Chapter 1- A New World
Bella's POV

As soon as the cart doors burst opened, I felt relief. I've been stuck inside a cart for two days and three nights. The cart was packed with Jewish people. It was so crowded that I couldn't even move. It also stank. I was here with my mother Renee and my father Charlie. When the cart doors opened, Charlie grabbed both Renee and me as we were pushed out. When we were off the cart, I turned to look around me.

It seemed we were in a camp. Not the camp I dreamed about going to at a younger age but what seemed miles and miles of dirt all surrounded by a wired fence. While I was too busy paying attention to my surroundings, Charlie's hand was torn out of mine. I desperately looked all around for any signs of my parents and before I started hyperventilating I felt someone grab me from behind. I turned and saw Renee. Where was Charlie?

Before I could say something, I heard a loud whistle. Everybody stopped what they were doing immediately. A blond man, way too handsome to be here wearing a fancy suit stepped in front of us and spoke.

I was too busy looking for Charlie to pay attention to him. I looked to my right and let out a piercing scream. I went numb all over and I felt my legs shaking ready to collapse underneath me. I saw Charlie being beaten by a Nazi soldier. He didn't even bother to put up a fight anymore.

What kind of place was this? I was staring at my father's body while Renee led me away from the awful scene. We were both choking back sobs for our safety. As we left, my eyes never left Charlie's dead looking corpse lying on the ground. I was too preoccupied staring at my dad that I thought I was dreaming when I saw there were angels hovering over him. Just as we were turning the corner, one of the angels caught my eye. It was like nothing I've ever seen before but it didn't matter because it was just a dream.