A/N: So I had this idea a long time ago, but never got around to dabbling with it. My attention was sparked once more, and I wrote this introduction… And find this whole concept far too amusing to not put up and continue. Chapters will vary in length, so not entirely like my normal multi-chaptered fics – and so it will be a multi-chaptered kind of drabble, where I can write whenever the inspiration inspires me for this universe. It's different from what you'd normally find, like all my fics- but I hope some people find this interesting!
The Colour Red
Part One
There was something about the colour red that was dark and dangerous and just the wrong shade of blood. In the arid sands, the colour red meant death – walls of sunburnt sand and rock and spinning in the air as the storms whipped you up and splayed you across the dunes; it was harsh and exciting and feral, with vicious edges and blunt trauma. It blotted out the sun and cast long, ensnaring shadows throughout the desert.
Red was the harbinger of a strange sort of insanity; the type that curled at the edges of your vision, ever-present and always lingering, beneath the surface. It always was and always would be – and in Sunagakure, this truth was known and deeply respected. Others around the shinobi nations knew of the famous few with fiery complexions – like Sasori, mad as long as people had known him, snapping in the strangest ways in search for technical perfection (but with a deeper, more dangerous insanity that rooted itself deep in his very soul); people knew of Gaara, a monster and madman and quite happily serial killer. Even though he stopped the immediate reaction of indiscriminate murder, a feral kind of psychotic snare still held deep within his eyes. He led, because he was good at it; because he was brutal and efficient and with politics and war, just the right level of crazy. People followed him because they remembered the madness, and would rather work for than against him – because he was a redhead, and the most successful Suna shinobi was always a redhead. The ones that stayed loyal, even by the barest thread, were fiercely loyal and always fierce; so good and wicked at what they did that other than the few loose cannons, no-one outside of Suna knew this secret; their hidden kind of bloodline that was rare but oh, so powerful. As red as the blood that connected them, red hair was it's dominant, omnipresent feature; yet, this strange sort of instinctual insanity would not always pass on; Gaara himself was the only redhead out of three siblings. Sometimes it could skip generations.
There was never more than one redhead in several generations. There was never more than one redhead per family (not the true, insane yet brilliant redhead). Before him, it had never been mixed with any other bloodline; never extended, distorted, and evolved. Before he came, redhead by his own right but not quite the same, and married a true redhead. Before he came, and mixed the talent with something more. Before Arthur Weasley met Molly and brought a different kind of magic to Suna.