"And here we are," Nature documentary dude Nigel Thornberry said, smiling widely as he talked to the camera that his wife was holding. "Standing in the wild running area of the black and white horse."

His wife lowered the camera for a moment. "Uhh, honey, I think they're called "Zebras"."

"I knew that, of course." Nigel laughed in a Tim Curry-esque manner and composed himself. "These Zebras are elegant things, standing out from all the other horses."

"They're not horses..." His wife muttered from behind the camera to him.

"And unlike all the other horses, these creatures aren't quite as tasty!" Nigel almost continued, until there was a tap on his shoulder. "Hold on dear, someone wants an autograph. Your...name..." He slowed down when he realized it was a zebra standing on two legs behind him.

The zebra's arms...or legs, whatever, were crossed as it stood there, staring at Nigel. "What, you think that's funny?" It said, sounding a lot like Chris Rock. "You think we like being called horses? We ain't horses! We're zebras, dummy!"

"HEY! That's Dracula's thing!" Dracula shouted from afar. "DUMMY!"

"Is that...zebra...talking?" His wife raised the camera on the zebra when she realized this.

Marty the Zebra turned and put his hoof on the camera. "Uh-huh, no cameras, bitch. This is between me and bucky, here!"

"Actually..." A voice said from above. Iron Man landed down and looked at everyone. "This is between me, my blasty hands...AND YOU ASSHATS!" He fired a shot at Nigel and sent him flying into a tree.

Nigel laughed it off as he slid down the tree. "Smashing good hit!" He snorted as he laughed and eventually passed out.

"Uh-oh! Time to get my black-striped ass out of here!" Marty ran off into the forest to his usual gang of friends.

Iron Man looked at the camera and immediately raised his mask. "Hello there...if any sexy ladies are seeing this, I am Iron Man and I am available...when Pepper's not around, that is. I know you want me...how can you not?" He winked at the camera and made a phone gesture near his head with his hands, then flew off.