A/N: Pretty much said it all in the last one…I hope the ending isn't a let down, we'll see, tell me what you all think.
I hope to start up another fic soon, there are a few inspirations bubbling at the back of my mind…
Here goes.
Disclaimer: Oh yeah, I own the Mentalist. Really? No.
"Oh for fucks sake, David, why do you have to bring Jane into it?" Lisbon's voice was harsh, but shook with fear.
Jane was suddenly alert and aware of his surroundings. He was now sitting on his couch, Lisbon beside him, and he could feel the menacingly cool metal of Millar's standard issue weapon digging into his temples. Calmly as possible, he asked what he believed to be quite an obvious question.
"May I interrupt and ask what we are all doing here in the middle of the night, and more specifically why a gun is being held to my head?"
Millar was deadly serious and unamused.
"So, Teresa, this is him? This is why you're willing to risk it all? Your career and both of your lives?" He pressed the gun harder to Jane in fury.
Jane sat, bewildered, staring sideways at Lisbon for a reaction or response.
Her eyes dropped to the floor. When she didn't reply, Millar continued.
"Just because Bosco is dead doesn't mean that I go away too, Teresa. I still know what he did for you, I was there. I assume you must have told lover boy here all about it." Millar glanced down at Jane and saw the incredulous expression on his face. "Or perhaps not…" Millar smiled a smile that made Lisbon shift uncomfortably in her seat beside Jane.
"You're getting it all out of hand, David, you're not thinking clearly, just calm do-" Lisbon's words were interrupted as Millar swooped down and held his face very close to hers.
"No, Teresa, I'm perfectly fine, you're the one who obviously needs to clear her head, choosing some psychic wannabe over me, after all we went through together." She shivered as he whispered his last words in her ear, his free hand cupping her face.
Suddenly he stood straight, and concentrated on Jane, still holding the gun to him.
"So, lover boy, seems we need to fill you in on a few things..." He glanced at Lisbon before continuing, "as I said before, there are many things you don't know about your beloved agent Lisbon."
Jane gulped. The amount of will it took not to have already smashed this jerks face in by now astounded him, although he knew that if he surprised Millar, there was a chance that he could hurt Lisbon, he was clearly not in a fit state of mind. He needed to keep him talking, calm him down. And find out what the fuck was happening, while he was on.
"Are you going to tell him, sweetheart, or shall I? He deserves to know, doesn't he?"
Lisbon exhaled deeply, and Jane could feel her breath tickle the hairs on his arms.
"When David and I were partners at SFPD, we were both rookies, Bosco was our mentor. I was still living at home with my father and my brothers because…"
Her voice cracked, and Jane knew why and felt a rush of sympathy, affection and an overwhelming need to hold her. Millar however, took pleasure in her discomfort.
"Because Daddy didn't want her to leave, and saint Teresa just couldn't leave her brothers alone with him…does lover boy know what you used to let Daddy do to you, Teresa? Does he still want you, knowing that?" Millar goaded.
Jane saw the tears that Lisbon was desperately trying to blink away, and felt helpless. He felt his heart silently shatter as hers must have done, so many times before. He placed a hand over hers, warily glancing at Millar to see if he would react. He seemed to be completely out of it, as he didn't notice - he was hell bent on some form of revenge he thought he deserved.
"Finish the story, Teresa, tell him, if he means that much to you!" Millar said loudly, his voice full of anger, waving his weapon uncontrollably between both Jane and Lisbon.
Jane turned to Lisbon, and looked intently into her beautiful, fearful green eyes. "Tell me, Lisbon, just play along and we'll be okay." His eyes conveyed a range of emotions he hadn't entirely addressed, but he needed her to know he felt.
She understood. "One day, my father flew into the SFPD headquarters in a rage…he was drunk, but more so than usual. He demanded to see me, and attacked Bosco when he tried to calm him. I came out and tried to talk him down, but he lashed out at me, and that's when Bosco and David and most of SFPD knew my secret…" She stared at the floor throughout her confession.
"Dear old Bosco agreed not to arrest the old man, on the condition she get as far away from him as possible. But not our saint Teresa…" Millar jutted in, running a finger down Lisbon's cheek.
Shivering, Lisbon continued. "Bosco came to my rescue the following week, when my brother called 911…Dad had gotten really mad at Tommy, and me for defending him. He had smacked us about but then he turned…worse. He turned on the gas at the stove, and said that we didn't deserve to live for what we had done…he had a lighter and was flicking it on and off. He didn't know what he was doing, he was so drunk."
Millar finished her story as Lisbon squeezed her eyes shut, trying to blank out the image of her father forcing her over the stove to breathe in the gas and holding the flame mere inches from her face.
"So me and Bosco heard the call, rushed over to the Lisbon's to find them. Bosco could have talked him down, they all could have lived had he done his job. But not Sam, he was far too emotionally involved. He shot him, point black, not a flicker of mercy to speak of."
"And we agreed never to speak of it again. It would ruin all of us." Lisbon whispered.
Jane was left dumbfounded by this revelation. He thought back to Bosco, and how Lisbon had blackmailed him to get Jane out of jail…he had no idea that it was something like this.
"But then, after so many years, I finally track her down, and she wants you? After we kept that secret? After helping her through that trauma, she wants some other guy who doesn't even want her back? How pathetic, useless and stupid must she be? She thinks we're going to just go back to being friends?"
Something shifted inside Jane. Perhaps it was the accusation that Lisbon loved him, or at least wanted him over Millar. Perhaps it was simply the pure anger he felt for the man before him bubbling over to a point of no return. Perhaps it was the realisation, when all the puzzle pieces fitted together instantly, that he loved Teresa Lisbon. He loved her more than anything and would not see her tortured by this man, nor her past a moment longer.
He sprung up from the couch, all cautiousness or fear of danger obliterated in his moment of emotion. He struck Millar hard in the jaw, with more force than he'd ever known he could muster. His actions were so unexpected that Millar was left reeling, gawping at Jane's seething face of thunder.
The hand brandishing the weapon relaxed for mere seconds, but that was all it took for Lisbon's cop instincts to kick in, and knock it out of his grasp. She picked it up and pointed it firmly at him, whilst tossing her handcuffs at Jane, gesturing to restrain him.
After the flurry of CBI cops had left, all the reports had been filed, Millar was safely locked away and they had both reluctantly been checked over by paramedics, Lisbon and Jane were once again left alone in the morning light of her office.
Jane knew that too much had happened that night for them to deny anything any longer, and he just hoped that what Millar had implied was true.
He silently approached her, and gently placed a hand on her arm. He then took a deep breath, and spilled his heart at her feet. He told her how much he loved how her eyes flashed when she was angry, how she was so difficult for him to read, how much he ached for her when she left a room, and how much it hurt him when he found out she had been involved with Millar. He had been jealous, utterly and completely jealous because he wanted to be the one she confided in and shared her emotions with. He loved her, more than she would ever know.
She had remained silent for the entirety of his confession, and still made no sound as she searched his eyes for genuity. He began to fill with dread, as she continued to say nothing.
Just as he was about to apologise, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a searing kiss that made his insides jolt with happiness. The kiss deepened, and then as they finally broke away for air, they grinned at each other like idiots.
"I love you too, Patrick Jane."