachel and Finn were still just as desperately in love as the day they got married.

As Finn lay his head against the headboard with the white cotton sheet covering part of his bare chest and body, he relished about how good his life was especially when he saw one red painted toe nail come around the edge of the bathroom door. His eyes even got bigger when the flash of a tan and very toned sexy leg was displayed.

When Rachel finally came full vision in his red McKinley football jersey the back of the shirt tightly rounding her derriere, he realized the God's were rewarding him again. She ran her hands to her ponytail and slowly took out her ponytail performing a little hairography. By that time, Finn was in a desperate state.

She took even more time climbing on the bed and finally she climbed on top of Finn in a sitting position. He went to say something but she put her finger over his lips silencing him. She bent down and reached under the bed grabbing a red gift box. Rachel motioned for him to open the box a great big smile on her face.

Finn was never one for waiting so he dug into the package. He pulled out a very little red football jersey that had McKinley High written in black ink on the front. Rachel grabbed the jersey turning the back around so that Finn could see the lettering as clear as day. It read Lil' Hudson. His eyes got big like saucers and he smiled at his wife. She in return gave him that certain smile that made him clear his throat and catch a breath.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, four months along and it looks like you are going to have a little football player to train".

He mouthed the word seriously for the second time.

"Finn Hudson, I am always serious when it comes to you". She pushed him back into the pillow and made him thank his lucky stars for the second time that night. Life was very blessed in the Hudson family.

The End

(Thanks for reading my story)