Hey, guys :D

I hope your all well and enjoyed the storyyy.

I know that you're not really suppose to do this and I am sorry to those of you who may have got excited thinking another chapter had been posted but there is just some things that I want to sayyy :D

This storyy is finished so if it ever comes up that its updated then it will probably be something like this just to warn you.

I wanted to answer Lil's question for her but I couldn't message her or do a personal reply to her review like I normally would so I'll answer the question here; Sorry it has taken me a while to get back to you

Right so you want to know how does being staked help kill all those strigoi and change the involuntarily turned strigoi?

Well the answer is simple if you look at it,

Rose has a connection with death anyway which makes her different from the other Strigoi so she is able to keep everything she is but be stronger and unstoppable, she is shadow kissed to Cal and because of this the magic in which he can wield can automatically be transferred into Rose because of how strong their bond is.

Rose then killed Victor who was the Strigoi's leader in their eyes and automatically when their leader is killed the person who killed them then becomes the leader in this case meaning Rose and because off how special Rose is because of being shadow kissed and because she has died more times than people can care to imagine she instantly become bounded to all Strigoi because she was the chosen one.

In this happening anything Rose feels the Strigoi can feel so on impact of the stake all Strigoi fell with her, only it didn't stop their because Rose is shadow kissed to Cal who is powerful beyond his means, so the healing magic he put through the stake for those who were involuntarily turned started to take affect only it didn't heal Rose because in order for Rose to turn Strigoi she had to have wanted it so healing wouldn't work on her until she died.

When she died so did the other Strigoi who fell and did not return to what they were before.

Everyone of the Strigoi would have moved on as did Rose.

So yeah now I have put it like that it is kinda complicated maybe I should have explained it in a couple of chapters in the book :S Oh well.

Anyway I know now that some will be thinking that Rose was brought back so the Strigoi will have but no they haven't when Rose fell and died as a Strigoi so did the Strigoi meaning that they were dead and gone.

And Rose was brought back as a dhampire again not as a Strigoi therefore meaning that they couldn't be brought back because Rose wasn't a Strigoi when she was brought back.

Complicated I know lol I really don't know where I get my twisted ideas but there you have it lol :P

I hope that helped to clarifyyy a few things :D

Please if you have any questions about my storyyy then don't hesitate to ask them and I will do my best to answer them but it will either be in a private message or review reply unless I can't do it in that form then it will be answered somewhat like this :D.

Right an now on to the other things I wanted to let you all know :D

I have decided that I will be continuing this storyyy by re-writing it in Dimitri's POV but it may not be as long because some chapter's will not be re-written in Dimitri's POV.

I have also decided I am gonna try and write some in Abe's POV also.

But bare with me because I literally go on holidayyy next week and when I fly back into the UK I am literally straight back into College and it is my final year so I am going to have extreme amounts of work even more than last year and that was a push one week I had 16 assignments to get done and handed in

SO although I am going to be doing this it may take me a while to upload and write them so please be patient with me

And as for the other idea I had for another storyy I started writing it a couple of days ago and I'm not sure when I will be putting it up but it will be being posted one day.

Anyways that's all I have to say please continue reviewing if your new to the storyyy or if you just want to ask me something that's puzzling you or whatever yeah lol

Neways I am off now so enjoy reading those fanfics because there are some great one out there :P

Four that I would deffinately recommend you check out are;

Of Weeds and Rose by Tibbins – believe me it is great and you deffinately will not be disappointed it is out of this world amazing and you seriousliii do not know what yu are missing :P

One Way Or Another by Littlewerepire7 – truly an amazing storyyy I love it :D

My version of awakened by xauralyax85x – because although there's only a couple of chapters up at the minute it is really gripping and I think it is great :D

And last but not least

Taken An Alternate Ending to Shadow Kiss by MadameRozaBelikova – Believe me this is a great storyyy and you do not know what you are missing :D

SO neway I really am off now :P

Bye bye everyone and I hope that answered your question Lil :D

Lv Mel x x x