Author's Notes: What the hell is wrong with Does it hate me or something? Whenever I update my fic, it doesn't appear until like 2 days after I updated it, and then it's on the second page. And when I try to search my name, I get 100 names involving "Lady" or "Sage" … but no "Lady Sage". Tis frustrating! But oh well, I got my friends reviewing for me, and that's all I need. Speaking of my friends, Sakura-chan got her Japanese Ranma ½ book autographed by Rumiko Takahashi herself! *dies of jealousy for the umpteenth time* Damn connections… The only connection I've ever had was being able to score a couple of interviews for a class project because my mom worked at Citywalk. *sigh* And Sakura-chan got to meet the director of Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, got a book autographed by Takahashi-sensei, and she might be able to have an internship at Madhouse someday. Sakura-chan, if you're reading this (and you better be), I'm going to kill you then take on your appearance, just so I can do all that stuff. (J/K)

"Sesshoumaru?" Katherine said, irritation creeping into her voice.


"Could you untie me?" Katherine held up her wrists, which were tied securely. They had been traveling constantly for a week now. At first, Sesshoumaru had carried her over his shoulder, until her grew tired of her kicking him constantly and demanding to be put down. He had untied her feet so she could walk herself, but her wrists remained bound.

"If I untie you, you will escape to that bastard brother of mine and his companions."

"No I won't."

Sesshoumaru just looked at her over his shoulder, and continued to ignore her.

Katherine drew in a deep breath, trying to summon patience. "Untie me. Now." Her voice took on an oddly commanding tone, and almost against his will, Sesshoumaru said, "Jaken, untie her."

"But my Lord…"

Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed dangerously. "Are you questioning one of my orders?"

"No, master!" Jaken said quickly and meekly, and did as he was told.

"*Thank* you!" Katherine exclaimed. "Where are we going?"

"To my palace."

Katherine goggled. "You have a PALACE?"

"Of course. It's only fitting for to Lord of the Western Lands."

Katherine blinked and muttered, "Right. Next thing I know, you're going to be announcing that you're a god and your palace is in the clouds."

Sesshoumaru ignored her sarcastic remark. "Consider yourself lucky. No mortal or common demon has seen it, besides my servants."

Katherine cocked an eyebrow. "Does that mean I'm going to have to bow and scrape and lick your feet like *certain* icky toady things?" she retorted.

Sesshoumaru paused. "No, of course not," he said in an odd tone of voice.

Katherine pursed her lips. "Good," she replied, and lapsed into her usual, quiet self.


Kagome woke up to a soft sobbing sound. "Shippou-chan?"

The little kitsune looked at her. "I miss Katherine." He was the absolute picture of patheticness, with tears running down his dirty face and a miserable expression. "She used to sing to me, and now I can't get to sleep without her song."

"How did it go?"

"I don't know," Shippou wailed. "It was in a different language, so I didn't understand it."

"Oh, Shippou…" Kagome didn't know what to say, so she just hugged him.


Katherine stared up at the stars. *So many…* she thought. *Back home, we could see about twenty stars from my backyard, if we were lucky. Now I feel like I'm looking at every star in the universe. Yet not a single one is familiar…*

The sight of the stars reminded her of one of her songs, the one she would sing to Shippou as a lullaby. It wasn't a lullaby exactly, but it was mellow and it could have soporific effects. *Shippou-chan…will you be able to sleep without my music?*

Her lips twisted into a small, cynical smile. Of course he would be able to. Nobody ever missed her. She was truly alone in the world. But still, even if only out of habit, she began to sing.

"Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And everything you do,

Yeah, they were all yellow.

I came along,

I wrote a song for you,

And all the things you do,

And it was called "Yellow."

So then I took my turn,

Oh what a thing to have done,

And it was all "Yellow."

Your skin

Oh yeah, your skin and bones,

Turn into something beautiful,

You know, you know I love you so,

You know I love you so.

I swam across,

I jumped across for you,

Oh what a thing to do.

Cos you were all "Yellow,"

I drew a line,

I drew a line for you,

Oh what a thing to do,

And it was all "Yellow."

Your skin,

Oh yeah your skin and bones,

Turn into something beautiful,

And you know for you,

I'd bleed myself dry for you,

I'd bleed myself dry.

It's true, look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine for you,

Look how they shine.

Look at the stars,

Look how they shine for you,

And all the things that you do."

She felt oddly relieved after singing. *Not that it had any significance…* But little did she know that elsewhere, a small fox demon had fallen asleep in the arms of a human girl right as she finished the song, as if lulled by her song.