I'm back everyone! Please don't kill me. I know its taken me a long time to pot another chapter, but I have been busy lately with school an everything.

"Remember, she doesn't own ATLA or anything related to it" Ursa announced.

Without further ado, the chapter!

"What a breakfast" Aang said.

"I'm still hungry!" Sokka complained.

"What else is new?" Katara said while rolling her eyes.

"Wait, didn't you say I could have some meat this morning?"

I stared at Sokka, realizing he had remembered the meat. One problem, the meat was gone. Why, you ask? Well, I'll show you.

Cue flashback sound

A yellow dog trotted up to the counter, eyeing the meat. Victory, he thought. He cautiously looked around, making sure the master wasn't around.

Who is the master?

You'll find out eventually.

He jumped up to the counter, snatching the meat. Suddenly, he heard a voice.

"Buddy, drop it" Lily said from behind him.

Buddy pulled out the big guns, the cute stare. His golden brown eyes stared at his prey or um person. He put his ears back at his gaze continued to penetrate your soul, or umm my soul.

"Aww" was all she could say.

Buddy wagged his tail triumphantly and ate the meat.

End flashback noise

Darn that cute stare! Oh great, Sokka is going to kill me! Thinking of an intelligent response I said " It's gone"

Wow, so intelligent.

"Gone?" Sokka whined. "It can't be!"

"Well it is," I responded. "You can even check".

Sokka stuck his noise in the air and inhaled deeply. "Your right, it is gone"

"Told you so"

I walked over to the TV and picked up the remote. I turned on the TV and noticed Dragon Ball Z Kai was on.

"Yay!" I shouted.

Suddenly everyone appeared in the room with amazed looks on their faces (gotta love those amazing author powers).

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Remember 4 chapters ago?" Zuko answered.

Cue flashback noise, again.

We all walked to my sister's bedroom. As soon as we stepped in, I crumpled on the floor and gasped for breath.

"Oh no!" Katara screeched. "what happened to her?"

"Who cares?" Ozai asked.

"Ozai!" all yelled.


"We can't just leave her there!" Katara stated.

My sister got up and turned off the TV which was playing Dragon Ball Z Kai. The very second she turned it off I popped right up and acted as nothing happened.

"That was weird," Zuko said.

"How did that happen?" Katara asked.

"Well," I started "I don't like Dragon Ball and it injures me when I am around, it hurts to hear it, and see it."

Stop flashback noise.

"Ok, I think that hardly called for a flashback," Azula complained.

"Oh well"


"Zuko" Aang interrupted. "She's crying."

Everyone looked over to find my bawling over the dead body of Vegeta, on the screen at least. Suddenly, Rose appeared and instantly started bawling.

"What is going on?" everyone asked.

"He, has passed" I answered while bawling (is that even possible?).

"Uh, who is he?"

"Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans" I answered as if it were obvious.

"Who is that?"

My head grew three times the size it should be, red and I grew devil horns.

"How dare you say that!" I screamed. "He is the greatest warrior who has ever lived!"

Everyone whimpered.

"Ok, ok calm down," Katara said.

"Hey, what is Rose doing?" Mai asked.

Everyone looked over at Rose to find her stroking the dead body of Vegeta on the screen.

"Wow" they said.

So intelligent.

"Ok to answer your previous questions," I started. "Its my favorite show now, Vegeta is our favorite character, and now he is dead".

They blinked.

"Why are you crying, it can't be that sad," Azula said.

"I'll show you" I answered.

I started the episode over and played it. I ordered everyone to sit down and watch it. They did as they were told, for the did not want my head to do that again.

A half hour later, everyone was crying, even Azula.

A/N: Thanks for reading, and as always, review!

P.S. Sorry if I spoiled DBZ Kai for anyone who didn't know what happened to Vegeta.