: O.M.G. Im so glad to be bak. Do you know how painful it was to not able to get to this site?The Dam site kept saying 'Type 2 Error' Wtf is a Type 2 error?
So I went and did scans checks and delete these useless files and still 'Type 2 Error'
Wow. Just wow.
When did got on the site, I was unable to upload my stories with again 'Type 2 Error' everytime when i tryed to logg on. WTF!
Anyways Enjoy~!
O and btw i didn't reread my story so if anything is messed up just go along with it. :/
And I also kikd Swallow off my story after the last chappy . Srry I told her to make it short...not rush it...
Disclaimer: Me dunt own anything, but Ranex and Rena. - My OCs D:
Pull Me out~ Chapter 7 ~
On Monday morning, the school's talk was all about the Halloween Event that took place.
Everyone was chattering and laughing at eachother, but Yami, Rena, and Ranex.
"Come on guys, cheer up." Ryou said
"Yeah, I'm sure that Yugi will be alright." Malik tried.
Both Ryou and Malik tried to cheer up the depressed trio.
"But we scared the daylights out of Yugi. Literally!" Ranex hunged her head.
"We also could've stopped the whole event when it turned midnight, but we went on anyways." Rena said sighing.
Yami was just silent. He was depressed that Yugi wasn't here.
I could've gone down first and to see what's down there. Yami thought, Then Yugi wouldn't in this state fully knowing how Rena and Ranex can be with events like this.
"It's not your fault guys," Heba said, "You didn't know" As he tried to lift their mood.
"But we knew he was already scared before he went in the house!" the Skyler twin's shouted at the same time.
"We went over board, we should've notched it down to just walking skeletons," Ranex said.
"Or the oversized spiders and snakes," Rena said.
"Oh come on," Atemu started, "You did it for the school's funding. You did your best."
"Yug's gonna be alright, it's not like ya did it on purpose." Jou said.
"Yeah, get the fuck over it. The little runt will be O.K." Bakura said that was surprisingly nice.
"Omg Bakura jus- IT"S THE END OF THE WORLD!" Marik screamed running away.
"Marik, SHUT UP!" As Bakura shouted running after Marik.
Ding Ding...
The bell sounded Signaling them for class.
~I luv u all for waiting on me T^T Thx so much. And Swallow will be still using my account...Sadly...~
History class with Yami~
Yami just sat there with his head downon the desk waiting for the class to start.
Even though he just met Yugi, He have to amit that he was attractive to the little one. Very attractive. He never liked a person like this before and if he did Yugi sure made his heart beat faster.
"Oooohh~ Yami~!" a sing-song voice was calling out to him for attention. Like he haven't heard that before.
"Yamiiiii~~!" Now it started to whine, "Listen to me~~"
Yami looked up to see Anzu pouting with her sticking out and with -attemted- big dog eyes which she failed at. That disgusted Yami for Anzu tried to look cute with over use of Make-up. Eww.
"Yays~!" She jumped up, "Yami I have a favor."
"And what makes you think I'll fulfill your favor," Yami's eyes darkened a little.
"Because your my furture boyfriend a husband silly," she said without faultering in his gaze.
"Go away. I-"
"I want you to punish the Skyler twins." she cut off Yami. She hoped by acting cute, Yami would do it.
"And why would I do that?" Now Yami's voice darkened.
"Because they're your lackeys aren't they? Meaning they'll do what you want." she said while flipping her hair, "I mean why else do you hang around them? They're just low class sluts with a little money. Right~?" She said batting her eye lashes.
"Anzu," Yami stood up, "They're my friends and not sluts and say anything more about my other friends I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your life." he hissed under his breath.
"Whatever you say Yami-kins~" she said twirling her hair, "Anyways lets go on a date, your poor mind is tainted by that weak, pathetic Yugi. I'm sure our dat-"
"Fuck. Off. You. Bitch." Sounding each word with hatred
"W-w-why d-did yo-"
The stuttering Anzu was cut off by the bell that was sounding for class.
Yami sat down glaring at Anzu to make her go away...
~Hmmmm what's next. What's next indeed. :3 ~
Science Class~~...At the same time (lol i keep putting temi for time)
"Cheer up Atemu. I'm sure Yami will be fine." Heba tried.
"I'm really worried about him. I never seen him like this before." Atemu sighed.
"Maybe your poor brother wouldn't be in this situation if little Yugi wasn't such a scaredy cat." Vivian was sitting a desk next to Atemu's left.
"And what is that suppose to mean?" Heba said glaring at her.
"It's simple, little Heba. Your brother is a wimp, and the fact that he fainted over a little blood and a dummy just shows how weak he is." Vivian said not faultering in Heba's gaze.
After that has been said, she started to cling on the Atemu's arm, "Atemu~" She whined, "Sit by me and not with this runt." as she said pouting.
"No." Atemu said in a stern voice, " and I am very content sitting by my friend than sitting with you."
"Hmph. As you wish my love, but I know you can't resist me." With that she winked at Atemu and joined her cheerleader friends/followers swaying her hips side to side hoping to catch Atemu's attention, but to fail.
Bitch! Atemu's mine and I'll make sure you'll pay for insulting my brother! Heba thought as the bell sounded.
~ Hehehe mushrooms! ~
~ Up in the computer rooms ~
"Yo, your royal highness! Are you always an ass to the one you love?"
Seto stared shockingly at Ranex, "W-What?" She be serious...right?
After straighting up Seto said calmly, "What do you mean by that Skyler?"
Currently, both Ranex and Seto have a free period in the morning because they don't need to go to morning classes...(I wish I was that smart . I'd be chillin' at some random corner playing my PsP...)
Ranex was currently organizing her files in her laptop, that she carries around every she goes, sorting out the pictures from the Halloween event.
"It's obvious you have hots for Jou-chan," Ranex said making this face :3...
"I have no idea what your talking about Skyler," Seto said calmly if not a little tiny bit...
"Oh please you stare at him as if he were a piece of meat that's being served on a silver platter," as Ranex continued on her typing getting a Bing! sound.
"Hehehe, win..."
"Don't tell anyone about this Skyler."
"My sister knows, does she count?"
"No, she's a Skyler...sadly."
"Dun' worry pal, but a word of advice. Quite being an ass!" Ranex said still looking at her laptop with another Bing!
"No. He is my entertainment whether it's indirectly or directly." Seto said with a smirk coming up. He heard a Bing! again.
"Hmmmm, It's official. I can't view you as a C.E.O. no more. I can view you as a S.E.A." Ranex said. Bing!
"Sea?" Seto raised a brow. Bing!
"A Sadistic Egoistical Ass." Ranex said. Bing!
"..." Bing!
"Hehehe." Bing!
It was silent, but a Bing! broke it.
" What are you doing anyways that sound is getting on my nerves." Seto said finnaly asking.
"Oh, this? This conversation was being recorded and sent to my sister!," Ranex said cheerfully, "She was sending me messages of what we should do next. Thanks! Ciao!" she packed up her stuff and left for the afternoon class.
Seto just standed there I need to be more careful and aware next time...In a Dark Corner~...(Where nobody knows where. :/ )
Two Albinos just parted from a heated kiss. The shorter one was panting with dazed eyes.
The taller of the two continued to nip down the other's neck earning a moan.
"You're so cute," Bakura said purring while buried his face in to Ryou's neck, "Your scent, your taste that lingers on your being is mine." As he whispered it into Ryou's ear.
Ryou shivered at what he said, "and I will be always yours."
With that they went back to a heat make out session while a shadow was around by a near by corner.
Type Type Type... Furiosly typing, yet silently, a girl was on her laptop typing with her right, and holding a tissue to her nose with herleft hand to stop what look like a nose bleed.
Lil' mouse: I think we don't have to worry about our little albinos
With S.E.A.: rlly? wat are they doing? :D
Lil' mouse: they might go at it like bunnies soon D:
With S.E.A.: O_O
Lil' mouse: Wat 'bout u?
With S.E.A.: He amitted he liked our lil' doggy :D
Lil' mouse: Rlly? Looks like we dun need to go for extreme measures then.
With S.E.A.: Sadly...
Lil' mouse: hehehe, I think Seto's getting soft :3
With S.E.A.: Around Jou-chan~ :3
Lil' mouse: So... Wat about the kittys?
With S.E.A.: idk...I can't seem to contact nor find them...
Lil' mouse: Our Kings?
With S.E.A.: no clue yet, still seems too early.
Lil' mouse: true but I hope Yugi gets better...
With S.E.A.: Ya...
Lil' mouse: I'll be going now, I need to lay down from blood loss...
With S.E.A.: ?
Lil' mouse signed out.
Well I hope you enjoyed it.
And if possible can anyone tell me what a Type 2 Error is on this site?
And pplz having this problem-
When editing-
If when you get the type 2 error look in the address bar and you'll see this as part of the address 'story_edit_property' change the word 'property' to 'content' (story_edit_content). Make sure you do not add any additional spaces or anything, just change one word for the other. It will take you directly to the content/chapter tab of your story.
Idk 'bout new story tho :/
If you already knew, go on ya :D
Tell me for new story, I wanna know :D