Speak your Mind

Genre: Humor, Supernatural

Summary: Sena and Monta are best friends who'll see their lives turn upside down due to their kindness… now they'll have to help a demon, namely Hiruma, take over a kingdom while on the run from the Royal Knights. EPICNESS! What adventure awaits these poor fools?

Disclaimer: Eyeshield 21 © Inagaki Riichiro and Murata Yusuke

I do not own Eyeshield 21 or any of the characters in it. But I do own all of my OC's which will be many.

KH: Hm, if anyone actually looked at my profile, not that I'm saying you have to, but I did write that I wouldn't be working on my eyeshield fics for 2-3 weeks… Because I'm making a shaman king fic, but I don't think I'll post it, it seems angsty and I don't do angst that well. Comedy is my main thing. So here's the chapter for SYM, and I'll be working on Headphones 21 now. Sorry if it seemed like a long time, but I do cycles, one fic at a time. But I do hope you enjoy reading this chapter, though it's a little confusing…

Thanking time:

Thank-you wolf-demon39 for reviewing! Hahaha, well enjoy Hiruma vs Berserker Sena! The results will be in the chapter, but I don't know if you'll really like the outcome… sorry about taking forever on it.

Thank-you to killmearzgurl! And so very sorry for being late, and lazy… I usually start my serious writing in July, which is now… so I'll be sure to post weekly after having rested. Oh about that, yes Sena can become a demon, but he can also become a god… in this au. I'm so glad your essay went well, hope you don't have summer school! Some people actually do take it to get ahead… I want to rest during the summer; it's much too hot for me to use my brain too much. And I'm rambling, sorry…

Thank-you PockoChi for reviewing! I'm sorry it took me three months to update, but I'm free of the evil facility known as school and I'm ready to write!

And lastly, but not leastly, thank you darkstar7789! I'm so happy you like the story so far! I'm never giving up, I always finish my stories, I do, whether it be in my mind or on paper! I'll take the hugs and the chocolate, but I'm not sure about the blood… blood is much to metallic for my taste…


Bolded words- Japanese words/ Titles/ Scene changes

'Italicized words' – spirits



/Pistol or Storyteller who will get a name this chapter/

Chapter 19: Cursed blood and the fire pistol

The crowd thought the blonde and the brunette would start at a standstill and Hiruma would calculate on what to do, but Hiruma was the first to rush in, getting behind the small brunette instantly.

Sena in return turned just as fiery bullets came at his arm. Sena blocked with a half circle swing of his scythe, and the bullets ricocheted off the blade, though they did significant damage, denting the blade.

That attack seemed to piss Sena off more and so he went running at Hiruma, his blood red scythe trailing behind him. Hiruma was running away, or that's what it seemed like as Sena gave chase. The boy was quickly gaining, but Hiruma kept running, taking them further and further from the group and the leveled town.

"Why did Hiruma do that? I-If he gets too close, Sena-kun, Sena-kun will cut him!" Kurita cried out, worried for his friend.

"If he plays it safe and fires from a distance, who's to say Sena won't come after one of us…? If he's preoccupied with Hiruma being in his face wouldn't this give us a chance to look after Riku, and once Riku's fine wouldn't he just calm down himself?" Kid theorized while Tetsuma was sitting on his hat, still expressionless.

"!" 'So that's his plan!' they all thought, 'to get Sena far away from Riku…'

"Good plan, but isn't kinda… ya know…dangerous? Sena's faster… one wrong move and-" Monta couldn't even finish what he was saying when a piercing cry came from the blonde.

"FUCK!" everyone turned and saw Hiruma holding his left shoulder with the hand that held the pistol. Blood came rushing out of the wound where his left arm was completely severed; the arm now laid right in front of him.

"I-I think I can reattach that…" Yukimitsu stuttered as he pulled out his spectacles which allowed him to see further in the distance. But those thoughts were tossed aside as Hiruma kicked his severed arm and sand at Sena whom caught the arm before it hit his face, but flinched because sand had gotten in his eyes. Hiruma used that moment to shoot at Sena, but with a twirl of his scythe in his right hand, they were all blocked, and with his left hand, he set Hiruma's arm ablaze as bloody tears dripped down his face…

Sena threw the charred bones aside, and went at Hiruma again, growling, more pissed than before, which was to Hiruma's advantage. The angrier Sena became, the more mistakes he made in his attacks, but there was one drawback, the angrier Sena became, the more power he used up… limiting the small remainder of time before it was the end…

"Go revive Riku before Sena does something he'll regret!" Suzuna shouted to the stunned men, she worried for both Sena and Hiruma's demise… if not both then at least one of them was going to die.

"R-Right" Yukimitsu nodded as he, Ishimaru, and Kid rushed over to Riku's still body. Kazuki followed carrying the bowl, which made his other two friends follow, but they were stopped.

"The rest of you stay here, if there is too big of a crowd near Riku, Sena might turn back here and attack us" Kid stated, "that goes for you too Lili."

"…" the two teens and the small girl just nodded solemnly and stayed with the group.

Kurita stayed in the group to protect them, but was already drained of energy and dehydrated. Monta stayed to help, but his movements would be slow because he's inexperience with fighting and tired. Musashi was human with the ability to see spirits, but that's about it, his specialty was his wisdom and his ability to craft weapons, and right now Suzuna couldn't move because of her injury. So they were all partially useless, so the only thing they could do now was stay out of the way. But that didn't mean they couldn't try and help.

With the other group, Yukimitsu knelt down beside Riku's body, pulling up his sleeve he tried to feel for a pulse on the underside of Riku's wrist.


"…" Yukimitsu wasn't one to give up so easily. Gently placing the arm down, he checked Riku's eyes… his pupils were dilated…

Yukimitsu grimace and shook his head, Kid closed his eyes and took off his hat. Ishimaru sighed when suddenly turned to find Musashi had walked over to them.

"He's gone… he's been gone" Yukimitsu stated looking up at the three.

"Yeah… I already knew that" Musashi sighed.

"…how?" Kid asked.

"His spirit has been hanging around Sena's neck trying to calm Sena down this whole time… But it's not working, it's just reminding Sena his childhood friend's dead…" Musashi thumbed to the fighting brunette and blonde. Everyone turned, but they could only detect a bit of light around Sena… nothing else.

"… Then-"

"Can't you just put his spirit back in, Yukimitsu?" Musashi asked with a serious face, arms crossed as he watched Hiruma nearly got his head lopped off when barely avoiding Sena's scythe. Musashi's eyes narrowed, 'They're both slowing down…' Sure Sena was stronger, but Hiruma was more experience, having 200 years on his belt should have counted for something…

"No… I can't, his body is dead…"

"What about this?" Kazuki set down the bowl on the ground and knelt.

"…We can try, but… there is one problem…" Yukimitsu stated as he took the bowl and filled it with water from his canteen. The water turned silver, but remained a liquid.

"What's that?" Kazuki asked, he was staring at the glistening liquid, never had he seen anything so pure.

"Riku's soul is with Sena…" Kid stated sighing, "And Sena is-" Kid didn't need to finish; Sena finished it for them all.


No one knew what happened. One minute there was a fight going on in the distance, sure there were fireballs, and gunshots, and sounds of the scythe cutting nothing but air, but then the next thing they knew, they were all on the ground and sand filled the air as if a sandstorm hit them out of the blue.

When it cleared, and everyone had spat up a nice portion of sand from their gritty mouths they looked around, tears dripping down their faces because of the irritation in their eyes.

They looked over to where the fight hand been, and … both males were down… Yukimitsu adjusted his glasses, and then saw it…

Hiruma was laying face down in a large pool of crimson liquid seeped into the golden sand. His broken body didn't move, not even a twitch.

Sena laid face up, his eyes half open, mouth hanging slightly open. He was sprawled on the sand, the sun setting behind him.

"…Sena-kun… Hiruma…?" Kurita stood up first.

Yukimitsu stood up and rushed over to them, as did everyone else. Kid carried Riku's body over, Monta carrying Suzuna, and everyone else followed.

Yukimitsu first checked Sena's pulse. Musashi and Kurita went over to Hiruma. They flipped him over so that he faced up. Musashi then checked Hiruma's pulse; he knew how to do that at least.

Yukimitsu and Musashi looked up at each other, the others watched for both of their reactions.

Musashi's face was solemn, and Yukimitsu just looked down at the small brunette whose eyes had changed back to normal… but they were a dirty brown color.

They were dead.

Hiruma's eyes were completely closed, but his expression wasn't like that of someone who had been hacked at. It was peaceful… it almost made him look human.

"…" silence clung in the air until Kurita and Monta broke into a sob, and the dams all burst.

Six people stood silently, two people kneeling quietly, watching the others cry their hearts out.

Kazuki just stood there with his friends, 'Completely useless…I was- they're all dead…' though he wasn't attached to them, he couldn't help but feel guilty…

'Just a bunch of kids… one with that stupid smile' he remembered what Sena had said to them before they parted the first time.

I think you'll need this more than I do…

Kazuki took out the cross from his shirt, pulling it over his head, he walked up to the crying cat and monkey (and invisible man). They didn't look up, just kept on crying out the dead boy's name.

He knelt down and placed the cross on the boys' chest. Took the brunette's hands and placed them over the cross. He then stood and went back to his friends who wouldn't look up from the ground.

"…" Kid took his hat off and when he did Tetsuma hopped off and waddled over to the still brunette boy as well.

"T-Tetsuma…?" Kid called, but the Kappa didn't falter, just kept on waddling over.

When it got there the others noticed it, clambering over to sit on Sena's stomach.

"W-What's he do-doing?" Monta muttered, his brown eyes completely red from crying, tears still falling uncontrollably.

"Get off of him!" Suzuna ordered. She still didn't like Tetsuma all that much.

"Tetsuma, come here" Kid called, but the kappa didn't budge. Tetsuma was staring at Sena's face, and tears began forming and spilling down his green cheeks.

"…Tetsuma's crying…?" Billy Horide looked astonished. Kid was shocked as well, Tetsuma never showed emotion unless it was with someone he really liked, and that was only Kid, now here Tetsuma was crying for a boy he had barely met.

"…mystic creatures usually get attached to good souls fairly quickly…" Yukimitsu whispered.

"S-Sena… never got mad… until now… I've never seen him angry- not even when people beat him, called him names, or used him…" Monta sobbed "He-he didn't like it when people did things to his friends… but he never got angry…"

"He always saw the good in people… in non-people… he never got jealous, never wanted anything, though he was a crybaby, buthe never had a bad thought…" Suzuna murmured as she laid a top of the boy's stomach along with Tetsuma, too tired to push the Kappa off.

"Seeing his brother, his first real friend die was a shock… he wasn't mentally ready, he was still a boy, with a bright smile, and a nervous laugh" Ishimaru added.

"W-Wait… he was the little brother Riku told me he wanted to meet?" Lili asked Kid, looking up earnestly.

"… I suppose so" Kid replied.

"R-Riku was always bragging about him, saying he's the best, and so nice and helpful, he liked everyone and he- he told Riku that no matter what friends will always be friends even if they grow up… he said he was proud of Riku…and happy Riku was his friend" she remembered that Riku, though a dragon descent, he couldn't transform… so the others looked down on him… Riku didn't like humans… but he especially hated demons… 'So that boy is not a demon… he's human… and Riku still likes him?'

"Most people our age cannot retain that innocent thought. He really was special…" Yukimitsu closed his eyes and turned to the others…

"Should we bury them together? All three?" Yukimitsu asked.

"But- I thought you could put their souls back in? !" Lili shouted.

"…I'm sorry, but the moment Sena died… Riku's soul left…" Yukimitsu stated, as he felt around to find their spirits… he found-

"W-What about Hiruma?" Kurita asked, panicking.

"His spirit is still here…" Musashi stated, pointing to the spirit sitting right next to Sena's body.

"…" they all turned but couldn't see anything.

"He's watching him…waiting. Sena's spirit hasn't left his body yet…" Musashi stated.

'He plans on going with Sena-kun… is it because Sena's-' Kurita couldn't finish his thought when a voice echoed through the air.

/Oh, well lookie what happened here. You didn't get to him in time/ the voice seemed to chuckle.

"The pistol!" Kouji pointed to the floating, red glowing gun.

"W-Who are you?" Yukimitsu asked, fixing his glasses.

/Just a mere storyteller… is all/

"S-Storyteller?" Monta asked 'Wait, didn't-'

/Yes, the very same who told you the story, the one who gave little Sena the necklace, and ah-/ the pistol started to blink, and wreath.

"W-What's happening?" Kouji asked, hiding behind Shouzou in case the pistol plans to explode.

"Hiruma's spirit is trying to shove the pistol into the sand…" Musashi explained with his arms crossed.

"…" everyone sweat dropped…

/Calm down, you damn brat! I'm not taking Sena's spirit anywhere… Humph, you're still so damn possessive. I should beat you and teach you a lesson on respecting your elders… too bad you don't have a body, HA!/ again the pistol wreathed, the crowd could only assume that Hiruma was trying to break the metal weapon…

/Grr! Fine, be that way. When I revive Sena, I'll make sure to wipe the memory of you out his thoughts forever!/ then the pistol steadied, it just floated there for a while.

'Hiruma…lost? !' most of them thought, mostly the people who actually knew him…

"W-wait, you can revive him?" Yukimitsu asked 'The dark arts, though forbidden…' Yukimitsu thought, he sort of wanted to try it… 'Pulling the spirit back from the other side and inserting it into a dead body, then breathing life into it…'

/I'm not going to really revive him, because he's not dead… just broken, his pulse is nonexistent but his spirit still inhabits the body, he's in a trance./

"A-A trance?" Monta asked "Like, when he was resting before we went to Vincin, that means he's healing himself!"

"Healing?" Kazuki asked.

"Yes, healing. He healed all the wounds you all inflicted on him, but he was badly injured from saving Hiruma, and Monta's life… He's been healing people and fighting for three days straight with not much sleep, thanks to Hiruma who molested him during the night"


"I woke up last night, Sena was sitting up on his bed sobbing, saying 'I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me…' Musa, where's Hiruma's spirit?" Suzuna asked, turning to Musashi.

"There" Musashi pointed.

"Thank-you" Suzuna glared in that direction.

"…" 'Well he deserves that' 'Maybe he's better off dead…' 'Poor kid…' 'Sena… you've been through a lot, buddy…' 'Hiruma, if you weren't dead I'd kick your ass…' 'Sadist…' 'Pervert…'

"Hiruma, how could you! Sena-kun is just a child!" Kurita was the only one to voice his thoughts.

/He might be a child, but his soul is very mature/

"?" "His soul?"

(Going back in time an hour before their 'deaths') (FLASHBACK!)

"Fuckin' Chibi, snap out of it!" Hiruma shouted. He had just burned his wounded shoulder to stop the bleeding. The one armed demon was having a difficult time evading the brunette while doing so.

"Sena, calm down! I'm fine!" Riku's spirit tried to negotiate, not that he cared if Hiruma died or not, but he could feel Sena's light going out.

"Die!" Sena hissed. It was as though he couldn't hear Riku… probably because he didn't.

"Shit!" Hiruma cursed as the blade nearly got his left leg.

"Sena!" Riku called, staring into those red orbs… there was only anger and sadness, not anything that resembled the Sena he once knew…

"Sena… where are you?"

"Where am I?" Sena wondered aloud. His voice echoed back to him in the empty side of some green grassy hills.

"Roseus, doko ni aru no? (where are you?)" A man with dark brown, slightly messy hair called out.

"Roseus?" Sena asked himself, 'Where have I heard that before…?' "Wait, he spoke Japanese!"

"A-re? You speak-"

"Huh? Y-You mean you can s-see me?" Sena asked, pointing to himself.

"Of course" the man smiled at the short brunette, "shouldn't I be able to?" he blinked twice, still all smiles.

"I- well usually you don't" Sena confessed.

"…Really? How long have you been there?" the man knelt down, to the sitting boy.

"Well- I-I'm not sure, the first time I saw you was-" Sena was cut off by a woman's voice, a voice that sounded familiar…

"Aurateus, you still haven't found him yet? It's a lost cause, just forget about the brat and go home. Come-" a black haired woman made her way up the hill.

"Ah!" Sena pointed at her.

"Who is this…" the woman narrowed her sharp green eyes.

"This is-" Aurateus turned to the woman "Who are you?" he asked turning to Sena, making the woman sweat drop.

"Ah, Kobayakawa Sena" Sena smiled wearily.

"You're Japanese? You don't speak it, nor look it much…" the woman looked Sena up and down and narrowed her eyes again.

"Oh, I'm half Japanese, one quarter Italian, and one quarter British."

"British?" both adults turned to him, the woman had an elegant eyebrow arched.

"You don't know Britannia?" Sena asked, shocked.

"Oh we know it alright, but- it was just formed, how is it that-" the woman seemed skeptical of Sena.

"Corvus, enough" Aurateus shook his head lightly.

"Hmph" Corvus looked away.

"Corvus… Raven?" Sena asked.

"Raven? What is Raven?"Corvus asked sharply.

"It is what Corvus means, an elegant black bird, I've seen a few talk before. Very intelligent birds"

"Hmph, of course, but all birds have the ability to speak…" Corvus sneered.

"Really?" Sena asked amazed, with bright eyes that made the woman do a double take between him and Aurateus.

"Raven" Aurateus seemed to test the sound, as he placed a hand on his chin and closed his eyes. "I like it" he smiled, nodding, and opening his eyes.

"You do?" Corvus asked blushing lightly.

"Yes" Aurateus stated chuckling.

"Okay, then I am now Raven" Corvus or rather Raven announced.

"Hai, Raven" Aurateus nodded then sent a bright smile their way.

'Wai… that's really sparkly…' Sena thought as he blinked.

"Sigh, look Aurateus, you blinded the boy… keep your imperial smiles to yourself" 'Or better yet, only for my eyes…'

"Imperial?" Sena asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

'Cute… wait…' "… You don't know who he is?" Raven asked, grabbing Aurateus by the shirt collar and pointing at him. Aurateus wasn't even bothered.

Sena shook his head.

"Really?" Aurateus asked. He looked curious, like a child looking at the stars for the first time.

"H-Hai, wa-wakarimasen" Sena replied (Y-yes, I-I don't know).

"Hm…" 'Maybe this kid is mental…?' Raven deduced. (KH: where have we heard that before? Hiruma…)

"But I do know you, Raven-san" Sena pointed.

"Hm? Really, how?" Raven looked down at the sitting boy.

"You came to Hallow to tell stories, but I only saw you once at the fountain when I was seven years of age"


"You told me a story about a castle-" Sena retold everything she said to a key.

Both Raven's and Aurateus' eyes widened.

Sena retold them what he replied to Raven's interrogation.

"And Raven-san asked me 'Boy…Who-'"

"Who are you?"

"Yes, that's what you asked me and I replied 'Me… I'm the innkeeper's son' Then you gave a red crystal necklace"

"Red crystal necklace, ha, I don't have such a-" Raven was cut off by a red necklace dangled right in front of her.

"Um, I kind of made it for you. I was going to give it to you on your birthday, which is today, but later after we find Roseus, since it's his birthday too, so that we may celebrate like a family should" Aurateus stated, chuckling nervously.

"…" Raven took it from the man.

"Roseus…?" Sena tested out the sound. The two adults turned to look at the boy. Sena just blinked as he looked up.

"Do you know him?" Aurateus asked chirping.

"… Not really, but- I thought- I thought he told you not to call him that…" Sena rushed out saying, he didn't know why, but the man seemed to have that air around him, the same as all high class or royal people do… and that intimidates the chibi.

"Ah- Yes. He did, didn't he…? I wonder if that's why he doesn't reply?" Aurateus turns to Raven.

"Perhaps you could… call what he wants you to call him?" Sena suggested, shrugging.

"It's worth a try" Aurateus nods, and then cupped his hands and shouted "Hiruma Yoichi!"

"HI-HI-HIRUMA-SAN! ?" Sena fell over, and rolled somewhat down the hill.

"Hm?" both adults turned to watch the boy roll.

Once he came to a stop, he sat back on his legs and waved a little in front of his face like some foul odor was attacking his nose "Muri muri muri, (Impossible, impossible, impossible) it can't be… It's definitely a different Hiruma Yoichi, definitely…" Sena muttered to himself as he picked the ground with his finger, sweat dripping down his face.

"Wait, you know Hiruma?" Raven asked as they both came sliding down the hill.

"Uh, yes, he's tall" Sena raised his right hand up high.

"Not ours then" Raven muttered.

"Has pointy ears" Sena tugged on his own ears.

"…" both adults went quiet.

"And fang like teeth" Sena pulled his lips back revealing his bright smile.

"…" both adults turned to each other.

"And sharp green eyes" Sena narrowed his eyes.

"…" both adults turned to Sena.

"And blonde spiky hair, and loves playing with fire" Sena snapped his finger, but nothing came out.

"…" Aurateus squats down to stare at the oblivious brunette chattering on.

"Ano-" Sena turns to him to have a bright eyed man stare into his eyes with glimmering curiosity. "Ugh…"

"Sounds about right" Raven sighed.

"Huh?" Sena turned to the woman, while backing away from the man, who was boring into him with intense eyes.

"That sounds like our brat" Raven confessed.

"B-But the Hiruma-san I know is old… well he looks about seventeen, but he's old or that's what Kurita-san said, but he wouldn't tell me how old…"

"…" the two adults looked at each other, Aurateus still squatting; Raven standing with her arms crossed.

"But that's because he's a demon, they have long- long lives"

"And, who are you to him?" Aurateus asked, again with that intense, but not threatening stare.

"His-His friend" Sena slowly moved back.

"Friend?" Raven scoffed.

"Well technically I'm his master" The two adults looked surprised at this "But it seems the other way around most of the time… actually it's always that way…" Sena sobbed.

"W-What do you mean master?" Aurateus asked.

"Um, do you know about blood binding?"

"…yes, yes I do" Aurateus admits, Raven seem to tense up.

"Yeah, it wasn't intentional, he was trapped in the five seal chains and-"


"Huh? Yes, that's where I first, well secondly saw him, the first was when he was being carted to Hallow from the royal capital of Britannia… I don't know why, but- I went to see him, even though everyone told me that demon's could use just their stare to kill me…"

"…" Aurateus nodded slowly, Raven remained quiet.

"I thought he was dead, because of the torturous things the knights did to him… to find out something about someone… I don't know who… the screaming was horrifying" Sena began to shake as tears began dripping down his face at the recollection.

Aurateus held the boy, like a caring mother holding a child who just woke from a nightmare. Raven herself was shaking. All demons fear the seals… the stories foretold of what happened to those who stayed in those chains… there was never a happy ending.

"I really thought, I couldn't do anything to save him… but-but he was still breathing… I woke up from a trance or something then I passed out because I was stepping on the circle seal on the ground"

"…" 'He's an idiot…'

"When I woke up, Suzuna, the spirit who is always with me told me what happened… and then I healed Hiruma-san with the necklace's help"

"Fire healer… that's very rare!" Aurateus announced.

"Fire healer?"

"Yeah, they're rarer than wind elements" Raven drone.

"Oh, but I'm not a fire healer"

"Then how did you do it?" Aurateus asked.

"I'm a storm element"

"…" both adults' eyes went wide, but Raven snapped out of it first and said "Prove it"

"Um, okay" Sena made a flicker of fire appear as he concentrated hard on a piece of grass, then he doused it with some water, uprooted a piece of earth and cut it all into pieces with wind, and finally a large lightning bolt struck the ground and shot back up into the sky making Sena fall on his back.

"I-I still can't control the lightening… cough" having gotten the wind knocked out of him he sat back up uneasily

"…" both adults' eyes went wide again.

"Wow! Sena-kun, you're amazing!" Aurateus announced.

"Yeah, kid, you're pretty good… so what you told us… it's all true then…"

"H-Hai" Sena stuttered and nodded slowly.

"That means you're not from this time…" Raven sighed.

"Nani? (What?)" Sena turned to Aurateus, who was smiling sadly.

"You're from the future…"

"W-Wait, so that means… those dreams of mine, about you- are all going to happen? ! Oh my god, you're in danger Aurateus-san!"

"… What were those dreams about?" the brunette asked the chibi.

"A man, with dark hair and green eyes, he will stab you!" Sena exclaimed as his eyes with wider.

"… It has already happened, no need to worry… I-I am fine" Aurateus looked away.

"Sigh…" Raven sighed as she looked away.

"Oh… but then, how are you-" Sena tilted his head.

"Don't worry about it, what has happen has happened" Aurateus smiled, but his eyes betrayed him, they were the epitome of sorrow.

"Oh, o-okay…" Sena knew not to pry any further.

"So, how did you get here Sena-kun?" Aurateus asked.

"I-I don't know" Sena replied.

"Hm… what were you doing before? Maybe that will give us a hint as to how this happened"

"Um… okay, I was-" Sena stopped dead in his sentence… everything came rushing back to him in flashes.


"…I-I killed… I killed them all…" Sena started to whimper, he curled into a ball and hyperventilated.

"W-wait, S-Sena-kun. What happened?" Aurateus asked, worried for the small child. Raven seemed interested too, the small boy didn't look like he could even hurt a fly.

"T-They k-k-killed Ri-Riku" Sena whined and whimpered "A-And then I- I saw nothing but red… I-I, the scythe, and the screams, and the red… everywhere…" Sena was speaking much too quietly and was slurring; they weren't even sure if the boy was still breathing.

"Sena-kun, breathe, please breathe!" Aurateus tried to uncurl the boy.

"Oi brat!" Raven smacked Sena on the back of the head, knocking him forward, but he remained curled up in a tight ball.

"What are you, a hedgehog?" Raven asked sweat dropping.

"Raven…" Aurateus said in a warning tone.

"Hold on, Come here!" Raven picked the, surprisingly, light boy up and pulled and tickled him until he was a giggling, but still sobbing and unraveled mess.

"Please Sena, tell us what happened, I think we can help"

'Yeah, especially if I'm still around then' Raven thought.

"Sniff, really?"


"Okay-" Sena retold them about him meeting up with Riku, who turned out to be a prince, about him wanting to take him away, and then the fight, and the death, then him going berserk, and slashing the bandits, and finally blanking out, but somewhat remembering his fight with Hiruma.

"I see… hm…this is going to be harder than I thought"

Raven glanced over at the depressed boy, and then at the sighing man. She rolled her eyes and went over to the man, and whispered a few things to him. His eyes widened.


"Yes, really, just look at him" Raven pointed to Sena, whom looked like a kicked puppy.

"I don't see the resemblance. Sena-kun is much too adorable"

"Am not!" Sena pouted.


"Yes, that's how you are when the brat yells at you" Raven rolled her emerald eyes.

"Ah, Roseus, I wonder where he is right now?"

"I'll go find him, you help the kid, here" Raven tossed the red crystal necklace at Aurateus and then went running and black wings appeared, and off she went flying.

"I guess, I can do this… perhaps" the man stared at the necklace, then at the tear filled eyes of Kobayakawa Sena.

"I mean- I can do this, no problem Sena-kun, you have nothing to fear!" he said determinedly.

"R-Really, thank-you!" Sena hugged the man.

'Hm, I do not want to believe that Sena-kun is me… he's much too adorable and sweet' the man chuckled, his golden eyes dancing with the reflection of the sun above. 'But Roseus, my son needs me… and so does my future friend, I can't let them or myself down' and with that Aurateus held up the red necklace to the golden bright sun, and sealed a piece of his soul in it.

In the distance, Raven is holding a very angry, very small Hiruma by the collar as they are flying toward the hills.

'My dear Roseus, I will see you in the future, maybe then I'll break this curse, and we can all live, like a family' the man held his small self close, Sena seemly fell asleep in mid hug…

(Back with the gang, real time)

/Place me on his chest/ the storyteller (Raven) announced. Yukimitsu carefully picked up the glowing red pistol and placed it down on Sena's unmoving chest.

/Okay. Do your stuff, Aurateus/

"Aurateus?" Monta asked, looking at Kurita, but Kurita just shrug and looked at Musashi, who smirked.

"Who is that?" Kouji asked his two blonde friends in a whisper.

"Oh my!" Yukimitsu's eyes widened, he remembers that name. The man who ruled the world… Emperor of Rome, Luces Aurateus…


Emperor, father? ! What's going on? Everyone is coming back! Wait, but why-why isn't he waking up? !

KH: Hm, hm, hm~ (humming) Well I'm gonna go write Headphones, but I do wish that more people would vote on who wins the game of blackjack and gets to do a duet with Sena… sigh, oh well, so far Yamato is in the lead with 3 out of 3 votes!

P.S: Sorry this took forever, but remember I have other fics to write, and other fics to start, hehehe, if I create a good one I'll post it up, if not, then you'll never see them… (so far I have 5 secret fics… 1 of which you'll never see called Sinner… I just can't do angst or tragedy!)