
Why was this so bad? I saw Christian as an older brother, when he kissed me things changed. Confusion was never a stranger of mine, but now its intensity took me back. His embrace had me reeling, and while Dimitri was always on my mind, I was beginning to forget his scent, his familiar voice. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to remember the sweet sound of my name rolling off his tongue. It was there, but it was fading. No! Eddie burst into my room, chest heaving. He looked worried, fatigued, and angry.

"Why'd you- why'd you run off" he stammered. I looked at the detailed carpet. It was none of his business; I wanted Christian to have run after me. He didn't. Eddie took my hand in his hands, staring into my eyes. He flinched, I glared back harder.

"I can't take you two right now! Get away from me; I don't need you right now," I screamed. He released me but kept his eyes glued to me.

"Then who do you need?" he whispered, the word burned my tongue. It was a lie, I knew it and so did he.

"Dimitri," I blurted. At the exact time he mouthed 'Christian.'

"No matter who it is, it isn't you," those last words hit him like an anvil to the gut, he was my best friend left in this world and I'd driven him away. The door slammed to remind me, he was gone. If he was gone so was I. I waited until his heavy footsteps pounded to the staircase before making a mad dash to the closet. Blindly, I packed whatever I could get my hands on, it didn't matter I just needed to pack quickly so that Christian didn't appear next. My vigorous packing slowed to an almost complete stop as the thought of Christian running into my room crossed my mind. I imagined him, ruffed up, a thin layer of sweat over his pale body, his black unkempt hair dancing across his pale, vibrant eyes. My breath caught as I stopped completely, barely holding myself from launching outside to see him as he approached. The only thing stopping me was how I would feel when he never showed up. With the pain of an event, still in the future, I revived my packing speed and successfully stuffed about half my closet into one suitcase.

"Rose!" I flung the door open never noticing the tone of the voice, assuming it was Chris, believing it was Chris, praying it was Chris. Mia stood before me. I balled all my anger into one outlet and sent Mia flying across the hallway and exploding threw the tiles of the girl's bathroom. A severed pipe spewed before slowing to a trickle over Mia's golden head. I took my suitcase and steam rolled down the hallway, into the staircase, threw the lobby, and into the cold mountain air. I ran until I reached traffic about twenty five miles away. My knees buckled from exhaustion under me until they finally reached sanctuary upon the freezing earth. My breath was coming in short spurts and my vision spun until two hands encircled me, sending me into a comfort zone.


"Perfect," I cooed lifting the girl into my arms and shifting her to the most comfortable position for her. She nuzzled into my chest, telling me she wasn't passed out, simply asleep. I placed her in the backseat of my van and checked for weapons. I found a basic silver stake, but nothing more. I placed a blindfold over her eyes, and gently tied her hands securely to the arm rests. I didn't bother placing the gag, knowing I could do so if needed.

"Moi Roza," I sighed delightfully. She responded as I trailed my finger down her face. I wanted to kiss her, but that could wait. I had no terrible intentions; after I kidnapped her I'd give her the choice of either becoming my friend or going to the dungeons. In the dungeons she would be fed regularly, treated with respect and dignity, and allowed to socialize with the other guests. As my friend she would be given a chance to become the next queen of the moroi society, if we didn't click as a couple I would offer her a position as the royal guardian of the moroi queen. Either way it was a win-win and she would be happy, just as Dimitri had wanted…


"…she said what?" I chocked, when I ran into Eddie as he lumbered toward me. He face contorted in an angry snarl, before spitting out what she said, the short version of course.

"She said she didn't want to see us again, that she didn't need us," he barked. I bit my tongue down hard.

"Your lying…" I whispered, blood from my tongue flooded my mouth as he didn't say anything else. It was true, she'd abandoned us.