I don't own Bleach or Characters.

Random story that came to mind...

Slight OOC

Karin Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki layed in the dimly lit room, waiting for something to happen...anything to happen...

Ichigo wasn't home, so they couldn't bother him. Karin's father was being peculiarly 'normal' today, so no entertainment in beating him up would occur. Yuzu was somewhere cleaning or something of that sort, and it was too late to go outside and play soccer.

It's the beginning of summer vacation and it already sucks...

Karin mentally mused in annoyance while playing with the light switch, the room illuminating from dark to brightness continuously.

"I'm bored' She complained to no one in particular even though Rukia was her counterpart in this weeks episode of 'boredom'.

"Yes, I know..." the petite raven haired girl agreed, her eyes switching from staring at the patterns decorating the ceiling wall to the phone lodged in her hand. Karin didn't respond, deciding playing with the lamp was more amusing them complaining about how bored she was.

Then abruptly, Rukia was rising from her laying position on the bed, her head snapping to the younger girl with an epiphany lighting her face.

"I have an idea. Let's prank call people" Karin's hand stopped, the ending result leaving the two girls enveloped in darkness. A smirk tugged at her lips.

"Like who Rukia?" she replied, not entertained with the sudden invitaion presented. Rukia reached over, snatching Karin's cellphone which rested on the table charging.

"I don't know. Isn't this a game you do in the human world?" Rukia began to question her motives, one's Karin was going to shoot down but decided against it.

"Yeah but, it get's pretty boring after awhile and what do you need my phone for?" Karin nearly shouted in confusion. Rukia stared at her with an 'duh' expression that left Karin bewildered.

"Because this isn't just a normal phone I have here Karin. It detects hollows and answers only messages sent from Soul society or other Soul reapers" she explained like it was the most obvious of statments in the world. Karin simply shook her head, suddenly becoming agitated with the whole idea.

"Whatever. We shouldn't do it anyway..." her hand extended to retrieve the device, but Rukia quickly arose from the bed, sauntering away from the bed with a teasing grin.

Good, now she's amused and being annyoing...

"You're just like Ichigo, you know that?" she stated critically, drawing narrowed eyes and a snicker from Karin.

"I am not, I'm nothing like that scowling jerk!" Rukia gave a nod and stretched out the arm with the phone towards Karin with a playfully impatient look.

"You pick the last four last numbers, ok?" she looked past Karin's obvious dejection to the idea. Karin layed back onto her pillows, staring up at the ceiling, giving in.

"1403" she answered randomly, hoping the joys of sleep would take over in a matter of seconds. Rukia sauntered her way back over to the bed, it's mattress tilting with her weight slightly.

"So we just call and then...?" her voice trailed, confusion lingering after. Karin sighed, frustrated, staring at the girl.

"Then you play with them, talk about random stuff, start a conversation, be a moron..." she replied partly serious, part jokingly. Without another word, Rukia began to dial numbers, the dull noise echoing in the room.

Karin waited, somewhat irritated, and partially entertained to witness the soon-to-be failed outcome.

"Noone's answering" Rukia complained antsy, and Karin stiffled a giggle as the dial tone continued aimlessly. She closed her eyes, waiting for the boredom to be replaced with lethargy until...

"Hello?" A calm male voice answered drawing an immediate gasp from Rukia. Karin's eyes re-opened to witness her panicking, overpowered by amazement.

Most excitment she's had all week I bet...

Karin sat up, staring at the girl with narrowed eyes.

"Well...say something" She seethed in rushed whisper. Rukia cleared her throat, quickly coming down from her adrenaline high and placing the phone to her ear, smiling in arousal.

"Uh, hello" she said sweetly...


Karin face planted her head with her palm with a shake of her head, and Rukia continued to gleam as the stranger spoke...

"Who's this?" he sounded young, probably the age-or not older-than Karin. Rukia's lavender eyes suddenly changed from shocked enthusiasm to playful sneakiness. The immediate change took Karin aback some.

"Don't act like you don't know who this is!" Rukia's tone inched into a higher pitch, a comical persona overtaking. Karin couldn't stop the giggle that erupted from her, betraying the unamused feel she felt not mere moments ago.

"Why would act when I don't know? Seriously, who is this?" Curtly he responded, a tinge of maturity drowning his smotth youthful voice. Rukia turned her head away from the phone, muffling the unstobbale giggles she and Karin now shared.

Boredom seeming to disappear within seconds.

"Woah, chill out pretty boy, no need to get snippy. It's...Bob" she micheviously inserted, the room filling with laughter, the two girls overly taking advantage of an innocent stranger to cure their own viscious monotony.

"Hey Bob, what's up, it's President fuckin' Obama. Quit playing around" Sarcastically he began and angrily ended, only prompting Karin to take the phone out of Rukia's hands and placing it to her ear.

"Why haven't you been paying child support. Tifa, Lavi, Zero and Kai haven't had food in weeks! Their starving and it's a recession, a recession! How could you do this to you're family?" she pleaded with animation, diving into this 'character' she's just created. She and Rukia indulged gleefully into their newfound enjoyment, but it was ending more quickly than agreed.

"Alright. Whatever, this is childish"

The dial tone.

Damn, well, it was fun while lasted...

Rukia immediatly sulked, clicking the 'end' button and looking up at the younger female.

"Should we call another?" she questioned with a curious brow but Karin simply allowed her pleasent grin to fade back into it's usual smirk.

"You probably won't get any other's to play along. Most just hang up, I'm surprised we got that far" she answered truthfully while returning to her previous position laying back against the covers. Rukia simply sighed, placing Karin's phone back onto the table and standing to her feet.

"Well, that was quite interesting" her speech retired to normal as she headed towards the door, Karin's brow raised questionably.

"Leaving?" Rukia nodded, returning to examining the hollow detector in hand, probably praying one would show up any minute to occupy her for another time tonight.

"Yes, I'll see you later. Tell your brother I was here" and then in an instant, she was gone. Karin sighed lightly, her eyes fluttering up to the ceiling.

Now what?

She doesn't know when she fell asleep, or what time, but all she is aware is that now she's being woken up.

"Ugh" Karin groaned in slight annoyance as she turned on her side, picking up her phone from the wooden desk. Her vision was blurred from sleepiness, but she wasn't too out of it to realize she didn't recgonize this number. It was a text from a number ending in...


Instantly she came to, grey eyes growing to craters as she opened the unexpected message from the stranger.

:Hey, baby momma?"

She glanced around her dark room in bewilderment, hoping to find anything to explain what was going on.

Is this some kind of joke?

Her eyes landed upon the clock on her dresser reading the early time of 1AM, then glancing at the sleeping body resting peacefully in the bed across from her.

Her room didn't suggest any signs of this being a joke; not like it would anyway.

Glimpsing back to the device in hand, Karin re-read the message, a sudden thump fluctuating inside her chest. Was she suppose to respond? What was she to say?

She took an initiative impulse and began to reply.

::Look, the prank was a joke, it's over with. Move on."

She had to be blunt, there wasn't any other way and she didn't want some potential weirdo to have her number and feel free to text whenever he seemed fit. Now full awaken, she awaited for not a response or a text to come back any second.

She was presented with the latter.

:So I'm not given a choice huh?"

Karin was confused, why was he speaking like this was under normal circumstance?

::No, you're not. Goodbye"

She didn't find it amusing anymore, honestly it was borderline creepy. She ignored her phone, closing her eyes to return to her sleeping state, but was interupted by the ringing alert sounding in the room/

Now, she was annoyed. Guess this was how he felt earlier and was simply getting revenge. Irritatred she opened the message...

:Come on, since you had the audacaity to prank call me, atleast tell me you're name?"

Karin's eyebrows twitched in shock, staring at the message before her. As she can recall, he sounded normal, but a voice can decieve anyone most likely. She bit down on her lip, mild interest returning.

::I told you already, it's Bob.

:Scared to tell me you're real name huh? Figured so."


Karin didn't take any word synonym to 'scared' lightly, it was taken pretty offensively. She glared at the phone, hoping this stranger on the other end could feel her building wrath.

::It's Karin, now tell me yours, and you better not lie."

If she was going to be exposed, so was he. It was only fair.

:Toshiro, but then ofcourse...I could be joking."

Karin rolled her eyes, in total disbelief she was actually having this pending oversation with this man.

::Yeah, I bet you're some psycho maniac killer type guy..."

She replied with seriousness, regretting the fact of not giving him a fake name.

:I have better things to do than kill people Karin...that is your name, right?"

She couldn't help but laugh gingerly at his sarcasm.

::Don't quesstion me, I mean, who seriously reply's to pranksters?"

:The one's who don't block their numbers."

Damn that Rukia, she didn't block my number!

Karin simmered silently to herself, cursing Rukia mentally before her phone was blurting out her ringtone. With a faint gasp she looked to the screen, realizing it was this 'Toshrio' guy calling.

What's he calling for?

Out the corner of her eye she could see Yuzu stirring, and she didn't want to be the reason for her awakening. Hesitantly she answered the phone, bringing the reciever to her ear.

"Umm...hello?" She could feel her heart echoing in her ear, nervousness suddenly arising. It made absoultely no sense to her though, it was just some random guy who's probably an old geezer.

"Karin?" his tone suggested as though she was some long lost friend he was re-connecting with. Karin stared incredulously up at her ceiling through the darkness.

"Yeah, what do you want?" she replied straightfoward. There was silence between them for a moment, the lingering making her uncomfortable.

"Just curious to hear you're real voice"

Ugh, that better not be some odd 'hitting on' type craziness.

"Curiosity killed the cat Toshiro, if that's even you're actual name. Maybe you should call you're friends or something"

"What if I'm trying to gain a new one huh? You're very irascible" Karin laughed out loud, finding entertainment in his unconventinal speech.

"I don't even know what that word means ok? Only old fossiles use words like that. Come on tell the truth, you're a 50 year old loser huh?" he gave a shallow chuckle, one that sounded as though he didn't laugh too often. Karin had to admit his voice was quite young and solemn, but he probably looked like a computer video game nerd.

"Is that so? Do I sound 50?"

"No, but that doesn't mean anything"

"Then you may be 70 and wrinkly, am I correct?" Karin smirked, oddly becoming more upset than she should, her fist clenching.

"Ofcourse not you idiot!"

"Good...you don't sound like it either" he replied softly, her kncukles slowly beginning to loosen. Her eyes darted to her sleeping sibling, silently praying she wasn't secretly awoke and hearing this nonsense conversation.

"Well...neither do you, I suppose. How old are you anyway?" he gave another rare chuckle.

"Is that curiosity I hear Karin?" he mocked her. Karin snickered, her fingers raking her silk black tresses.

"It's not. Just tell me" firmly she pressed.

"17 and you?" Toshiro answered. Karin manuevered on her side to face the wall, her fingers unconsiously playing with the loose frabic hanging from her bed quilt. She couldn't believe he was her age, it made the uneasiness more prominent.

"17" simply she replied. Silence once again erupted, the same thought probably processing through his mind as well.


Karin can't re-call when the clock minutes ticked away, or when suddenly the sun decided to begin to rise.

But it did.

She wasn't sleepy or tired, but instead was engaged in a conversation that deemed to only soar as the seconds withered without acknowledgement.

"Seriously, M&M's beat skittles anyday, I can't believe I'm even arguing about something that's been proven in science, it's a fact!" Karin stated jokingly, the voice on the other disagreeing dilberately. One minute he's this stranger she doesn't know from Eve, next their talking about everything under the moon. It was vexing, unbelievable, seeming to be something that only happens in movies or something of the sort.

But unexpectdly, her phone began to beep, her eyes darting to the empty battery blinking in the corner. Her eye's widened abruptly.

"Oh no, my phone's about to die any minute, I have to go now" she stated, surprisngly abit disappointed. Karin wanted to continue speaking with him, even though it's obvious they spoke well into the wee morning.

"Yeah, my phone will die soon as well. Hm, well this encounter was surely unquie Karin" Toshiro said and Karin nodded in agreement.

"You're real cool Toshiro, I mean, even though we only spoke over the phone and all" Karin could feel awkardness begin to arise between them suddenly. Toshiro simply chuckled, his voice now embedded into her brain.

"If we never meet or anything, maybe we can talk again" She didn't even think of meeting him, that seemed like passing the line, but she would enjoy speaking to him once again.

"Sounds good, goodnight Toshiro"


"Night' Karin"

The dial tone.

Karin stared at her phone for a minute when abruptly, the screen blinked with the words 'goodbye' before turning black. How convenient? Hooking the device back into the charger, she layed back onto the pillow, noting she was tired afterall. As drowsiness kicked in lazily, she couldn't help but think of her peculiar conversation with a stranger named Toshiro.

A boy with the random number of 1403.

Continue this story or drop?

Review please!