To the followers/fans/readers of this story,

As most of you have probably already noticed, this story has seen next to no activity on my part in quite some time. I could make countless excuses, however quite frankly the fact of the matter is my life just hasn't lent itself to recreational writing the way it once did. In the interim since the conclusion of The Adult Years (see my profile for link to that one if you haven't read it already) and the start of Summer of Reckoning, many things have changed in my life; culminating in the birth of my son about three and a half years ago, followed by a career change and a move from Atlantic Canada to the Arctic. Now that life has settled down again, I have the opportunity to re-engage in recreational writing; something I have looked forward to for some time.

With that said, I believe the best thing for Summer of Reckoning would be for me to re-acquaint myself with the "slightly-AU" Kim Possible that I've been working with and, in all likelihood, start fresh with a completely new story, rather than try to pick up where I left off with the current iteration of SoR. I recently published a long-completed chapter in the hopes it would motivate me to get back into the story and get it rolling again; instead, I realized I published something that I wasn't entirely satisfied with (either in quality or content). Some of that could be chalked up to me being my own worst critic, however I feel I've left SoR too long to be able to continue with it and do it—and the readers—justice.

With that, it is with a somewhat heavy heart that I declare Summer of Reckoning in its current form to be dead. Depending on reader reaction, I may leave this current form of the story on the site while I work on retooling and hopefully coming up with a better reiteration.

To the fans of this story, I express my deepest regrets and ask that you stick around; hopefully when I revive it in its new form, it will be better than ever.

To the detractors... you're welcome.
