Dedicated to my best friend and always so helpful, JMFanficQueen...she had supported me through thick and thin and I keep telling everyone, even on my profile, you need a good story, read her stories! they rock!

Thanks JM! luv you, adore you, and I dedicate my heart to you in this story

Chapter 1: The Raid

Wanda's POV:

"Wanda!" Jamie wailed in my ear behind me. I all but laughed at the childish sound that was so Jamie, "Are we almost done?"

We had been out for weeks on end for this raid. It was not what anyone was used to. The seekers were coming in more numbers and all of them were using guns this time. I shivered at that thought. Jeb had decided that it would be safer if we stocked up for a longer period of time, just in case.

Ian, who had his arm wrapped around me, squeezed my shoulders gently. I smiled shyly at him. He knew my every thought….just like I knew his. It was almost laughable at how we reacted, knowing how the other would react first. "Almost kid! We need to raid another supermarket, then we head on home." Ian said, keeping his tone light, for Jamie.

Melanie, who was in the passenger seat, next to Jared; turned around and nodded discreetly to Ian; thanking him. Ian shrugged, saying that it was no big deal.

I changed the subject, wanting this uncomfortable silence to end, "Who wants to come with me this time?" I asked. Only a couple people could come with me, for it would look suspicious if everyone came out of the van.

"I will." Ian said making it sound obvious.

Jamie groaned, "Ian, you've gone almost every single time with Wanda!"

I stifled a laugh at this complaint. This was true.

"Oh for Pete's sake, I'll go." Melanie said, sounding a bit grumpy, jumping out of the van as Jared pulled into a Quick E Mart.

This time, the laugh could not be stifled. Quickly I pecked a quick kiss on Ian's lips before stumbling out of the van, laughter on my lips. Melanie was waiting beside the door with her sunglasses on.

I took deep breaths, letting a chuckle out every now and then, then I nodded and Melanie and both of us walked on in. Everything was as it should be. Food was on the shelves, lights were dim and classical music was playing softly through the speakers.

Melanie calmly grabbed a shopping cart and we began our shopping. Trying not to look suspicious, we practically grabbed one of everything. A kind soul came up to us, smiling widely. "Hello, I'm Sings the Morning Song. Do you need any help?" she asked looking curiously at out almost filled cart.

Discreetly, Melanie nudged my foot, telling me it was time to check out. "I'm Sees the Surface and this is my friend Second Sunrise. We're just about done." I said, as Melanie rolled out cart out to the checkout counter.

Sings the Morning Song nodded and proceeded scanning the food, "What is all this for?" she asked, referring to the food.

"We're going camping and we don't know how long it will be until we come back." I said, trying to lie smoothly.

Sings the Morning Song smiled softly as she quickly put our groceries in a bag, "You two must be very brave; venturing alone out into the wilderness."

Melanie shrugged, "We like the dryness of the desert." She said her tone flat.

Sings the Morning Song nodded, not paying attention. That's when I noticed that the tension in the air had changed drastically. It was dry….suspenseful; As if something bad was about to happen.

My heart began to speed up and I began to look around. Something was wrong. "We don't need that to be packaged." I said my voice in a rush and an octave higher. I grabbed the groceries and quickly threw them into the cart, grabbing Melanie by the wrist and pulling her out the door.

"Wanda!" she spluttered as I struggled to pull Melanie along and push the cart at the same time.

Ian and Jared had seen me running and were out of the van to help me, "What happened?" Ian asked as he quickly put the groceries in the back of the van.

"Something's wrong." I said quickly. I then stopped with a package of ham in my hand, realizing.

"Wanda….?" Jared asked, gazing at me in the eyes.

"They called the Seekers." I whispered, realizing how Sings the Morning Song acted.

All of them were frozen for a couple of seconds before throwing the groceries in the van, now faster. "Move, move, MOVE!" Jared all but yelled.

"Wanda, are you sure?" Ian asked quietly as he threw item after item in the car.

"Positive." I said grimly.

Ian's face twisted into a grimace. "It's best if you drive then." Jared concluded, checking with me by gazing at me, as he closed the back door.

I nodded, accepting. But I never got the chance to take a step. A loud bang shouted a few feet behind me and the next thing I knew, there was immense pain in the center of my body but it was below my ribs.

My eyes widened as I saw Ian's face contort into pain as his lips moved into a silent, 'NO'. But I didn't hear. Everything was as if it was a silent movie. The pain became too much and I fell forward. I brought my hands out to catch myself on the ground. I was losing consciousness. Everything was becoming black….how strange!

My hearing was back for those fateful seconds that were necessary. Ian had turned me over; I saw his vivid blue eyes, gazing at me in agony, "Hang on Wanda! We're going to get help!" he said as he picked up my small body and ran to the truck as I closed my eyes.

What had happened? Why was I feeling such immense pain?

That's when I finally realized what had happened.

I had been shot.

Hoped everyone liked it! I love the host….but I love reviews more! Please review!