Here's the epilogue.

3 months later

Hungary listened as the piano played a flowing, fluttering, almost excited tune. She smiled and tucked her hair, fixing her hat. Austria's mood had changed so suddenly in the past months that it seemed like all he played were love songs. They fluttered around the house. He himself seemed to glow these past months always smiling. Always happy.

Another thing she noticed was how Austria and Switzerland spent more time with each other. The men were always at each other's houses it seemed. She watched him arrive, then both vanish to Austria's study. She walked by a few times and heard nothing by muffled conversation.

She smiled to herself, images playing in her head. She shook her head, laughing at herself. Like they would be doing anything like that. Just her yaoi fangirl-self getting ahead of her. She opened the front door and gasped, "Switzerland!" There stood the country, looking as he always did; minus the gun. She smiled and let him in. "Come in, come in. Austria's in his room. He just took a shower. Need to go to the market. I'll be going now. Good to see you again!"

Switzerland watched her grab the keys and left. He made his way through the house and up the stairs. He found Austria's room and took a deep breath. He knocked and waited. Austria's head and shoulders appeared around a crack, his hair damp, face flushed. "Oh, hi Vash."

Switzerland nodded and watched as Austria revealed his bare chest, opening the door to let the other man in. Switzerland hesitated, staring at the firm torso, well shaped and perfect. After three months of the nights alone with Austria he realized this new feeling was. Love. A firm love that seemed to have been awakened by their first time enwrapped in passion. He never realized it possible, but he knew he had to admit it. He loved Austria.

After the attempt to shame him, after Austria's confession three months prior to the present, Switzerland knew that something would grow between him. At first it was something he didn't want. Never dreamed of wanting. Something did grow up between them and Switzerland didn't regret it at all now.

At first he hated the idea of being open about his thoughts and, worse, his emotions. It would mean he would show weakness. Tell Austria all the things that made him weak. He resisted. He couldn't do it. Then Austria talked. And talked. About what Switzerland had done. How he had hurt him. Switzerland knew that he could talk to Austria, who had been so willing to open up to him. Switzerland knew he could trust him with anything.

"Just let me get my shirt on." Austria said, breaking the other country's train of thought. Switzerland, after returning to the world, reached out and took his hand. "What is it, Vash?"

Switzerland kissed his cheek. "You forgot your kiss." He whispered, sliding his arms around Austria's bare waist. Austria moaned softly and turned in his arms kissing him.

"I missed you." Austria whispered, looking up at him. Switzerland's aggressive eyes closing to kiss Austria again, Austria returning it immediately. Switzerland wound never admit it, but he missed his Roderich as well.

"Ah!" Austria cried out, feeling the pleasure admitted from the firm, strong hands. The hands that handled a gun so well. The hands that could be gentle, rough, or deadly depending on the other country's mood. "V-Vash!"

Switzerland ravished his neck. Lips brushing spots that admitted the most beautiful sounds from Austria's soft lips. Teeth scraped and nipped the skin leaving marks and intensifying the pleasure in Austria's body. Making him burn. Making him breathless. "I'm gonna make you scream my name." Switzerland whispered huskily in the man's ear, his lips pressed hard against it, nipping it before taking Austria's lips in a passionate, wild kiss. Tongues entangled. Breathing forgotten.

Austria felt Switzerland pressing his crotch hard again Austria's, rubbing their hardening member, making them firmer, more ready for the pleasure. Austria was hard. He felt Switzerland hard. Switzerland pulled away, looking into Austria's flushed face, his eyes glossed over, hooded with lust. His breathing turned to soft wispy pants. Switzerland caught his breath before sitting back to rip his camo jacket off and pulled his tank top off, showing Austria his toned and muscled body.

Soft hands made their way up Switzerland's abs and chest. Fingers brushed over the nubs, sending Switzerland's hips bucking hard against Austria's causing the uke country to cry out. "Naughty, piano player." Switzerland growled, pinching Austria's nipples. The voice sounded against the walls, his hips bucking up against Switzerland's rock hard cock.

Cold air burst on Austria's thighs. His legs were revealed. His boxers removed. The sound of excited hands undoing a belt. Then a zipper. Austria looked up at Switzerland, watching him curse his shaking, expecting hands.

Switzerland removed the rest of his clothes retaking his spot back on Austria. He paused seeing a sudden uncertainty in his eyes. "Roderich?"

"A-Are you gonna leave again? After we do this?" Austria asked, not meeting his eyes, his voice speaking in volumes his worry and uncertainty. "I don't want you to go. I don't think I can handle watching you leave again."

Switzerland's lips twitched slightly into a bemused smile. Austria looked away, his cheek reddening. "I'm glad I left an impression on you, Roderich. Let's change it."

Austria stared up at him and nodded kissing him. "I love you, Vash."

Switzerland smiled, a true happy smile and kissed the nation underneath him. "I love you too, Roderich."

The Minor Fall, the Major Lift- End

Sorry If there are major mistakes. I almost didn't even post it. I got a little emotional after watching Criminal Minds. It's the first time ever, but it really hit me hard in the heart.

Positive note, my next story is CanadaXFrance! Yay!
Strangely I feel no joy in this... Even though I was hoping for this pairing... Criminal Minds episode sapped me of my happiness and joy...

Any ways hope you enjoyed the story!