She's Back!

Nearly three years ago, Rose Weasley was so badly harmed after a 'prank' by the Slytherins that she had to leave Hogwarts, leaving her younger cousins Lily and Lucy severely upset. But when she returns to Hogwarts… well, things get a little interesting…

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I don't own anything concerning Harry Potter. If I did I wouldn't be going on holiday to California, I'd be going to Florida and visit the Harry Potter Theme Park :'( The lyrics I post with the chapters aren't mine either, they're some of my favourite songs (:

A/N: New story. Hope you enjoy! Read and review please :)

~ Prologue ~

Just talk yourself up and tear yourself down

You've hit your one wall, now find a way around

Well, what's the problem? You've got a lot of nerve

So what did you think I would say?

No, you can't run away, no, you can't run away

So what did you think I would say?

No, you can't run away, no, you can't run away

You wouldn't

I never wanted to say this

You never wanted to stay

I put my faith in you, so much faith

And then you just threw it away

You threw it away

- For A Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic, Paramore

"MALFOY!" Rose Weasley seethed, storming into the Great Hall. Gasps came from the Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw tables and snickers from the Slytherin table. The bushy-haired redhead made her way over to the Slytherin table, her blue eyes blazing. "You complete and utter creep!"

"What, Weasley?" Scorpius Malfoy chuckled. "I didn't mean to drop all of Potter's possessions in the lake. And that Weasley… Lydia…? Well, her hair was pure coincidence." At that moment, Lily Potter walked into the Great Hall, tears running down her cheeks and her completely ruined soggy textbooks clutched close to her chest. Lucy Weasley shuffled in after her, covering her face in shame, her hair a luminous green.

"You're a git, Malfoy. They're only first years!" Rose snarled. A thoughtful look appeared on her face and she sighed heavily. "What'll it take to get you to stop picking on my baby cousins?" The Slytherins cheered. Weasley had surrendered. Now all Scorpius had to do was pick a horrid thing for her to do, and –

"Go out with me, Weasley," Scorpius said, smiling at her.

"WHAT?" everyone except Rose and Scorpius shrieked in shock. The Slytherins began protesting, pulling on Malfoy's sleeves and throwing scrunched-up parchment at him, but he just shrugged them off. The Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws began begging Rose not to do it.

Rose just looked carefully at Scorpius. For once, there was no ambition in his steely-grey eyes, just a hint of playfulness,; and on his lips, instead of his signature smirk, there was a sincere, genuine smile.

The corners of her own lips curved into a smile and Rose nodded. "Meet me by the Black Lake tomorrow, after breakfast." She began to leave, but then turned back, glaring at the blonde boy's housemates. "Alone."

And with those final words, she turned on her heel and walked out of the Great Hall, Lily and Lucy running after her and all eyes on them.

Scorpius beamed. He'd done it! He'd finally done it! He'd finally grabbed the attention of Rose Weasley, the princess of the school, his lifelong rival – who he'd just happened to have a crush on since… well, forever.

"Well done, Malfoy," Alexander Carrow boomed, thumping the rather small boy on the back. "You've just set the perfect foundations for the best prank on Weasley. Ever." Every Slytherin at the table stared at him blankly, and Alexander sighed. "You didn't really think Malfoy wanted to go out with Weasley, do ya?"

Avery Carrow, who was a year above Scorpius, threw her head back and laughed. "Yeah! I get it now!" she squealed. "Why would Scorpius want to go out with her?" Scorpius blushed slightly and fiddled with the end of his tie. He did want to go out with Rose. But should he admit that to the Carrows? No. Obviously he didn't. He just kept his mouth shut like a good boy.

Even though he had a feeling it would end up badly.

"Rosie, are you sure you want to go on this date with Malfoy?" Lucy asked, her lower lip trembling in fright. "You don't have to. Me and Lily will be okay if you don't."

Rose laughed, and ruffled her younger cousin's hair. "Of course I'll be fine," she said calmly. "It's only Malfoy. He can't do anything to me." She turned away and blushed slightly. She'd had a crush on Scorpius Malfoy since she'd bumped into him on the train in first year, but she knew he was bad news.

But now, she thought, I've realised it doesn't matter. We aren't our parents; and we shouldn't be affected by their lives when they were at Hogwarts. Rose turned to face her younger cousins. "What'd you think?" "You look really pretty, Rosie," Lily lisped. Much like her mother when she was a first year, Lily was bashful and only able to speak to her family. "Really pretty."

Rose beamed. Yes, her teeth were a little too big for her small mouth, and yes, she was a bit short, and her brunette hair a tad too bushy. But she had to admit, she looked better than she ever had before, in a pink jumper-dress, black tights and brown ankle boots.

"Bye, girlies," she giggled, kissing them both tenderly on the tops of their heads. "Wait, aren't you going to breakfast?" Lucy called after her. "No way. I couldn't eat. Too nervous… Bye!"

Scorpius Malfoy bit his lip. He'd skipped breakfast, because that's how nervous he was. He was dressed in a green Slytherin jumper and smart dress trousers. He liked Rose. He really did. He'd even owled his mother to send him over some of the flowers from the garden back home. Of course, he hadn't told her who the flowers would be for. That would just be ridiculous.

"Malfoy," an oh-so-familiar voice said. Scorpius spun around, and found himself face-to-face with Rose Weasley. Oh, god, he thought. She looks so pretty. Merlin. If only she knew she was about to be 'pranked' by the Carrows...

"INCARCEROUS!" the squeaky voice of Avery Carrow squealed. Suddenly, before his eyes, Rose was bound in ropes, and she fell to the floor. "Yes!" Avery giggled, suddenly beside me. "I got Weasley! I got Weasley!" Alexander Carrow came jogging up to us, a smirk on his face. "Good on ya, Avey! Now take her clothes off!"

"WHAT?" Rose shrieked, thrashing about. "No! No! Don't touch me!" But the Carrows ignored her. Alexander pinned her arms and legs down so she couldn't move, and Avery began peeling off her clothes. Soon, Rose lay on the frosty grass in a vest and knickers. "Ha!" Avery snorted. "Look! Lickle Rosiepoo doesn't even wear a bra!"

Scorpius couldn't bear to look, as Alexander demanded, "Do it, Ave! Do it now!" Scorpius could imagine a twisted smile on Avery Carrow's pink lips as she yelled, "THIS IS FOR WHAT YOUR FAMILY DID TO US PUREBLOODS – CRUCIO!"

Rose's screams echoed throughout the school grounds, and made a shiver run up Scorpius' back. But Avery wasn't done there. "CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO! CRUCIO!" she chanted, cheering and laughing as Rose writhed around on the floor in pain.

The grounds weren't so empty anymore. There were a crowd of older Slytherins egging Avery on, and she was obviously enjoying the attention. She now danced around Rose, waving her wand in the air. "CRU –"

"LANGLOCK!" Rose screamed, her body jerking in pain, despite Avery having temporarily stopped. Tears were running down her cheeks, and her face was bleeding slightly. Gasps came from the Slytherins as Avery's tongue was plastered to the top of her mouth. "CUCIO...?" Avery tried to shriek. Scorpius breathed a sigh of relief. The torture was done... or so he thought.

"Avey?" Alexander gasped, rushing over to his little sister and putting his hands on her cheeks. Tears were now running down Avery's cheeks. "Woaw cawn I tawk, Awec?" she wept, pouting angrily.

Alex growled, and turned to face Rose, who was attempting to get up. "LOCOMOTOR MORTIS!" Rose's legs were suddenly locked together, and she groaned. "Let me go, Carrow!" "No way, Weasley," Alexander roared, his eyes flashing angrily. "OBSCURO!" A blindfold appeared over Rose's eyes, and a worried look appeared on her face. "What are you doing, Carrow...?" she hissed nervously.

Everyone was wondering the same thing, when Carrow suddenly bellowed, "MOBILICORPUS!" Rose's body flew up in the air, and the Slytherins cheered and began to poke her sides. She writhed about, screaming for Alexander to put her down. But he didn't. He flew Rose over the lake. And then...

"ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Rose squealed, as her body dropped into the ice-cold Black Lake. "CRUCIO, CRUCIO, CRUCIO!" Alexander repeated, his eyes narrowing angrily at the outline of Rose's body in the lake. "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Lorcan Scamander, a fellow Slytherin in Scorpius' year yelled suddenly, as he ran over. Alexander's body suddenly fell on to the grass, stiff as a plank.

As Professor McGonagall ran over, followed by all of Rose's cousins (even the ones who'd left Hogwarts) and adult relatives – something inside Scorpius' gut told him Rose wasn't going to be okay any time soon.

I know it seems quite dramatic, but hey, they were bitter about what the Golden Trio and Order of Phoenix had done.

Read and Review – I'd love to hear what you thought.