A/N: My hand was itching so bad in the need of writing more Marcus/Oliver fics.. My head was full of that stuff at school, can't really concentrate on the works. But anyways, I got my pc back so I'm totally writing! Enjoy~

Marcus PoV

I entered a Muggle place, with my mom on my side. "Mom, are you sure?" I looked at the Muggle place called the 'dentist'. "No doubt!" mom smiled as a man in a white suit entered the room. "Marcus Flint?" he asked, I nodded and followed the man inside another room. I don't want to remember the rest that happened there. Horrifying, I tell you..

Now I'm at Potions class. Since the new term started at Hogwarts people kept pointing or staring at me, they even tried to touch my new braces. Even Pucey asked me a lot of stuff about my Muggle chains (that's what everyone said about my braces). "Does it hurt?" Adrian stared at my braces. I was way to pissed off to talk about it, of course it hurts for the first few days but I tried to be though, I'm not a pillow.

What pissed me off the most is Oliver Wood's reaction. That jerk. We met at the hall once and Oliver could only laugh his ass off at my new braces, or Oliver just stared at it with curious eyes which bothers me a lot. He had potions class with me now and he just stared at my stupid braces. I knew I was being watched, I always do. Cause everybody is watching me. It sucks how everybody thinks I'm like an alien or something. So disturbing.

"Damn it Wood, will you stop staring?" I growled. Now Oliver stopped gazing, rolled his eyes, and looks away. I feel like beating him up, but I'm not getting detention so I tried not to beat him up.

It was dinner and I have to eat slowly unless bits of food got stuck to my braces bringing giggles and laughs from every direction. Many people had passed me at the hall and stuff and said something like,

"Nice chains." Or "You got something there on your mouth.." or just laugh at my face.

I wish mom wouldn't care much about my looks and just let it be.

There is also this one time I was walking down the hall, alone and then this Longbottom kid from Gryffindor came to me and asked, "Where did you get those? How does those things work?" I wanted to punch him about asking my stupid chains but I know that Weasley Prefect will come any second now so I just said "They're called braces." and storms out.

Time seems to fly so fast. It was MY big day because I'm going to get these idiotic braces off leaving a handsome smile instead of a Troll's scowl. I grinned, I turned to my mom and (unexpectedly)I hugged her. "Thanks, mom.." I feel weird inside, but I'm way too happy anyway. "I told you you'll be better by the time your braces got off.." she answered with a wide smile.

I use to get laughs and humiliation, but now people seem to like me. Even rumors said that some of the girls was having crushes on me. I feel like Potter now, but more muscular and great. Everywhere I looked people seem to look away as if they had been staring at me for many times, But I'm okay with that.. I'm kind of the center of attention so I feel like a star.

Quidditch is still weeks away, I wanna see the look on that Wood Jerk's face. HA! I know he's going to stop laughing and admire me—WAIT, no. Not admire.. just jawdrop or something like that. It's creepy having your rival admiring you. So I went to the great hall, grinning with my handsome smile and people are talking about me, I knew it. I heard giggles from some girls at one side, but I'm not really interested at their reaction. Somehow.

Oliver was there, talking to his friends and he saw me. I smirked. And somehow his cheeks went pink and stuff (sooo Gryffindor-ish) and looks away. What the heck? Why the hell was he even blushing? I don't' really care though. So I just went to eat breakfast with Pucey (who said I'm hot, oh yeah!) and the other Slytherins.

The next day, I had potions again with Wood, Now it's time for revenge! I took a seat on a table beside Wood's and starts drawing his attention to me. I hummed some tune and he looked at me in the corner of his eyes. It's working. I stopped than pretend to look somewhere else, now Wood got his chance to look at me and so he did. Still, looking at somewhere else, I teased him, "You like the new me, huh?" I turned to him and he was blushing again, like before. "Oooh, you do like it?" I teased him more.

"n..no.." he mumbled as he looks away.

"Yes.." I said as he turned to a shade of red.

"I think I—" he stopped his words.

"You what?" I'm a bit curious.

"nevermind" and he stared at Snape who has just entered the room.

The lesson ended so I waited in the door as Wood pass by he seem to not notice me. I grabbed his collars and pulled him close to my face. "I will take.. my Revenge." I said as I grit my perfect teeth to him, he went all nervous and stuff. I dragged him to a broom closet so I'll have my privacy with him, just two of us. No, I don't mean it in that kind of way..

He looked scared, his palms are holding his robes tightly. "Look," I started, "You seem to blush a lot seeing my with my new teeth," I grinned a bit showing him my new set of beautiful teeth, "what's up with you?" I finished. His mouth open and close, but no sound was made. He finally spoke, "uhh.. I think.. I..I.. have.. .. feelings.. for you..and..uhh.. I…" Did he just said feelings? I smirked, "Feelings? What feelings?" I laughed but then I stopped, feelings he say? "Wood. Don't tell me.." I looked at Oliver who was a bit shaking, "you're…gay?" I blurted it out. He tried to put his bravery, I guess. "..yes.." then it was awkward silence.

I tried not to laugh, but failed anyways. "Really Wood? Are you really homosexual?" I stared at him, he was a bit shaky and blushing. What a girl.. He looked at me and said, "Y.. you're not beating me up? … are you?" he seemed scared, well, since not only girls fancy me but guys also. I smirked, "I'm taking my revenge your way.." which means I'll tease his pant off oh, wait, no. Not his pants, that seemed wrong I'm not gay. Or am I? I grinned to myself which made Oliver confused. "Ok, out." I kicked him out from the broom closet and I stormed off myself from it. "Oliver Wood, the captain of Gryffindor team, is a fag—" Oliver narrowed his eyes, "Zip it, Flint!" Oliver went down the hall without another word.

Since time always runs fast Quidditch starts next week. I wanted to use the field to practice on Saturday, but Wood and his team was there. "Damn it Wood, stay out of my schedules will you?" I said to him as he approached to me. "We went here first, so we get to use the field!" Oliver said, poking his little fingers to my chest. Seriously, is that an excuse for touching me? "I grabbed his fingers with my palms, way bigger than his, and threw it to him. He narrowed his eyes, then went away. "Hey!" I called out, "Come here you hom—" I almost screamed his secret, he turned around with widened eyes. Everyone looked at me. "hom-what?" Pucey asked. I shrugged. "Let me deal with this.." Oliver said as he pointed to the Gryffindor Changing room, I stared and followed him there.

We're alone again. "What the hell Flint?" he said angrily. "Sorry.." I said as he clenched his fists, "Look Wood, just because I got a new look doesn't mean I have a good personality too, okay?" I said. His face turned from a shade of red too pink-ish. He's blushing again. "You're blushing again.." I teased him. He scowls, "bet you're having a hard-on there.." I looked at his pants for a bit, then looked up again. He was shrugging and then he went to the exit.

"Hey, we haven't solve the field problem yet." I asked as he went out, "no need to." He murmured then went out. "Ok guys, we'll train later on." Oliver said, he looked at me through his shoulders then walked away. The other Gryffindor players gasped at Oliver. Oliver never gives up about Quidditch, but I guess my guess was right. Is he angry? I teased him and I was correct, maybe he is. I tried to put that aside and went training.

It was another match of Quidditch. At last, I waited for so long.. The game started and we played like we usually do. I got the Quaffle and headed for the goal post, Oliver blocked my way, not again Wood, then I'll just do it the hard way. I swished my broomstick and it hit Oliver, but he got up again somehow and punched me in the face, "I hate you Flint!" His face was red, his eyes are a bit watery. Oh don't tell me I got this too far this time? I punched him back. He growls and I growled back. "Stop copying!" He kicked me, but before I fell off I grabbed on to his foot and he went down with me.

I felt the grass on the sides of my face. I opened my eyes slowly and grunting. Something fell on top of me, I looked down and I saw Oliver lying there with his back facing the skies above. I nudged him. He stayed there, he grabbed on to my clothes tighter, "What now Wood? Care for another punch?" I said, I know he's awake because he lose his grip on me. Ho opened his eyes and looked up at me. "I hat you Flint," he got up and sat on top of me. Whoa, didn't expect that. "I hate you!" he started hitting my chest with his little fists. Chatters are heard everywhere, the payers lay quiet at the skies, Harry stared although the snitch was flying above his head.

Oliver was grunting, his face was red, he slowed his little hits on me. "I hate you.. I hate you.." he looked down on me. I still didn't say anything, let him rant. "I hate you for.. for being a jerk.." he stopped his hits and just looked down, being silent for a moment. "I hate you for being so… annoying ..why do you have to be so…" he paused, then looked up to my face, his cheeks are pink again. "..so.. so… handsome…" his face turned really red again. I grabbed his shoulders, he moved back to my thighs, and I sat up. The whole chattering and stuff went silent. I looked at his eyes, he looked at mine. Yes, okay, I'm gay, I like Oliver.. (you happy now?) I went to lean closer but then someone coughed. We both looked up, it was Professor Dumbledore. Oliver went shaky again.

"I'm sorry boys, but if you don't mind we have underage kids in here too you know.." his eyes are twinkling like always.

I forgot about the crowd. I got up and so did Oliver.

"The indoors are always open for those who loved each other" he said as he jerked his head to the castle.

"Thanks, professor.." Oliver was blushing as Dumbledore laugh a silent laugh.

We both went to the castle hand-in-hand and forgotten all about the game.

A/N: Why braces? because I wore one right now and I thought maybe Marcus also needs one! Marcus will start own 'game' with Oliver if you R&R! ...just kidding :) the rest? I'll handle it to your own imaginations..