Okay, hold on. This is just an idea that I had that I really just needed to put down on paper. I'm not sure at all where it will take me because this is absoluely not my style, it's very unorigninal for me. However, I really enjoyed writting it so I hope everyone will enjoy reading it. And I don't own any of the characters, they're all S. Meyer's beautiful workings (As much as I wish I owned Jasper) and I would never dream of changing them like I did in this, I'm already a huuuge twilight fan as is. And since this is my first time doing this, I'm up for anything so if anyone had ideas or something they think would be good, just inbox me and I'll think it over. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. :)

Ps. They're all human. I know, it's weird trying to picture that.



I sat up, rolling over and brushing the mess of short black tresses from my face to find my five-year-old son in the doorway. Jackson tapped his wrist, even though there wasn't a watch there I understood what he was saying. We were gonna be late if I slept in any longer.

Kicking out of the sheets, I slipped off my twin bed and into my slippers. How could I be late for my own party? Oh, yes, that's right, staying up until 4:00am making sure all the preparations were absolutely flawless.

"Jackie baby, go get dressed and I'll make us some breakfast for dinner, how does that sound?" I grinned, watching as he ran down the hall. I raced into the bathroom, showering up quickly, then crossing the hall into the guest room I had renovated into my closet. I snatched a slinky silk red dress and these adorable Gucci pumps that I absolutely loved.

I set the outfit in the bedroom, skipping down the long hallway and down the winding stairs to the kitchen. Our apartment was the only two-story in the entire building, I got it because I pretty much perfected the label Victoria's Secret. I have a lot of friends in very high places. Well, that and I flirted with the landlord's cute son.

Jackson bounded down the stairs, weaving by me to the fridge, grabbing the orange juice and the basket of strawberries we'd bought yesterday. He sat at the table and I got him his cup. I say his, because it is the only Batman glass in my all of my cupboards.

Jackson and I ate dinner quickly, I listened to him go on about a girl named Valeria at school who said he had cooties. I love my son, truly I do, there isn't another person on this planet I could possibly care about more. Not even Christian Dior – and I absolutely idolize that man!

Jackie had ink black hair like mine, along with my endless amount of energy. Even Rosalie and Bella said he acted just like me. Of course, I suppose there isn't a male figure in his life for him to look up to, outside of my brothers Edward and Emmett. Then again, Emmett is vulgar and reckless and Edward is far too uptight for his own good. It really is no wonder he's so much like me.

His eyes though, killed me every time he looked up at me. There was a hint of his Father there that made me want to punch something. I'd been engaged to Tristan Michaels for a year when I got pregnant. We'd dated since ninth grade and I thought he was perfect, he was my fairytale prince.

I left him the first time he laid a hand on Jackson when he was three. Luckily, Jackie couldn't remember the incident, but I did. And I would have to look at Tristan's emerald eyes on my beautiful son's face forever now.

Once the kitchen was clean and I gave Jackson his cootie shot, I ushered him upstairs to pick out an outfit. It was an important night to me, after all, I'd been planning Rosalie and Emmett's engagement party for the past several months.

Jackson donned a pair of black slacks that would look perfect with my black nylons. I didn't want him to be all pent up in some gaudy dress shirt though, so I settled for a designer scarlet polo shirt that would match my gown.

Once he was all set I sent him downstairs to watch Teletoon while I got ready. This process didn't take long, I knew exactly how I wanted to look for this night. I slipped into my dress, and heels swiping on a dark shade of shiny red lip gloss, before ravaging my hair into it's disarrayed glory.

Jackson and I set out around 5:30ish, Rose wanted the party to start not a second later than 4:30pm which meant we would arrive late, but fashionably so. Rosalie's house was one you could not miss even if you wanted to. For modest little Forks, Rosalie's classic white mansion was beyond pretentious.

Cars were parked all down the lengthy driveway, Jackson and I joining the line up in my new yellow Porsche. I really, really like my pay check. I hoisted him onto my hip, pacing up the driveway passed Edwards silver Volvo and Emmet's red beast of a Jeep. I knew everyone that was here – I invited them – but who had the black Mercedes?

Knocking on the door once I entered, setting Jackson down and watching him sprint off in search of snacks. Emmett got to me first, picking me up off the floor and hugging me, making ugly wrinkles in my dress all at once.

I tried not to be as agitated about it as I was, I mean, this was a three hundred dollar Marc Jacob's! The annoyance faded a little when I realized he was wearing the suit I'd bought him. He probably only did it to please Rosalie. That girl was scary when she was in a good mood but terrifying when she was angry.

"Hey there tiny!" Emmett smiled widely, that famous smile that won the heart of just about every football scout alive. I returned the smile, pawing my dress back into flawlessness.

"Oh stop it Alice, you know you look gorgeous." Bella's voice made me look up, she came in to hug me gently. I kissed her on both cheeks, jerking her back to arm's length. Thank God I made that appointment at the salon in Port Angeles for Bella today, who knows what she would have done with herself!

Bella wore an ice blue below-the-knee strapless dress and a sheer shawl over her shoulders. Her long brown hair was pinned up beautifully to show off the long, slender neck she didn't believe she had. What would this girl do without me?

Edward came quietly up behind her, grinning at me down at me over Bella's head. "Where's my nephew?" He asked in his usual soft voice, his arm snaking around Bella's waist as he spoke, the gesture earned him a bright blush.

"He went on a mission to find finger sandwiches." I winked, glancing around in search of the girl of the hour. "Where's Rose?"

Edward gazed to Emmett who shrugged, and I remembered how useless my brothers were. "Bella?" I lifted an eyebrow at the sheepish girl before me. Bella's face went red as she bit her lip. "Isabella Swan!" I growled in the voice I used when Jackson ran around the house in my delicates.

Bella burst, first into tears then into wicked sobs. "We were in a hurry and I accidentally pulled the zipper up too hard on her dress!" She howled, "I didn't mean to rip it! Oh Alice, I'm so sorry! Rosalie won't even come out of the bedroom, I've tried everything!"

I touched her cheek and shook my head. "Silly Bella, it's nothing an artist can't fix." Actually I was outraged. I should have thought through sending Bella to help Rose get ready a little more thoroughly. I mean, I did give her specific instructions on how to do everything – but still!

"Edward, Emmett." I pointed at them both, watching the panic jump on their faces. "Go find Jackson, make sure he isn't getting into anything he shouldn't be." I waved them off before they could protest and then grabbed Bella's hand. "I need you to help me with Rosalie."

Bella looked horrified at that, but I hauled her through the endless crowd of party-goers, stopping occasionally to make polite conversation and accept the frequent compliment. Once we reached the stairs I ran up as fast as I could in heels until I reached Rosalie's bedroom.

"Rose?" I murmured gently prattling my fingernails on the white painted door, biting my lip and waiting for her answer. There was a sharp sob and I could have sworn I heard Bella whimper behind me.

"Go away!"

I sighed, "Sweetie, who else is going to fix your dress?" When I tried the doorknob I found it to be locked. Rolling my eyes I turned around to gently take a pin from Bella's hair and kneeled to slide it into the lock. It clicked a few seconds later and Bella gasped, "How did you do that?"

Returning her hair pin I shrugged, "I was quite the delinquent in high school Bells, don't you remember?" I pushed the door open to find Rosalie a mess on the floor.

It hurt me deeply to find such a beautiful fabric all mangled on the hardwood like that. But it caused me serious pain to see glorious, glamorous Rosalie curled inside of it in even worse condition.

"Get the hell out of here Bella, you ruined everything!" Rosalie hissed and I had to snatch Bella's arm to keep her in the room. I coaxed Rose off the floor long enough to assess the damage, it really wasn't that bad, just a seam tear. Of course, this was still any designer's nightmare, but it wasn't something that I couldn't fix.

I got Rosalie to sit on the bed while I rummaged through her closet. I left my sewing kit out in the car, if I left Rosalie would barricade the door the second time I tried to get in.

Rose had a very specific taste in clothing. It bordered the lines of seduction, luxury and elegance – very Valentino as I would say. I plucked out a sexy Versace pearl white-gold coloured cocktail dress. This paired with Rosalie's blue eyes and that gorgeous sapphire necklace I bought her in Italy, she would look tiptop in no time.

When I was finished with Rosalie, Bella was hailing me the Queen of all that is Stylish and Beautiful. Rose snorted and stomped from the room in the sleek black gladiators I picked out. She was back to the gorgeous, flamboyant, egotistical goddess I knew and loved.

Bella and I trailed along behind Rosalie, not wanting to get in her way now that she was back to her faultless self. She went immediately into Emmett's arms, who mouthed "thank you," to me before being lead into the dance floor.

When I turned to Bella I found her dumbstruck by the pianist, who happened to be my brother, on the stage I had installed. I smiled at her, closing her mouth with my index finger.

"You should go up there and sit on the bench with him, that would make Edward so nervous." I nudged Bella's elbow, not surprised to see her marching towards the stage moments later.

I frowned watching Rosalie and Emmett twirl together in their unusually graceful tangle. Emmett had two left feet. Thank God Edward and I had gotten Dad's dancing skills.

It wasn't that I was upset that my oldest brother was marrying one of my best friends. Actually, I kind of expected it, what with the way he always talked about her. And Bella and Edward had been attached at the hip since the day she moved here from Phoenix.

None of it bothered me. I just thought it was kinda funny how I'm the twenty-three-year-old single mom, and everybody around me seems to be in some kind of relationship. Even that Jessica girl Bella is friends with that I don't like, she and Mike Newton have been on and off since grade eleven.

And I'm not jealous, why should I be? I already have the most spectacular little boy in my life, I don't need some man to come in and ruin it. Besides, I'm twenty-three and according to Jackson I am the "amazingest" person ever, so why should I care? There's tons of time to find Mr. Alice Cullen.

Then I realized Jackson wasn't with Edward and Bella on stage and he certainly was not between the assortment of Rosalie and Emmett. Panic shot through me in a million different waves, tears instantly came to my eyes as I pushed through the crowds overflowing in Rosalie's mansion.

"Jackson!" I shouted, going through all thirteen rooms on the second floor before searching the ground level. Fanning my face I wove through the dance floor at least thirty times before deciding he wasn't lost in the hoard.

Sending Edward and Emmett to watch my son – what the hell was I thinking? I was determined not to cry or call the police until I was certain I'd checked every single damn nook and cranny in this massive house.


I nearly had a heart attack, reeling around and darting for the doors just off the kitchen that lead into the sunroom. Jackson waved at me, sitting in a chair across the table from some guy.

Pinching the bridge of my nose and closing my eyes, I swallowed every profanity that I'd ever heard in my life. "Jackson Brandon Cullen where the hell have you been?" I hissed, crossing the dimly lit room to kneel and kiss every inch of his face. "Did you know I nearly called the SWAT team?"

Jackson laughed and I couldn't stay angry. The sheer relief of it all kind of diffused the situation, "I'm sorry Mommy." He blinked up at me with those big emerald eyes and I averted my gaze. "But I found the snacks!"

Mussing his hair I took a deep, soothing breath and murmured, "That's fantastic honey, but please don't you ever do that to me again." From my peripheral vision I saw him nod in agreement and I sighed.

"You must be Alice, Edward and Emmett's little sister." I was taken aback by this abrupt southern accent and stood up to face the guy that had been sitting with my son. I nodded, dumbfounded by the man before me, he chuckled extending a large hand. "I'm Jasper Whitlock, Rosalie's step-brother."