"Ok, lets go through this! Katara!" I commanded.

"Our beloved friend does not own ATLA." Katara stated the disclaimer.

"It stills gets to me," Iroh wept

"It is complete! I screamed "It, is, complete!".

I walked over to my TV, which was playing Avatar: The Last Airbender. I clicked a button on my new invention. Suddenly, there was a bright flash and several shapes started appear in front of my eyes.

"Whoa!" I heard several people gasp.,

"Where are we?" a beautiful brown haired teen asked.

" In my home," I simply answered.

"What!" a scarred teen screamed " I have a nation to rule, I shouldn't be hear!"

"Calm down," I said "Your nation will be fine."

"So, why are we hear?" a bald headed boy asked.

"I brought you here because I wanted to meet you," I replied.

"Oh, ok, I'm Aang!" the bald boy exclaimed.

"Hi, I'm Katara," the brown haired teen greeted.

"Um I-" I stammered.

"I'm Sokka, which rhymes with an okka!" a teen wearing a topknot joked.

"Firelord Zuko," the scarred faced teen said proudly.

"Guys-" I tried to say again.

"Hi there, I'm Suki," an auburn haired teen stated.


"Mai," a fair skinned teen said.

"Ty Lee!" a bright teen wearing pink said brightly.


"Princess Azula," a golden eyed teen said"

"You are not a princess anymore!" Zuko shouted.


"I am their Uncle Iroh," a big man introduced himself.

"I already-"

"Firelord Ozai" a tall man said proudly.

After he said that Zuko stomped up to him and stood right in his face.

"You are not the Firelord!" Zuko spat "I am!". Zuko pointed to the crown on his head.

"I give up"

"You don't deserve to be the Firelord!" Ozai argued.

"Stop!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me. "That is everyone, right?"

"Ahem, you forgot the greatest Earthbender in the world!" a small girl said. "Toph is my name".

"OK so is that everyone?" I asked.

"What about you?" Aang asked.

"Right, right," I said, "well I can't tell you because they" points at readers "would discover my identity".

"Please," Aang pleaded.

"Ok I will tell you the name I want to go by," I answered "call me Lily".

"Hi Lily!" everyone but Azula and Ozai greeted simultaneously

"Wait, you need to meet my sister!" I said.

We walked across the hall to my sister's room. She was playing Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. I pushed the door open.

"Hey sis!" I exclaimed "Got some people here you need to meet".

"No time!" she shouted. " I am fighting Malefor!"

"Are you sure, they are really cool (minus two of them)"


"Sis, avatar characters, avatar characters, sis" I introduced.

She stood there in awe for a moment. Then, she ran up and hugged Aang.

"You are my favorite character!" she exclaimed. "I love how you took away his bending instead of killing him, you are so awesome!"

"Thanks!" Aang said.

"Ok that's enough" I said. "Oh, and by the way, Ozai, I am going to call you-

"I don't want to be called anything other then Firelord Ozai!" Ozai demanded.

"I thought we established that you aren't the Firelord!" Zuko argued.


A/N: Thanks for reading the first chapter! I know it's not going to make a difference, but R&R!