I know, I know, this has taken forever. I am so sorry but here it is… finally.

I hope you enjoy. So here you go…

Chapter Seven

"This Might Hurt"

Disclaimer: Same as always, I own nothing to do with Kingdom Hearts or the Characters.


Zexy smiled as he read their last two messages:


*sighs contentedly, returning the kiss* good night... *closes eyes slowly, not wanting to miss a moment*


You really are a roman..(yawns)..tic. Goodnight Love.

He went to the bathroom to clean up and was still smiling back in his room as he thought about what they'd done. He couldn't resist the temptation to read through the messages again. He read through it two times before finally closing the program and setting his phone down.

He picked up his controller and returned to the game he'd been playing earlier. Even that didn't stop him from thinking about it. Yeah he'd fallen hard, whether he wanted to or not. His only worry was how to avoid getting hurt. The thought gave him pause but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment so, as with everything else he didn't want to deal with, he pushed it to the back of his mind. For now he was going to enjoy what was going on between them, his heart be damned.


Riku woke up the next morning smiling although he couldn't stop the little warning in his mind, niggling him that there was something wrong about what he was doing. Not the act itself, as he was sure his parents would tell him he'd go straight to hell for, but because Zexy was a minor. He couldn't help it; that really bothered him. But when he played what had happened back in his mind he couldn't find the strength to deny his feelings. They weren't love but they were stronger than friendship.

He blew out a frustrated breath, rubbed his face with his hands and got out of bed. Looking down, he shook his head and chuckled at the hard-on he was sporting. "Of course you're hard, I was thinking about Zexy. Stupid penis." He mumbled as he grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.


After a grueling day of school Yuffie was finally able to sit down and start writing again. She had been anxious to get to it ever since the idea for this chapter hit her in art that morning. She pulled out the notes she'd jotted down and began reading over them while her computer booted up. Once it finished with its annoying checks and endless registry startups she checked her emails. There were messages from both Riku and Zexy as well as a few new reviews for "Other Side".

Since looking at her reviews would lead to her need to reply to them she checked the messages from the guys first. She opened Riku's first because, well, it came in first. That's just how her brain worked.

Hi Yuffie, I know you're probably still at school but just email me when you get home. I want to talk to you about something. Well…Zexy to be honest. Ttys

"Oh no, now what's happened?" she murmured as she typed her response to him.

Hi Riku,

I'm home now so email away.

Next she opened Zexy's email and sighed in relief.

Hi Yufe

Hey I read your update on "He Doesn't" I will be reviewing in a little bit. It was so good I just don't know where to start.

Anyway, email me when you get home. I've got to tell you what happened to me at school.

Her relief that he did not mention Riku or any emotional turmoil was palpable. "Okay, this conversation will be easy anyway."

Hi Zexy,

Okay, I'm home. You've got me very curious. What happened?!

She hit send then set about responding to her reviews. Yuffie made it a point to respond to every review. The way she saw it, if they could take the time to review then she could certainly take the time to thank them for it. She was on her third response when Riku's email came through.

Good, you're finally home. I don't know what the hell I'm doing with Zexy. HELP! PLEASE!

"Oh great he's asking for my help. Aerith! Aerith!" Yuffie yelled for her sister in a panic.

Aerith walked into the room smiling. "I'm guessing a friend is asking for romance help again?"

"How did you know? Oh never mind, you are so weird sometimes." Yuffie shook her head.

Aerith grinned. "I'll take that as a compliment. So what's up with whoever you're talking to?" she asked as she leaned over and looked at the screen.

"It's Riku, he hasn't asked me anything yet but he's going to and I want you here when he does."

"Why don't you get a Facebook Yufe, or give them your AIM user name? It would make talking to these guys so much easier." Aerith suggested as she read the last message from Riku.

"I'm not gonna just tell them to AIM me. If they wanted to they would tell me their screen names. That's if they even have screen names. This is fine, we manage." While they were talking she had sent her reply to Riku asking him to explain what he meant. Her email notification chimed with a message from both Riku and Zexy. She opened Zexy's first since his was going to be uncomplicated.

So remember that guy I told you about, the one that I kinda-sorta had a relationship with? Well he's been flirting with me lately and I wasn't really thinking too much about it at first but it's getting worse. Like he kissed me! He actually kissed me! I didn't know if I should slap him or kiss him back. I just sat there not knowing what to do. He was such a jerk to me. He made sure I knew we could never be more than friends so I resolved myself to that but now… Ugh he's driving me crazy!

Then there's Riku to think about. I would be cheating on Riku if I responded to his advances. Wouldn't I?

Yuffie moaned, "Crap, I didn't think he would be talking about this stuff too." She looked up at her sister. "What do I say?"

Aerith read the message a couple of times. "Hmm, why don't you see what Riku wrote before you send a response to Zexy."

"Okay," Yuffie opened Riku's message and started reading with Aerith behind her reading as well.

I don't know what to do. There are a few things to think about. First, he's only 17. That means he's underage and I'm 19 so I could technically get in trouble. Second, he lives across the damn country! I told him to keep an open mind if he finds someone he likes out there but I don't know if that's what he's doing. It's getting, intense, and I like him, a lot. I don't know that I love him but what I feel is strong. I don't know, I just don't see how it could ever work. I don't want to hurt him but I don't want to stop talking to him either, I would miss him. I don't know maybe I should tell him that we should just be friends before we get any more involved. What do you think? What would you do?

"Hmm, this is a very delicate situation. It seems like Riku doesn't see this relationship the same way Zexy does. I'm getting the impression Riku doesn't think of Zexy as a boyfriend but Zexy is pretty much in that mindset. If anyone's going to get hurt it will be Zexy." Aerith read each message a couple more times, pursed her lips and shook her head. "This doesn't look good for Zexy."

"Yeah but Riku said he told Zexy to keep an open mind if he finds someone by him. Isn't that pretty much telling Zexy that they aren't boyfriends? I know that's how I'd take it."

"I know that's what he said to him but that doesn't mean that Zexy will take it as it's meant to be. It sounds like Zexy is really into Riku from what you've told me so far." Aerith explained. "You have to try to convince Zexy that he is not truly going out with Riku and you should suggest to Riku that he really emphasize that to Zexy. He may even have to come right out and say, 'We are not boyfriends' to get Zexy to see reason."

Yuffie groaned, "I don't want to be the one to hurt Zexy."

"Just be careful the way you say it." She read his message again and pointed at the sentence where Zexy mentions Riku. "Look right here he's asking your opinion. So tell him that they can't really be considered boyfriends because they live so far apart and they've only known each other for what, a week? Explain that he should keep his options open because he can't be sure he'll ever meet Riku."

"Okay, then what do I say to Riku? He's asking me what he should do about Zexy? I definitely don't want any part of telling one or the other what they should or should not do, especially if it will hurt either one of them." Yuffie said sounding a little panicked.

Aerith bit her lip as she thought, "Yeah, you definitely don't want to come straight out and tell either to do anything. Stuff like that always comes back to bite you in the ass. Hmm, okay you have to word it so that Riku comes to the decision himself."

"Wait you want me to trick him into stopping whatever they're doing? I can't do that! I won't do that." She declared with a stubborn finality.

"No, of course not, what you need to do is get Riku to make a decision one way or the other. It's not good for either one of them to get more involved if Riku is just going to turn tail and run. If what I'm reading in his message is any indication of what's coming then Zexy is going to get his heart broken. It doesn't matter if that's not what Riku wants to do. The fact of the matter is, that is what is going to happen." Aerith explained.

"How could you possibly come to that conclusion from this one message? All I see is that he's not sure if he should let things go any further." Yuffie said with a frustrated sigh. "I'm just no good at this stuff. Maybe I should just have them talk to you. You could help them so much better than I can."

"They aren't my friends, they're yours. I know you want to help them so just let me help you, help them. If they end up wanting to talk to me that's okay too but let's try it this way first."

Yuffie slumped her shoulders. "Okay. But I'm just so bad at giving relationship advice."

Aerith patted her shoulder, "You don't give yourself enough credit Yuffie. These guys wouldn't be asking you if they didn't want your opinion. Just be a friend and help them out."

"Fine, let's try it your way first," Yuffie sighed.

After taking a deep breath she settled her fingers over the keys. "Okay what should I say to Riku?" Over the next ten minutes Aerith dictated and Yuffie typed and interjected until they were both satisfied with what had been composed. Yuffie sent both emails, reluctantly.

"I really hope this was the right thing to do." She said biting her lip with worry.

"All you did was to give both of them things to think about. You didn't tell either what to do or how to handle their situation. You gave them scenarios of what could happen depending on what options they choose. There is nothing wrong with that and any decision they make is entirely of their own doing. The hard part is going to be watching one or both of them get hurt. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done about that and as their friend you can only be there to help pick up the pieces if that's what they need when it's over." Aerith explained sympathetically.

"Great, they're screwed. Hopefully they have other friends to cheer them up because I know I'm not good at that."

"Your stories cheer a lot of people up. How can you say you're not good at that? Besides, they might not need cheering up. It might be more a shoulder to cry on that is needed at first. Stop being so hard on yourself, you're an awesome person with a really cool personality. Zexy and Riku see that, so do others. Why can't you?"

Yuffy responded by shaking her head. "Any way… thanks for your help with this." As she finished her sentence her email chimed. She turned and looked at her computer. "It's Zexy." She announced as she opened it and they began to read.


Zexy read Yuffie's message for the third time;

Well first, you should know that I don't have much experience in the relationship department. Um actually, I don't have any experience in the relationship department LOL. That is by choice. I avoid them at all costs. With that being said I just want to throw out a few thoughts on your situation. Have you considered the distance between you and Riku? What do you think the chances are that the two of you will ever actually meet? Do you feel strong enough about Riku to pass up the chance you could have with the guy close to you? Is that guy even worth trying to have a relationship with? It sounds like he's kind of a jerk.

When you asked me if you would be cheating on Riku my first thought was, are you guys actually boyfriends? Have you talked about that? I don't know, I just think if you ask yourself some of these questions and really look at it logically you can decide which would be best for you, because in the end that is what's most important. But like I said, I avoid relationships so if it were me I wouldn't go out with either one lol.

I'm sorry I know this probably wasn't very helpful.

Zexy knew that everything Yuffie asked was important to consider and he had already asked himself most of those questions many times. Unfortunately his emotional side kept ignoring the logical side which was the reason he had emailed her in the first place. He supposed he should have expected this knowing Yuffie was a very logical thinker. Maybe that's why he did it. He moaned and fell back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. "What am I going to do?" he continued to stare at the ceiling as every question and each answer ran through his mind. Riku never said they were boyfriends. In fact he told him to look for someone near him. Zexy growled and rolled to his side. "But I want Riku." But even as the words passed his lips his mind replayed the kiss from Sora. The lips that just declared he wanted Riku tingled with the memory of Sora's pressed against them.

"No! Damn it, Sora is a jerk! Stop that. Just concentrate on Riku, he will make you happy." he reprimanded himself as he sat up and started typing his reply to Yuffie.


Riku sat at his dining room table as he kept an eye on his brothers after feeding them and cleaning up the kitchen. The dishwasher hummed and the boys gamed as he read the response from Yuffie. He didn't miss the fact that she'd never given him an answer. Instead she forced him to ask questions he knew he had to answer himself, although that didn't mean he wasn't hoping she would've just told him what to do. For fuck's sake if he knew what to do he wouldn't have asked her in the first place. He sat back and sighed dragging his fingers through his hair before rubbing the back of his neck and sitting forward again. His frustration grew as all of the pros and cons of his "relationship" with Zexy ran through his mind.

His head hurt and his heart ached as the answers he knew were the right ones kept coming back and pushed away the answers he wanted to be right. To avoid the obvious he read Yuffie's message again.

I wish I could be more helpful, as far as relationships go I have zero experience. I just don't see the point of them but I thought I would at least give you stuff to think about. First, maybe it would help if you knew whether or not Zexy took you seriously when you told him to keep an open mind if he found someone he liked? He might not think you really meant it. I don't know it's just a thought. Second, I know he is younger than you. Is that a serious obstacle for you? Because that is one Zexy has no control over. If it is something you can't get passed well it just seems he doesn't stand a chance. Third, is there someone that lives near you that you would be ruining your chances with if you decided to take this to the next level? Do you really think there is any possibility that you two will get together? It's not my life affected so I can't tell you what to do but I think if you honestly answer these questions you won't need anyone to tell you what the right thing to do is, do you?

Every time he read the question that asked if there was someone near him his mind flashed to Roxas, shirtless. Whether he stood a chance with him or not was anyone's guess but at the moment he felt like that was more likely than he and Zexy ever being together, physically anyway. God knew he felt connected to Zexy but he just wasn't sure that was enough to be happy, satisfied or contented. The one thing he did know was that those things were what he wanted out of relationship. His stomach knotted as the realization and the truth of it hit him.

"Damn it! I don't want to hurt him." The sound of his brothers fighting broke his thoughts. "Hey knock it off!" They were wrestling on the ground as one accused the other of cheating. Riku got up and separated them. "You can't cheat at that game." He grabbed Kyle by the back of the neck. "Get ready for bed, Dad will be home soon." He shoved him toward the stairs then helped his youngest brother up. "You okay buddy?" Kade pouted but nodded and started toward the stairs without Riku having to tell him. Kyle sneered at both of them but knew better than to challenge his older brother so close to his Dad getting home. He turned and stomped up the stairs.

By 8:30 both boys were in bed and Riku was in his room. The time it took to get them to bed did not change the answers to the questions Yuffie had asked him two hours ago. He sighed and started typing his reply.

Yeah I know I should ask all of these questions, and I have but that doesn't make what I know I should do any easier. It also doesn't change the fact that the only way this could end is for both of us to get hurt. The question I keep asking is, "Should I do it now or later?"

Riku stopped typing and swore under his breath. "Dammit! I don't want to stop with Zexy. I like him and he makes me feel good." He hit his head against his headboard. "What the fuck am I going to do?"

Dammit Yuffie I don't know what to do. I really like Zexy but I know we will both get hurt. To answer your question; No I don't think we will ever meet face to face and yes that is a major problem. To the other, yes his age does really bother me and until he is of age I'd be a nervous wreck. I also can't be sure he's taken my advice about continuing to look for someone near him. All I know right now is, I really enjoy talking to him and I don't want to give him up just yet. I know I'm being a selfish bastard but I can't let him go yet.

He hit send before he could change anything he typed because he needed to be honest with someone and he trusted Yuffie's logic. He knew she wouldn't judge him, but she would also be honest with him and right now that's what he needed.

He hadn't responded to Zexy all day. More because he was really busy than he was avoiding him but if he was being honest the latter was true too. He just didn't know what to say to him. Last night was amazing and he smiled every time he thought about it but it was bittersweet because his logic kept interfering with his emotion.

"Okay you chicken shit just respond."

His email chimed, it was Zexy. "Dammit! I wanted to respond before he had to again." His stomach knotted but he couldn't stop the smile that formed at the thought of his blue haired beauty. 'His' He shook his head, "I'm am so fucked up." He mumbled as he read Zexy's earlier messages from the day before reading the latest one.

10:06 am

*Yawns, rubs eyes, looks at you happily* guess I'm up first... *I whisper to myself* *begin lightly running my fingers through your hair* Hmmm... you're a romantic too... lover. *gently kisses forehead, lips, and neck*


You up, honey? Hehehehehehe… Well, whatever you're doing, have a good day! I know I won't… maybe…


I hope everything's okay Semi…

Riku sighed, "No, everything's not okay but I'm going to keep talking to you anyway." He mumbled then started his response.


Yuffie bit her lip as she opened Zexy's email. Aerith stood behind her reading as she did.

I know the questions you're asking are important and I have asked them myself but I really like Riku and I don't want to stop talking to him. I think if we don't give up, someday we will meet and we would be perfect together. He makes me smile Yufe. He makes me feel good about myself for the first time in a long time. I just don't see how that's a bad thing.

The guy at school is a jerk. He really hurt me and probably would again if I gave him the chance. So to answer that question, no, I don't think I want to start anything with Sora.

I'm just going to take my chances with Riku and hope that it all works out. I don't know if he thinks of me as his boyfriend or not but that doesn't matter to me right now anyway. Riku is the one I think about so…

"He does that three dot thing a lot doesn't he?"

"Yes." Yuffie groaned. "So what do I do now? He's not asking for advice anymore and he pretty much said he's going to keep things as they are with Riku. This did not work out the way you planned."

"Like I said, you can't make them do anything. You gave them things to think about. What they do with that is out of your control. You just need to be there to listen and help them when it's over if they ask for it." Aerith answered sympathetically.

Yuffie turned to her sister, "That's it? That's your wise advice for this? This was not helpful to Zexy at all. I don't even want to see what Riku responds with. They asked for my help, how is this helping?!" her voice started to sound more and more frantic as she spoke.

"Relax Yufe, this is one you just have to ride out. I told you if it gets too bad and you want me to talk to them and they agree I will. But for now give them some time to work it out. Let's see how they handle things from here. Okay? There is nothing you can do to stop this short of telling them they can't be together. I'm pretty sure we both agreed that is not the way to help them, right?"

"Yeah." She grumbled.

"Okay then, just be supportive and honest and let's hope they make the right choices." Before she could respond to Aerith's comment Yuffie's email chimed in with a new message from Riku. Taking in a deep breath she opened it and the two of them read his response.

Yuffie read it three times and still she was at a loss and now just staring blankly at the words on the screen. Aerith's sigh brought her back and she turned slowly to look at her sister.

Yuffie heard a soft whimper and realized that she had made it. "Aerith." She said pleading for help.

Aerith looked at her. The sympathy in her eyes made Yuffie's heart pound with fear. She didn't want her friends to get hurt and knew there was nothing she could do to stop the train wreck that was sure to happen. "Aerith please, please will you talk to them if they say it's okay? Pleeease." She begged.

Aerith looked at Riku's message again then back at Yuffie before she answered. "Only if they agree, I will not make first contact and force myself on them. Okay?"

Yuffie smiled, the relief in her was palpable. "Thank you. Thank you. I just don't want to see them hurt."

"I know, but you know that me talking to them doesn't mean it's not going to happen anyway. Like I said before, Riku is not in the same place as Zexy. Unless Riku does a complete turn-around in his thinking I don't see this ending well." She gave Yuffie's shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "You'd better respond to them."

Yuffie paled, "What do I say?"

"If I weren't here what would you say?" Aerith asked.

Yuffie furrowed her brows then looked up at her sister. "I would tell Zexy to be careful and try to keep an open mind about the guys around him. I would also tell him that you might be able to help him because you're really easy to talk to and know people really well."

Aerith smiled, "And Riku, what would you tell him?"

"I would tell Riku to be honest with Zexy and make sure Zexy really understands how he feels about him. And if he has doubts or doesn't think he would want to try for a real relationship with Zexy that he shouldn't drag it out because the longer he lets Zexy think there's a chance the more he would be hurt if Riku broke it off. Then I would tell him he should think about talking to you because you're a really good listener and know people and might be able to help him work through this."

Aerith smiled at Yuffie.


"And you said you're no good at giving advice." Aerith chided. "Yuffie, both of those responses are perfect. And best of all they are entirely from you." She motioned to the computer with a slight lift of her chin. "Respond to your friends. I'm going back to my room." She started to walk away then stopped and turned. "Oh, and by the way, if you want me to talk to Zexy and Riku I suggest you find out if they are on AIM or yahoo or Facebook because I am not going to communicate through email." And with that she left the room.

Yuffie turned back to her computer, blew a strand of hair from her eyes and started Zexy's response. "Why can't she just email?" she mumbled to herself as she typed. She read her message and decided to leave the part about Aerith out for now then with a huff added.

Oh and are you on Facebook or AIM?

Then erased it. "I am not asking that. I'm not even on them."

After a slight hesitation she hit send then started on Riku's response sending it before she could change her mind. Yuffie sat back in her chair feeling slightly ill from her nerves. She hoped that what she said to each of them was the right thing to say. She'd done all she could do for now and sitting here worrying over it wouldn't change the outcome and so decided distraction was the best action. Rubbing her face with her hands she blew out a tired breath and went back to writing the next chapter to Other Side.


Zexy was deep in blood and gore when he heard the tone of his email. He paused the game and grabbed his phone, his heart pounding hoping it was Riku. His shoulders slumped when he saw it was from Yuffie. "Dammit! Where are you Riku?" He moaned in frustration. After taking a few minutes to fight back his emotions he opened Yuffie's message.

Just be careful Zexy and try to keep an open mind about the guys around you. You never know, your soul mate might be sitting next to you in your English class and you'd never know because you're not paying attention. (Not that I believe in soul mates but you know what I mean. ).

Zexy laughed when he thought about who sat next to him in English.

I'm always careful. Um I highly doubt the head cheerleader or the most well-known dealer of our school is my soul mate but yeah, I know what you mean. Thanks, you made me smile at the thought.

"Trust me that's not an easy feat right now." Zexy leaned his head against the headboard and closed his eyes. "Why haven't you messaged me?" He whispered to the empty room. Maybe he decided I'm not worth talking to, or maybe I came on too strong and he thinks I'm easy, or I'm not interesting. He moaned, grabbed his pillow, shoved his face into it and screamed, his grip so tight it threatened to tear the pillow case. Just when he thought he would lose it completely his phone chimed. He froze. Afraid of being disappointed again he didn't move but stared at his phone. It couldn't be Yuffie because he just realized he never hit send so she couldn't have responded yet. He reached for his phone slowly. Once again his heart pounded in his ears as adrenaline from fear gripped him. Looking with one eye his heart stuck in his throat when he saw it was Riku. Now afraid to open it because it could be him telling Zexy he never wants to talk to him again. So there he sat, his wish had come true. Riku had messaged him but the old saying rang through his mind. 'Be careful what you wish for.' He drew in a deep breath for courage and opened the message.

Sorry dear, internet wasn't working this morning, then I had class.

I'm sorry I missed this morning.

It's been a crazy day. I had to watch my brothers and they were a handful tonight.*hugs tight* So how are you today? Any regrets? *Holds you tighter as I kiss the top of your head.*

Zexy was smiling so wide it hurt. "Thank you Goddess." He whispered then started his reply.


Yuffie's message came in while Riku was responding to Zexy and worried he'd lose his nerve he waited until he sent Zexy's to read it.

Maybe you should be honest with Zexy and make sure he really understands how you feel about him? If you have doubts or don't think you want to try for a real relationship, dragging it out could hurt him a lot more. The longer you let Zexy think there's a chance the better chance he will be hurt badly.*shrugs* That's just my opinion but again, I don't really know much about relationships.

Riku sighed when he read her message, knowing what she was saying was true and that he should do exactly what she suggested. As he contemplated the fallout of doing that Zexy's reply came through.

*Grins* oh, alright... Returns kiss, biting your lip lightly* and forget it, I'm not mad. *kisses again*

Riku groaned. If Yuffie knew exactly where they took this last night he bet her response would be different but he just couldn't bring himself to tell her about it. And that was half the problem. If he truly thought what they did was okay wouldn't he be okay with telling her?

"Fuck! What am I doing?" He ran his fingers through his hair pulling on it before finishing the move then slapped his palms on his bed, frustrated and confused. He took a deep breath and read Zexy's message again, and again, and again. "I don't want to hurt you Zexy." He read the message again smiling at his innocence and sincere affection. Riku had never gotten that from anyone in his life. Even his parents made him feel like he had to earn their love. Not Zexy though, he just gave his affection to him freely.

"Dammit! I'm such a selfish bastard." He looked at his screen then knowing what he was doing was probably the wrong thing to do, especially for Zexy he started his response, deciding to keep it short and somewhat innocent. Once he finished he read it again and hit send with a knot in his stomach.


Zexy smiled when he heard the tone from his phone. Now that he'd heard from Riku his night improved 50%. He couldn't say 100% because, well, he was still at home with his mom and it. He smiled at his new nickname for Xaldin. He opened the PWF site and the message tab. "This is such a pain. Maybe I should start using AIM." He mumbled to himself as he waited for Riku's message to open. There was no stopping his smile when he read it.

Thank you *kisses back *pulls back*How was your day sugar?

How can I not keep talking to him? He's so sweet. Enjoying this normal conversation he decided to keep that way for now and it did stay that way for a little while…

Zexy to Riku:

It was ok, but you replying made it better. *sighs wearily* Librarians have it tough... and yours, darling? How was class?

Riku to Zexy:

It was simple, just getting to know the teachers, being told what books we need, etc.

What else happened? You gonna be alright? *puts arm over your shoulder*

Zexy to Riku:

*Rests against neck* I'll be fine... after a shower, of course... I have dramatic lit, which is making me more comfortable to speak in front of crowds. *sigh* other than that, nothing eventful. *wraps arms around you* -whispering in your ear- I missed you, Riku. *kisses neck*

Riku to Zexy:

*shivers* Zexy, is something on your mind?

Zexy to Riku:

*Bites ear tenderly* maybe...
*nuzzles neck* maybe not...
*Slides hand down your leg* something on YOUR mind, sweetie?


Riku groaned. "No Zexy. Dammit, how do I answer this?" He struggled for several minutes all but seeing an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other as he tried to decide what to do. Finally, resigned to what he needed to do, he started typing his response trying not to overthink his decision.


Zexy bit his lip nervously worried that he shouldn't have sent that last message. It was taking to long for Riku to respond. He couldn't stop himself though. The memories of last night made him feel, cared for, desired, wanted for the first time, in a long time. Hell, the desired part he'd never felt before. It felt good and he wanted to feel it again. But now, as he waited for Riku to respond he was afraid he'd blown it, pushed too fast.

"Dammit! Why can't you be patient? You're patient in everything else in your life for fuck's sake!" he reprimanded himself in a hushed voice. It's been over ten minutes, oh god, he's not going to respond. His heart was back to pounding hard again but then he heard it, the wonderful sound of a message alert. Although when he read it he wasn't sure if it he should be relieved or sad.

*grabs hand*
Yeah, maybe you're just using me for by body (Internet body, whatever)

You do know this isn't healthy for either one of us right? We need to find someone close to us where we live, that we can be intimate with in real life.

*nuzzles your neck* but, don't think I'm saying this because of what happened yesterday. I'm just trying to be realistic, and I don't want to hurt you, I care too much for you and don't want to see that to happen. *kisses neck* I'm sorry.


Zexy read it over several times some of what he said hurting and some strengthening his desire to trust Riku. He responded as honestly as he could, considering the tiny bit of warning that had wiggled its way into his heart and mind.

I would never do that. *eyes soften* Using you would be the cruelest act I can imagine.

And yes, I realize it...isn't healthy, to use your words *looks sadly at you and sighs* I try not to hurt most people, and you especially. *sighs deeply* If I ever hurt you, even a little, I'm sorry... And being realistic isn't a bad thing. *hugs, body shakes slightly as silent tears begin to fall* This... th-this isn't your fault... so don't apologize...

Zexy didn't realize until after he hit send that his cheeks were wet from real tears. He wiped to two wet lines from his cheeks and brushed the feelings off. "It will be okay. I know it will." He murmured, as he attempted to convince himself it was true.


"Shit, shit, shit. I don't want to hurt you Zexy." Heart pounding Riku typed frantically.

*Hugs you tightly back* *sigh* Look, I didn't mean to upset you, I just don't want you to grow too attached to me, and I you, because we live on opposite sides of the country, and I just, ugh, don't think this would be able to happen in real life. At least not at the present time, I really think… I don't know maybe I do, maybe it would... just don't cry. Be strong, for me, please? You know I will ALWAYS be here for you, no matter what, right? *grabs sides of your face and kisses your sweet lips* just no more crying okay? Just try to find someone, like I am, but I'm in the rural south and you're in CA, one of the most liberal states in the union, a great guy like you shouldn't be on the market for long.

Riku hesitated for a moment before adding the last part of the message but typed it anyway and hit send before he could change it.

*grabs ass* but for now, while we search, we are still each other's, so please, stop being so sad, and embrace life. "No Day but Today." right? *kiss*


The phone was in his hand on vibrate so his mom couldn't hear when he received notifications. So when Riku's message came in it only took a few seconds to get it open. So many emotions flitted through Zexy's mind that he couldn't gather them for several minutes. By the time he started his response he had them organized and his usual self preserving calm had returned. And only he would know the hurt that had already seeped into his heart.

*eyes narrow, looks away* -calmly- you're right. *lets hair fall in a curtain around my face*

-sadly- I am trying to find someone... and fighting a shitload of other emotions, like always... *meets your eyes with my own* and the same goes for you. Fuck, DOUBLE for you. I'm ready to accept any fate that is thrown at me, and that fate better look out.

And I'm always strong... *eyes soften again* I have to be, or others will worry... *eyes lose their light, then glow with a long-lost fire. Smiles* Heh... King of the Mindless Rant...

*sits on the ground* Very well. Until we find others, we have each other! *looks up at you and smiles* got it memorized? *stands, kisses your neck*


Riku read the message a few times not sure at first how to interpret it. He wasn't good at understanding people but it seemed like Zexy was working through his emotions during the message. The lump in his stomach warned him that the last was resignation. But he said he understands we are just doing this until we find other guys. So it'll be okay. I did my part, Zexy is fine with it and understands. Riku thought to himself. Satisfied, he began to type.


Zexy opened the latest message with a little less enthusiasm. His mind and heart were at war as warning flags were flying all through his head. And he couldn't quite let go of the hurt that Riku's words caused. "Well it's not like he can physically hurt you anyway. Besides, you'll just have to find a way to get to North Carolina so you can meet." He whispered into his dark room in an attempt to rid the last of his doubts. Refusing to accept defeat he squared his shoulders and opened the message.

*groans* Mem-or-ized. *grabs head, brings it forcefully to my waiting lips* *pulls back slightly* I knew you'd be trouble *goes back to kissing passionately, hands toying with your hair*

Zexy grinned. "Oh you have no idea how much trouble I can be love." And just like that he was back in the moment typing his response.


Riku smiled at the next message feeling more relaxed and more convinced that he was right about how Zexy was feeling, he responded quickly.

*relishes kiss before pulling back slightly*... look who's talking... *smiles warmly before leaning forward to nip your ear*


Zexy was surprised at how fast the next message came but had an idea why. He couldn't help but smile when he read it, in fact, he let out a little laugh at Riku's comment and allowed the last threads of doubt slip to the back of his mind so he could enjoy the moment.

*pulls you up so we are face to face* Do you really want to do this again? And don't say something like, "Well not if you don't want to." *sniff*


Riku blew out a long breath after reading the next message. "Great he's leaving it to me to decide if we're going to go down this road again. Well shit…"

*laughs happily* Am I THAT predictable? *smirks* fine, I won't. I'll leave it... *leans in* ...up to... *kisses teasingly* ...you. *sits with half-lidded eyes*

As he read the 'laughs happily' again he decided Zexy would be fine and this would not be a bad thing. The memory of what happened the night before had him half hard already and horny. He wanted to do it again and obviously Zexy did too. So he responded the way he truly wanted to respond.


Zexy's groin tightened when he read the latest message knowing what this was leading up to.

Make up your mind, you'd better find a guy that likes taking charge.

Fine, but this time, you be the seme, it's only fair…now get that fine piece of ass over here *taps foot, with hands on hips*

Grinning wide he thought about how to start this then with a wicked smirk on his face and his body humming with the beginnings of arousal he typed his message and hit send.


"Okay then, I guess we really are going to do this again." Riku murmured. His body shivered in anticipation of what they were about to do. He chuckled at Zexy's question. "I guess I'm a natural top. This could get a little confusing."

*stares defiantly at you* If I'm seme, why are you giving instructions? *Waits a few seconds for your answer. Rolls eyes, and goes to you* Hmph, you take charge just fine... *locks lips with you, lightly biting your lower lip while asking entry*

"You do a pretty good job at taking charge too sweetheart." He whispered as his smile grew. "Okay let's try this."


Yuffie was just about done editing her last chapter when she looked at the clock, again. She'd been doing that for the last hour and a half. She hadn't heard from either Riku or Zexy since she sent her messages. It had taken all of her will to keep from messaging them again and she was a wreck. She'd read the last two paragraphs twice and still found mistakes.

She furrowed her brows. "Maybe I should just wait until tomorrow to post this. I'm obviously too preoccupied at the moment to concentrate." Her shoulders slumped and she looked at the clock again. It was only four minutes later than the last time she had looked.

"Gah! This is hopeless."

Aerith poked her head in the room. "Anything yet?"

Yuffie shook her head no.

"I'm sorry. I know waiting is hard but I'm sure something came up that they couldn't respond. Both of them have strained home lives. Anything could have happened. They'll respond, I'm sure of it." Aerith offered then was gone.

"Sure, easy for her to say. It's not her friends that haven't responded." She rubbed her face with her hands. "Okay. Pull it together and get this finished so you can post and get to bed." She forced herself to concentrate and get it done. Thirty agonizing minutes and fifteen glances at the time later she had her chapter uploaded and stood to get ready for bed. Her nerves were shot and her stomach hurt from it but there was nothing she could do and there was no way she was going to bother them by sending another message. The confirming email came through that let her know her story uploaded. She shut down her computer and went to bed worried that she'd lost two of her newest friends tonight. "I should have never offered my opinion." She mumbled as she crawled into bed, punched her pillow and settled in to sleep.


Zexy had just opened Riku's message when his email tone sounded. He was about to ignore it but decided he might as well see who it was. It was a notification that Yuffie uploaded a new chapter. "Awesome, I can't wait to read it… Ah shit! I forgot to send Yuffie's response! She probably thinks I'm mad. Gods dammit!" He went back to the message he typed to her earlier to send it and froze when he read the first few words.

"Just be careful Zexy"

"Its good advice Yufe and I will be. I won't let him hurt me." He whispered but even as he said it that little thread of doubt came rushing back to the front of his mind. He sent his response to Yuffie and went back to read Riku's but the heat that had been growing in his body was quickly cooling.

He read the message a few times but did not respond. "Should I be doing this? Can I protect myself if he disappears on me?" He put his head back against his headboard. "Is it worth the risk?" He read the message again.

*gives entry, tongues battle in our mouths, groans from deep within* *puts one hand to the small of your back and the other behind your head, pulls in closing the distance between us*

"Fuck it, it's worth the chance." He mumbled then typed his response and sent it.


While Riku waited for Zexy's response a notification came in on the PWF site and when he looked to see what it was he let out a string of curses. "Fucking hell, I forgot to respond to Yuffie. Dammit." He went to their string of messages and pulled up her last one. He read over it again getting stuck on one sentence.

The longer you let Zexy think there's a chance the better chance he will be hurt badly.

"But he knows I'm not planning on a relationship. I was honest with him and he understands. He knows there's not a chance." He read the sentence again. "Doesn't he?" he asked himself with less conviction this time. He ran his fingers through his hair. "He knows dammit, everything's okay." He reiterated then typed his response to Yuffie.

I know Yuffie. I was honest with him tonight. I'm pretty sure he get's it now. Sorry I didn't respond earlier. I got sidetracked. Thanks for your help.

A few minutes later Zexy's message came in but the distraction of Yuffie's message took the horny right out of him. "Maybe I should just say good night to him." He murmured as he started to read the message.

*I press my body close to yours, grinding slowly* *breaks kiss* eager, huh? *leans forward, biting neck lightly.* *Stops, kisses you again while sliding my hand into your pants. Begins toying with your balls*

"Fuck me, how am I not supposed to get turned on by this?" he moaned. He pushed everything else out of his mind and let himself fall into the world the he and Zexy had created together. "To hell with the outside world, tonight I'm going to enjoy my sexy, blue haired internet guy." Determined, and quickly getting his horny back, he typed his response.


Oh.. I am *keeps kissing, throws shirt off, goes back to kissing, more forceful this time* *rips your shirt off* *breaks kiss* *starts to kiss every inch of your chest* *every..inch*

Zexy smiled. "There we go. Now let's get to the good stuff and step this up a bit."

And they did…


*moans lightly* ...no-no... *lightly grips your chin, brings your face up to mine, steals a kiss* hmph... *begins to make a trail of kisses down your collar* what will happen if...? *takes left nipple into mouth, biting it while roving with my tongue* *hand dips into your pants, playing with your stiffening member*


Slips his hand in his pants and grips his erection to mimic what Zexy described. He lets out a soft moan and briefly closes his eyes then responds using one hand while he slowly strokes his length.

I-if what ha-ppens? *Hand grabs your hand playing with my cock and moves along with you* *other hand slides into your pants and mirrors your movements*


Moans and shoves his hand in his pants wanting to feel what they are describing.

*removes hand and leads you to nearby bed, pushing you down gently* *leans over you on my hand, kissing you fiercely* *breaks kiss to begin another trail down your torso* what happens if I do... THIS *flashes a mischievous grin before taking your pert right nipple into my mouth* *begins playing with the flesh in my mouth while my left hand toys with your other nipple*


Leaves go of his shaft and starts playing with his nipples hissing when he pinches one enough to sting. The act sends a jolt straight to his sex and makes it jerk in its confines.

*moans* Y-ou-'ll ttt-tur-rn mme onn evvvveen moorre, give me more! Please!


Smiles at Riku's reaction, knowing that he really is that turned on. The thought spikes his own arousal higher.

*continues sucking and toying with your nipple. My hand dips into your pants again, playing with your obvious hard-on* Begging? *grins wickedly, biting your nipple roughly*


Gasps when he pinches his nipple hard and strokes his cock as he imagines Zexy would do.

*gasps, groans* *hands grab the bed fiercely* *head thrashes back* st-op, ttoyi-ng wwit-h mme,


*stops sucking, pouts* it's your punishment... *resumes playing with you*


Teasing his nipple still he slows his stroking to keep from bringing himself too soon.

For what? *moans in pleasure**arches back*


Chuckles, enjoying Riku's confusion. He continues to stroke himself letting his body slowly build its excitement.

*stops toying*Heh... for trying to be seme when you said I was... *undoes your pants, slipping your boxer briefs off* Now, what to do? *begins playing with your painfully hard member*


Pants softly as he pictures what Zexy describes. He feels moisture leak from his slit and moans. God I can't believe how close I am already.

Make me cum then, take me DAMMIT! Fuck me! Fuck me please! Lover.


"God who knew having your partner so excited would be such a turn on." He groans and starts stroking himself faster wanting to catch up to Riku's obvious excitement.

*takes your length into my mouth, slowly bobbing head up and down while sucking* *feels your erection tense, close to release. Then stops* *continues in this fashion for a few more strokes then starts to pull off*


"Ahh fuck!" He struggles to control his arousal taking his hand completely away from his throbbing erection. Panting hard and sweating he types his response shaking.

*hands grab your head, fingers tightening their grip as I shoot my load down your throat* that was fucking fantastic, baby! *grabs your face and pulls you to mine, kisses you longingly, tasting my own cum in your mouth* *licks lips* *pushes you back* now Zexy, please be gentle with me...at first, *hands you a bottle of lube* fuck my tight hole you sexy son of a bitch.


Sweat is starting to form on his face and chest as he uses longer, tighter strokes to mimic what he's picturing he's going to do to Riku.

*glares, positions dick on the tip of your hole without lube, shoves in once* Seme, remember? *lathers the mixture on myself* Or do I... *slides one slick finger in* ...need to... *pulls out slides two in, scissoring the opening* ...remind you... *pulls out again, slides three in just to make sure* ...Again? *pulls out fingers, leans forward for a brief kiss before sliding my cock in, agonizingly slow*


His chest is heaving as his breath comes in quick hard bursts. Reading Zexy's message he can't help but touch himself but this time he soaks his fingers with his mouth and lifting his leg he pushes a finger past his rim and gasps at how good it feels then closes his eyes imagining it's Zexy's finger and the thought almost makes him cum. He keeps his finger pumping while he types with the other. By the time he's done he's panting and sweating and nearly ready to finish.

*gasping and moaning in pain and pleasure* *fingers digging deep into the bed* *feels you deep inside me, hole tightening around your thick member invading my depths* nn-n-OH! Hit there, there again! please! *head flies back and presses into bed*


He's almost there so close to finishing when Riku's message comes in that just reading it brings him over and he finishes before he even starts to type. Gasping for air and with his legs and hands trembling he responds thinking Riku is probably almost there as well.

*brief smile before obliging* As you wish... *begins working into a rhythm, slowly at first, but quickly speeding up* Ah! aaah! I-I'm... Its s-s-ssssoooo t-tight... *moans escape both of us as I continue* aaahhh! f-f-fu...! *continues repeatedly hitting your sensitive bundle of nerves* *keeps going until I feel the pressure build then stops, teasing myself, then continues building to release, I yell out as I cum in your ass *closes eyes in bliss, panting heavily*


He opens Zexy's message stroking and fingering himself while he reads the absolute perfect words that make him cum hard. He grits his teeth and yells silently as his cum shoots from his slit and his channel clamps down on his fingers. He lay on his side gasping for air for a few minutes as he waits for his pulse to slow a little. Using one hand he types his response.

*orgasms from the force of you coming in me* *pants heavily* well I feel well fucked, I'm probably going to be sore in the morning, not that it wasn't worth it. *kiss* *nuzzles your neck* you were great, tonight love. *kiss* teases hair. *moves it out of your face* why keep it so long?


As he returned to his room after cleaning up he heard his phone vibrate. He laid down on his stomach and opened the message. His heart skipped a beat at the intimate question Riku ended it with. "He does care about me." He murmurs with a smile of pure joy.

*nuzzles back* You weren't half bad yourself, love *kisses deeply* why keep what so long? My hair?


Thanks, love *kiss*

Yes, silly, what else your cock?


*blushes brightly* sh-shuddup... *composes self as eyes drain of light* ...it makes me think of someone I lost... I'm cutting it when I'm older, but for now... I think it makes a good reminder, until I can do better... *looks down sadly, then perks up* but, I know that I should enjoy each day to the fullest. "No day but today", right? *kisses your lips softly*


Drying off his hands he looks at Zexy's response. "Wow sorry Zexy, I didn't expect something like that as the reason."

*kisses back* Damn straight sugar. Sorry to hear about your loss. *rubs a hand down your body*

But everything will be alright, just keep them in your heart and they'll continue to live on inside you. *smiles*


"Oh my gods, he's so sweet."

Thank you (wow, I just put 'thank you', not 'thanks') *shivers at your touch* I-I kn-know. *blushes at your smile*


"Why can't you be from here Zexy? This sucks, I am in such deep shit." All of his doubts came slamming back into him and instead of being happy he felt even more like a bastard. "He's going to get hurt. He's too sweet and innocent to handle this." Riku whispered as the realization finally sank in. "Fuck." He sighed as he sat down to send his last response for the night which he was grateful for because he just didn't have the strength to do this anymore tonight.

*kiss* night love, (oh what you do to me), Yes I'm quoting Queen as we lie in bed, I'm weird I know, but you somehow like that don't you? *kiss*


He sighs with contentment, "It'll be okay."

*hugs and kisses* Yes, I do. *nuzzles your neck, getting comfortable* g'night.

Riku looked at the last message and felt even worse. "I'm going to end up hurting him." He sighed and shut down his computer. Lying in bed in the dark as exhausted as he was he struggled to fall asleep knowing that one day soon he would have to break Zexy's heart.

And there you go… The latest chapter and it was a long time in coming. I will try to get the next up in the next few months. My life is calming down now so I think it should be possible.

I promise any chapter story I have on this site will be finished.

I will not leave them hanging.

Thanks for reading!